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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / We were just talking about you

We were just talking about you translate Portuguese

176 parallel translation
We were just talking about you.
Estávamos a falar de si.
- We were just talking about you.
- Estávamos a falar de ti.
We were just talking about you, Carpenter.
Estavamos precisamente a falar de si, Carpenter.
We were just talking about you.
Estávamos mesmo a falar de si.
Smitty, we were just talking about you. How are ya, anyhow?
Smitty, falávamos de si.
Hello, Harry. We were just talking about you.
Estávamos a falar de si.
We were just talking about you.
Nós estávamos a falar de si.
Robbie, we were just talking about you.
Robbie, estávamos falando de si.
In a way, we were just talking about you.
De certo modo, estávamos falando de ti.
Ah, we were just talking about you and marriage.
Ah, falavamos justamente de ti e de matrimônio.
We were just talking about you.
Que giro, estávamos a falar de si.
Good Sharki Colonel God, we were just talking about you.
Bom Sharki, Coronel... Deus! Estávamos mesmo falando de si.
We were just talking about you.
- Estávamos falando de si.
We were just talking about you.
Estivemos a falar em si.
We were just talking about you.
Nós estávamos justamente falando sobre você. Olá colega.
We were just talking about you.
Nós estávamos precisamente a falar de ti.
- We were just talking about you
Falávamos agora sobre ti.
we were just talking about you.
Boa sorte, Alf. Obrigado, Brian.
We were just talking about you.
Estávamos a falar de ti.
Hi, Lurleen. We were just talking about you.
Olá Lurleen, estávamos mesmo a falar de ti.
Imagine. We were just talking about you!
Estávamos mesmo a falar de si.
We were just talking about you!
Estávamos falando de ti!
We were just talking about you.
Estávamos mesmo a falar de ti.
- We were just talking about you.
- Estávamos mesmo a falar de si.
Hello. We were just talking about you.
Conhece o novo Orgazmo?
Come in, Doctor. We were just talking about you.
Entre, Doutor, estávamos a falar de si.
We were just talking about you.
Estávamos a falar sobre você.
Why, Mrs Crowley, we were just talking about you.
Porquê, Mrs Crowley, nós estávamos mesmo a falar da senhora.
- Hey, boss, we were just talking about you.
Estávamos a falar de si.
We were just talking about you.
Estamos falando de você.
- We were just talking about you.
- Falávamos de você. Como vai?
We were just talking about you.
Estávamos mesmo a falar sobre ti.
Caspar. We were just talking about you and your friend.
Estávamos mesmo a falar de ti e do teu amigo.
Luke, we were just talking about you.
Luke, estávamos mesmo a falar de ti.
We were just talking about you today... about, uh- -
Precisamente hablabamos de tí hoje--sobre. uh- -
- We were just talking about you know, down the docks.
- Estávamos a falar daquilo, nas docas.
We were just talking about you.
Hey, Val. Estavamos a falar de ti.
We were just talking about you. Hey, you called me, pal.
Tu é que me telefonaste, amigo.
you know, just the other da y, i was talking to myself about you, and we were wondering what had become of you.
Sabes, ainda no outro dia, Estava a falar comigo mesmo sobre ti, E perguntámo-nos o que era feito de ti.
You know, we were just talking about the word "nepenthe."
Você sabe, estávamos justamente falando da palavra "nepenthe."
Remember when you found us together yesterday and I said we were just talking about Jean?
Lembra-se de nos ter encontrado ontem e de eu ter dito que falávamos da Jean?
Quem é esta rapariga?
Um, Fras and I were just talking about how sorry we feel about you.
O Fras e eu estavamos a conversar sobre como sentimos muito por ti.
I figured, kids are going to fight, and you must have been only... six, seven,... so we were just talking about little bare fists, just skin.
Você devia ter uns... 6 ou 7 anos. e eram brigas sem conseqüências.
You know what's weird? We were just talking about meeting family today.
Que estranho, estávamos agora a falar de reuniões de família.
You know, Ray and I were talking about our wills and we just think you're great parents, and we were wondering if you would want to be the guardians of our kids if anything should happen to us.
Sabem, o Ray e eu estivemos a falar dos nossos testamentos. Achamos que são pais maravilhosos e estávamos a pensar se gostariam de ser tutores dos nossos filhos, se nos acontecer alguma coisa.
We were just talking about how stunningly beautiful you are, really.
Estávamos a comentar que estás lindíssima.
When you told me we were going to a bar called The Tight End I just assumed you were talking about a sports bar
Quando me disseste que íamos a um bar chamado "O Fim Apertado", pensei que estavas a falar de um salão de jogos.
Well, we were just talking about... you guys getting married and how great it is.
Estávamos para aqui a falar de vocês irem casar-se e de como isso é fabuloso.
I knew that they needed it and I know that he'd finished it, so I just figured I'd run it down there myself, like what you were talking about last week, just taking care of stuff when we see it,
O quê? Sabia que precisavam delas e sabia que ele já tinha terminado portanto, mandei-as.
We were just talking about you.
Estávamos falando sobre você. - Mesmo?

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