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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / We were waiting for you

We were waiting for you translate Portuguese

106 parallel translation
- We were waiting for you.
- Estávamos à sua espera.
- No, we were waiting for you.
- Não, estávamos à tua espera.
This house and I... we were waiting for you.
Esta casa e eu... estivemos à tua espera.
While we were waiting for you, we jumped over to Hays down in the big blue, just for jokes, and who was there?
Enquanto estávamos à tua espera fomos a Hays, só para nos divertirmos. E imagina só quem lá estava?
Excellency, we were waiting for you here.
Excelencia, que aconteceu? Esperávamos por si aqui,
While we were waiting for you -
Enquanto esperávamos...
- We were waiting for you.
- Estávamos esperando-o.
Good evening, I'm Steiner's wife. We were waiting for you. Good evening, I'm Steiner's wife.
- Boa noite, sou a mulher do Steiner.
We were waiting for you.
- Entrem, estávamos à vossa espera.
Oine! We were waiting for you.
Pensei que viria.
We were waiting for you, sahib.
Esperávamos por ti, sahib.
We were waiting for you.
- Estávamos à tua espera.
Everything's fine. We were waiting for you.
Sim, estávamos à vossa espera.
- Not yet. we were waiting for you.
- Não, estávamos à vossa espera.
We were waiting for you, commander.
Estavamos a sua espera, comandante.
- Because we were waiting for you.
- Estávamos à sua espera.
We were waiting for you.
Estávamos à tua espera.
No, we were waiting for you.
Não, nós estavamos esperando por ti.
Oh Didier, we were waiting for you, come this way!
Ah já chegou, já só faltava você.
We were waiting for you to call.
Estávamos à espera do teu telefonema.
Come on. We were waiting for you.
Venham, estávamos à vossa espera.
We were waiting for you at the station.
Estávamos à sua espera na esquadra.
We were waiting for you to begin.
Estávamos à espera de você para começar.
We were waiting for you.
Estávamos à sua espera.
We were waiting for you guys to get back from the hospital.
Estávamos à espera que voltassem do hospital.
Hey, we were waiting for you to call back'cause we have some info.
Sim. Temos estado a espera da tua chamada, para te darmos as novidades.
We were just waiting for you before we served the biscuits dry as the duchess's pussy.
Estávamos só à vossa espera para começar a festa e servir as bolachas secas e arquisecas, tal como a rata da arquiduquesa é seca, arquiseca.
We were still waiting for you there, less than 100 miles from Kingsbay.
Nós continuávamos ainda ali à espera, a menos de 480 quilómetros de Kingsbay.
Last time we were alone together, you said some things were worth waiting for.
A última vez que estivemos juntos, tu disseste que algumas coisas valiam a pena esperar.
We were just waiting for you to get better before arranging a visit.
só esperávamos as suas melhoras para que a visita fosse oportuna.
- I've been waiting for you. - How did you know we were coming?
Estávamos à vossa espera.
Yes, we were waiting for our mail to arrive and I happened to mention to her how you felt it was never going to "happen" for you.
! - Sim. Aguardávamos o carteiro e, por acaso, referi que a Elaine achava que nunca se casaria.
- Your seat's waiting for you. - We were just in the middle of Louis'essay.
Senta-te no teu lugar.
We've just received the coded subspace signal you were waiting for.
Acabámos de receber o sinal codificado que esperava.
In fact, you were following us yesterday when we were walking to Engineering and the day before when I was waiting for Tom outside the shuttle bay.
Na verdade, você nos seguiu ontem quando íamos para a Engenharia e anteontem quando eu esperava por Tom fora da baía de atracação.
You told me we were going to denny's. I was waiting for you in the parking lot.
Disseste-me que íamos ao Denny's. Estava à tua espera no parque.
We were waiting for you.
Estávamos á sua espera.
We were there half the night waiting for a doctor after you left.
Passámos lá metade da noite à espera dum médico.
You were late, and we were just hanging out, waiting for you.
Você estava atrasado, e nós estávamos só a conviver, à sua espera.
You're the one we were waiting for.
Estávamos à tua espera.
We were only waiting for you.
Só aguardavam a sua chegada.
We were waiting for you. It is hour of responding to your actions.
Estávamos à espera de si.
We were waiting till we could print this for you.
Esperámos até que pudéssemos imprimir isto para si.
You know, we've been waiting for the workmen forever, and in fact, they were supposed to be here by now. I'm sorry.
All those years we were friends were you waiting for me to step aside so you could make your move?
Em todos os anos que fomos amigos só estavas à espera que me afastasse para poderes avançar?
Dr Cox, we heard that you were waiting for the paediatrician.
Dr. Cox, soubemos que estava à espera do pediatra.
We heard that you were waiting for the paediatrician.
Soubemos que estava à espera do pediatra.
Let's talk about how while I was waiting for you to find me so that we could finally be together, you were confessing your feelings and kissing serena.
Vamos falar sobre eu estar à tua espera, para que finalmente pudéssemos estar juntos, enquanto tu estavas a confessar os teus sentimentos e a beijar a Serena.
We Were All Waiting There For You At The Bar For Hours, By The Way,
Estávamos todos à tua espera no bar, à propósito, por horas
I haven't seen you since we were at the hospital hanging out, waiting for sam to wake up out of her coma.
Então... Não te via desde que estivemos no hospital. Estivemos juntos, à espera que a Sam acordasse do coma.
You know, I met her at Grand Central station, and we were both waiting for a train.
Sabes, eu conhecia na Grand Central Station, eu e ela estávamos à espera do comboio.

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