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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Wale

Wale translate Portuguese

25 parallel translation
You owe it to me...'cause tomorrow I'm gonna wale up and I'll be 50... and I'll still be doin'this shit.
Deves é a mim. Porque amanhã acordo com 50 anos e ainda nesta merda.
Vale was wearing a wire?
O Wale usou uma escuta?
You're not gonna believe who robbed that wale's estate.
Não vais acreditar quando eu te contar quem roubou as coisas dos Kagle.
We found the wale again, and proceeded to come closer ;
Avistámos novamente a baleia. Chegámos mais perto.
Landon Wale, 45.
Landon Wale, 45.
- Why? Either he didn't kill Wale and wants me to catch the killer or he did and wants me to help him elude justice.
Ou ele não matou o Landon Wale e quer a minha ajuda para apanhar o assassino, ou o matou e quer que o ajude a iludir a justiça.
Mrs. Wale, what was your husband's connection to K-RAM Investments?
Sr.ª Wale, qual era a ligação do seu marido com a K-Ram Investments?
Did Mr. Wale ever speak to you about a brokerage in Sacramento called K-RAM?
O Sr. Wale alguma vez lhe falou de uma empresa de contabilidade em Sacramento? K-Ram Investments?
Mrs. Wale, did your husband ever wear jewelry?
Sr.ª Wale, o seu marido usava joias?
Well, he's a con man who may have killed Mr. Wale.
Ele é um vigarista. E pode ter matado o Sr. Wale.
You didn't wanna share with Danny, so you called Wale and met him early.
Não queria dividir com o Danny, então ligou para o Wale e encontrou-se com ele antes.
Tell me what happened with Landon. Honest and quick. I don't have all day.
Conta-me o que aconteceu com o Landon Wale honestamente e rapidamente.
Tell me what happened with Landon Wale.
Conta-me o que aconteceu com o Landon Wale.
- Detective Reece has some concerns about the Landon Wale case.
Mentiu-me. O detective Reece tem algumas perguntas sobre o caso Landon Wale.
It's "agent." We're re-interviewing a number of Mr. Wale's associates.
Estamos a entrevistar novamente alguns dos sócios do Sr. Wales.
- Did Mrs. Wale take it out?
- Foi a Sr.ª Wale que recebeu?
Landon Wale.
Landon Wale.
- Terrible story. Yeah, well, I'd like to speak to Mrs. Wale alone, please.
Gostaria de falar com a Sr.ª Wale a sós, por favor.
Maybe you even knew he was headed off to Brazil with her. But what you didn't know, Mrs. Wale, is that Landon was being played.
Talvez até sabia que ele ia fugir para o Brasil, mas o que não sabia, Srª Wale, é que o Landon estava a ser enganado.
Concetta Wale, you're under arrest.
Concetta Wale, você está presa.
Sac P.D. wanna talk to you about Landon Wale and K-RAM.
A polícia quer falar consigo sobre o Landon Wale e a K-Ram.
So does that make you Welsh, or Wale-ish?
Então, és galês ou galego?
Wale, Ice Cube and Sir Mix-A-Lot!
O Wale, o Ice Cube e o Sir Mix-A-Lot!
"HAWAII FIVE-0" - S02E02 - Ua Lawe Wale - ( Taken )
Oh... ( Hawaii Five-O theme song plays ) ♪ Hawaii Five-O 6x25 ♪ Ke Ali'I Wale No Ka'u Makemake ( My Desire Is Only for the Chief ) Original Air Date on May 13, 2016
HAWAII FIVE-O [ S06E25 - "Ke Ali'I Wale No Ka'u Makemake" ]

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