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Tracy translate Portuguese

3,161 parallel translation
Tell Tracy I said, "Hoya Saxa." College chant.
Diga à Tracy que eu disse, "Hoya Saxa", o lema da faculdade.
TRACY ( groans ) : Oh, God.
Please! Tracy, look at me.
- Tracy, olhe para mim.
Tracy, I'm gonna look into the back of your eyes to check the pressure in your brain, okay?
Tracy, vou olhar no fundo dos seus olhos para verificar a pressão no cérebro, está bem?
Tracy, I'm gonna help you breathe, okay?
Tracy, vou ajudar-lhe a respirar, está bem?
Okay, Tracy, you are doing great.
Tracy, vai muito bem.
Can I remind you that Tracy Herskope is getting worse inside the chamber.
Devo lembrar que Tracy Herskope está a piorar dentro da câmara.
You found Tracy's finger. ( chuckles )
Encontrou o dedo da Tracy.
Tracy, look at me.
Tracy, olhe para mim.
And Tracy, is she...?
E a Tracy, ela está...?
Okay, Tracy, I'm gonna numb you up.
Certo, Tracy, vou-lhe anestesiar.
How can you be sure?
Tracy, open your mouth and stick out your tongue.
Abra a boca e deite a língua para fora.
Where's Tracy's?
Onde está a da Tracy?
I was in Tracy's convoy when it was attacked.
Estava em missão com a Tracy quando fomos atacados.
You know me, Tracy.
Tu conheces-me, Tracy.
Tracy, there's something I need to ask you.
Tracy, preciso de te perguntar uma coisa.
Tracy, where are you?
Tracy, onde estás?
Tracy Stark.
A Tracy Stark.
Mark, just calling to let you know that things have escalated a little bit with Tracy's... friends.
Mark, só estou a ligar para te dizer que as coisas se agravaram um bocado com... os amigos da Tracy.
We have a Tracy problem.
Temos um problema com o Tracy.
Tracy, we need to start doing damage control on this.
Tracy, temos de começar a controlar os danos.
Tracy, uh, shared that with me last year. What?
O Tracy partilhou isso comigo o ano passado.
Tracy. I know what you're going through.
Tracy, eu sei o que estás a sentir.
You're still Tracy Jordan.
Vá lá, tu ainda és o Tracy Jordan.
If I can't have an affair, Tracy Jordan is finished.
Se eu não conseguir arranjar uma amante, o Tracy Jordan está acabado.
For tracy.
Para o Tracy.
After me. No, tracy.
- Não, Tracy.
- Tracy's alive.
A Tracy está viva.
If I could help you get to Tracy... Do you think she would tell us the whole story?
Se o puder ajudar a chegar até à Tracy acha que ela nos contaria a história toda?
As soon as you can document what Tracy knows, I want it uploaded.
Assim que conseguir documentar o que a Tracy sabe, envie-me.
He's a doctor... Friend of Tracy's.
É um médico... amigo da Tracy.
As soon as you can document what Tracy knows, I want it uploaded.
Assim que conseguires documentar o que a Tracy sabe, quero que me mandes.
[Khamir] That's where they're holding Tracy. Joshua Base.
É ali que a Tracy está presa, na Base de Joshua.
Tracy will be in there.
A Tracy deve estar lá.
- Then it's time to get Tracy.
- São horas de ir buscar a Tracy.
Hey. Tracy.
Olha, a Tracy.
- [Khamir ] Don't move. Don't move! - [ Aaron] Tracy.
Não se mexam!
Don't move! - Tracy. Tracy.
- Tracy...
It's me. It's Dad.
Tracy, sou eu.
We'll see what he knows about Tracy.
Veremos o que sabe sobre a Tracy.
[Aaron] Don't worry, Tracy, we made it.
Não te rales, Tracy. Conseguimos.
Tracy, we know what we saw.
Tracy, sabemos o que vimos.
( Tracy groans )
Tracy, você está bem?
( Tracy wheezing ) She can't breathe.
Ela não consegue respirar.
Tracy, I'm gonna help your breathing. ( computer beeps )
Tracy, vou ajudá-la a respirar.
It's Tracy.
Era a Tracy!
No, tracy.
- Não Tracy.
- Tracy Stark...
Tracy Stark.

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