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Turkeys translate Portuguese

283 parallel translation
You shot these turkeys.
Caçóu estes perus.
It's turkeys.
São perus
- Perus.
Did the poor man get his turkeys back?
E o homem recuperou seus perus?
He didn't rat on us about the turkeys, did he?
Não disse nada sobre os perus, disse?
It's little animals, little turkeys in straw hats.
São pequenos animais, pequenos perus com chapéu de palha.
You have the ducks, the turkeys and the dog
Tens os patos, os perus e o cão
Where the fish, the turkeys, the buffalo, the deer are our food, but we kill only when we are hungry.
Onde o peixe, o peru, o búfalo, o gamo são a nossa comida, mas nós só matamos quando estamos com fome.
Take a wagon to Fort Apache and come back with six turkeys.
Sargento, vá até o Forte Apache e traga pelo menos 6 perus gordos.
Clay pigeons make lousy soup whereas my hens will look like turkeys by election day.
Excremento de pombo dá uma sopa péssima... não como as minhas galinhas que vão parecer perus... no dia das eleições.
We use'em to stick turkeys with.
Nós as usamos para matar perus.
Sir, I put meat loaf in the ovens. There's turkeys in there now.
Botei carne moída no forno, mas agora tem peru.
Real turkeys.
Peru de verdade
Not even a response about the two turkeys I sent for Christmas?
Nem uma resposta aos dois perus que mandei pelo Natal?
With chicks and turkeys and geese
De frangos, perus e gansos
No. Turkeys...
Não... perus.
We need to feed the turkeys chocolate, nuts, and cognac. Cognac?
Peru sem gorduras... com chocolate, nozes e conhaque.
For now, the turkeys.
Agora os perus.
Look at them turkeys.
Olha para aqueles perus.
For the American aviators to reach its adversaries, it was so easy as to whiten turkeys.
Para os aviadores americanos atingirem os seus adversários, era tão fácil como alvejar perus.
Turkeys are worse.
Os perus são piores.
Would you turkeys blow on out of here?
Querem sair daqui, seus falhados?
If only my knuckler had been working... I would have brought those turkeys down.
Se a minha bola lenta estivesse a funcionar, eliminava aqueles falhados um por um.
Next thing you know, they're off buzzing the turkeys in the pickup.
E depois, ficam atropelando abutres com a caminhonete.
So long, turkeys.
Boa viagem, idiotas!
Okay, freeze, you turkeys.
Quietos, idiotas.
Shut up! Shut up, you turkeys!
Calem a boca!
'Come on, you turkeys, get off your duffs and give me some info.'
Andem, idiotas, deixem de vegetar e mandem-me "info".
You have been cited for everything, from reckless driving... to stampeding HersheI Ferguson's turkeys over that cliff.
foste intimado por tudo, desde conduzir de forma imprudente... a empurrar os perus do Hershel ferguson pelo monte abaixo.
Rosco, turkeys got wings.
Rosco, os perus têm asas.
Hey! You turkeys pull off.
Ei encoste Tuth...
Hey! You turkeys pull off.
Ei encoste Turco.
You got 1 5 rib roasts 30 ten-pound bags of hamburger. We got 1 2 turkeys, about 40 chickens 50 sirloin steaks, two dozen of pork roast and 20 legs of lamb.
Há 15 fiadas de costeletas 30 pacotes de hambúrgueres 12 perus, cerca de 40 galinhas 50 bifes de lombo, 2 dúzias de lombo de porco e 20 pernas de carneiro.
If I had my choice, I'd endorse one of the Dallas cheerleaders... before I'd back either one of you... turkeys!
Se pudesse, apoiaria uma das cheerleaders de Dallas... Do que ter de levar com vocês. Imbecis!
What am I doing here? What are those turkeys with automatic weapons doing here?
Elas vão embora amanhã, assim que eu encontrar a professora delas.
The more I look around and see these turkeys, I have...
Quanto mais olho, mais sinto...
Come on. You're a bunch of old turkeys.
Que brigada do reumático!
( Michael ) All right, KlTT, shall we put these turkeys away?
Muito bem, KlTT vamos guardar estes perús?
I'm glad I found you turkeys.
Ainda bem que vos encontro, paspalhos.
Ever since I've been tending turkeys, I mean...
Desde que eu crio perús...
Colonel, I just can't, I mean, now that I work around turkeys all day long, I mean, I'm sorry.
Coronel, eu não consigo, quero dizer, agora que estive com os perús todo dia, eu... sinto muito.
Well, you have to know something when you're tending turkeys.
Bem, temos que saber uma coisa quando criamos perús.
These are the ones that weren't I.D.'d, so maybe somebody can recognize one of these turkeys.
Os que não foram identificados, por isso talvez alguém consiga reconhecer algum destes imbecis.
They were out of turkeys.
- Não tinham peru.
They were out of turkeys.
Não tinham peru.
* And on his farm he had some turkeys E-I-E-I-O * Would you mind giving me a lift to the police box?
Pode-me deixar ali no posto?
You turkeys! He's holding the pool cues on you!
Seus palermas!
You turkeys pull off.
Encoste cara.
A sério?
You turkeys have any ID?
Seus patetas.
turkey 171

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