We had a few drinks translate Portuguese
44 parallel translation
Look, I met some guys, we had a few drinks... one thing led to another... and next thing I knew... I woke up out of town.
Encontrei uns tipos, tomamos umas bebidas... uma coisa levou à outra... e quando percebi... estava noutra cidade.
Well, we had a few drinks, danced a little and you know.
Bebemos umas bebidas, dançámos um pouco, e... - vocês sabem...
I had some friends over, we had a few drinks.
Convidei uns amigos e bebemos uns copos.
I paid him, we had a few drinks, we had a few laughs, and he left.
Paguei-lhe, tomámos uns copos, rimos de larachas e foi-se embora.
We had a few drinks and some weed, and played Drummer God on this giant plasma TV.
- Bebemos, fumámos e jogámos ao Drummer God numa televisão de plasma.
Yeah, we had a few drinks, got chatting and before long, we found ourselves back here, one thing led to another and, er, here she is...
Sim, bebemos uns copos, conversamos e depois encontramo-nos de novo aqui, uma coisa levou à outra e, aqui está ela...
Yeah. And then we had a few drinks.
E bebemos um pouco.
- We had a few drinks.
- Bem, foi ela, não foi?
We had a few drinks, and- -
- Bebemos um pouco e...
We had a few drinks.
Bebemos uns copos.
One night, we went out, we had a few drinks, and we ended up kissing.
Uma noite, saímos, bebemos algumas bebidas, e acabamos por nos beijar.
We had a few drinks, and the next thing that I remember is waking up on the floor of my apartment covered in blood.
Bebemos algumas bebidas e depois só me lembro de acordar no chão do meu apartamento coberta de sangue.
We had a few drinks.
Tomamos umas bebidas.
We had a few drinks, we talked.
Bebemos uns copos, falámos.
Yeah, we had a few drinks.
- Sim, bebemos alguns copos.
We had a few drinks at The Anglers and then a kebab on the way home.
Tomámos algumas bebidas no The Anglers e um kebab no caminho de casa.
Well... we had a few drinks and it was a pretty night.
Bem, tínhamos bebido uns copos e a noite estava bonita.
We went up to her place, had a few drinks.
Fomos para casa dela, bebemos uns copos.
We had dinner a few times, drinks.
Jantámos e bebemos juntos umas vezes.
We had asked a few drinks for the interval, but when there we arrived there were other persons to drink them.
Tínhamos pedido umas bebidas para o intervalo, mas quando lá chegámos estavam outras pessoas a bebê-las.
You never seem to want to get married, and so, one night we went out, had a few drinks... and started discussing art and literature and Freud and Nietzsche.
tu nunca mais te decidias a cassar... E uma noite saímos os dois para beber uns copos, pusemo-nos a discutir arte, literatura, Freud, Nietzsche...
Anyway, me and Eddie, we went and had a few drinks we had a lot of drinks then we went down to the tattoo parlour and I got a Deser Rat done and Eddie being Eddie wanted something with a bit more meaning.
Eddie e eu fomos tomar uns copos... tomamos uns copos, muitos... em seguida fomos fazer a tatuagem, eu tatuei um rato... e Eddie procurava algo com mais significado.
We had some downtime and a few of us went out for drinks.
Tivemos uma pausa e fomos tomar uma bebida.
We just had a few drinks, and things just...
Nós apenas bebemos um pouco e as coisas só
We've had a few drinks, nothing heavy.
Tomamos uns goles, nada sério.
We met at a bar, shot some pool, had a few drinks.
Encontrámo-nos num bar, jogámos bilhar, bebemos uns copos.
We paid our $ 25, went inside, did a lap around the place, had a few drinks.
Pagamos os 25 dólares, entrámos, demos uma volta por lá... bebemos uns copos.
Yeah, we all had a few drinks.
Yep, bebemos todos um bocadinho.
We've had a good night, we've had a few drinks.
Nós tivemos umas boas noitadas, bebemos alguns copos.
We just had a few drinks.
Apenas bebemos algo.
And when people are used to seeing us, when we've had a few drinks we can start doing some interviews.
E quando as pessoas se acostumarem nos vendo... quando bebemos uns goles... poderemos começar com as entrevistas.
Yeah, you know, we both had a few drinks.
Pois, ambos bebemos um bocado.
You know, I went out the night before with a couple of my buddies, and we had a few too many drinks, and I didn't wake up till after 2 : 00.
Saí na noite anterior com uns amigos, bebemos e não acordei antes das 14h.
We've already had a few drinks, so....
Já vimos c'os copos...
We'd had a few drinks and we ran into the kid at the gas station near the club.
Tínhamos bebido um pouco, íamos a correr e chocamos com o miúdo... no posto de gasolina perto do clube.
The day she got released, she showed up at my place, had a few drinks, and then we made love.
No dia em que foi libertada, apareceu lá em casa. Bebemos uns copos e fizemos amor.
We had drinks after work a few times, but I never slept with him.
Tomamos algumas bebidas depois do trabalho, mas eu nunca dormi com ele. - Fleckner.
We were talking, had a few drinks.
Falámos, bebemos.
We met at a hotel bar where she was staying, had a few drinks, and we clicked.
Conheci-a no bar do hotel onde estava hospedada. Tomámos umas bebidas, tivemos um encontro.
- After the presentation, we stopped at the hotel bar, had a few drinks.
- Depois da apresentação, paramos no bar do hotel, bebemos um pouco.
Yeah, we went out and had a few drinks.
Sim, saímos para beber.
Yeah, no, we had drinks a few days ago, and she said you had a friend who...
Sim, não, bebemos uns copos, há dias e ela disse que tinhas um amigo que...
We had a few drinks at The Anglers, and then a kebab on the way home.
Aquilo que fizeste ao computador que te dei.
Maybe we had a few too many drinks but it wasn't...
Podemos ter bebido uns copos, mas não foi...