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Were there translate Portuguese

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I know. We were there waiting for the boat to come, whatever, the ferry.
Eu sei, estávamos lá... à espera que o barco chegasse ou lá o que era, o ferry.
Were there people like that throughout history?
Houve sempre pessoas assim?
I thought your agents were there to kill me.
Pensei que os vossos agentes foram lá para matar-me.
They were there, and you could think,
Eles estavam ali e podíamos pensar :
Most were in the building with the hostages, but there's one signal coming from 28 Liberty.
A maioria estava no prédio onde estão os reféns, mas há um sinal no 28 Liberty.
What were y'all doing pulling heat back there?
- Por que Polícia está atrás de vocês?
The reporters figured us for'em, but... we were never there.
A imprensa responsabilizou-nos, mas nunca lá estivemos.
Well, if there were no gods, then anyone could do anything, and nothing would matter.
Se não houvessem Deuses, então todos poderiam fazer qualquer coisa, e nada importava.
He said that there were others.
Ele disse que existem outros.
But up until now, there's never been any proof that they were involved with his death.
Mas, até agora, nunca existiram provas que estiveram envolvidos na morte.
There was a reason we were sitting on him.
Havia uma razão para andarmos atrás dele.
There was the problem of Rome's neighbors. Both to the east, and to the north. The Parthians to the east and Germanic tribes to the north, which were a threat.
Havia o problema da vizinhança de Roma, a Leste e a Norte, com os Partas a Oriente e as tribos germânicas a norte, que eram uma ameaça.
There were clearly any number of folks in the Roman Senate themselves, who were senators, who thought that they had even better claim to nobility or to the throne than the reigning Emperor himself.
Havia claramente vários senadores no Senado Romano que julgavam ter mais direito à nobreza, ou ao trono, do que o imperador em funções.
Cassius, you've always been there for me ever since we were children.
Cássio, sempre me apoiaste, desde crianças.
But there were also problems of loyalty.
Mas havia problemas de lealdade.
And then as the climax, you had a gladiatorial combat, and there was the feeling that gladiators were the headline act.
E depois, como o auge, havia combates gladiatórios. E havia o sentimentos de que os gladiadores eram a atuação principal.
There were more on the list.
Há mais à solta.
There were people who were literally out there, ready to tear him to pieces.
Havia pessoas que estavam à espera de o despedaçar.
There were black people at the time in Harlem, believe it or not.
Na altura, havia negros no Harlem, acreditem ou não.
'Cause there were five martial arts stores on 42nd Street.
Porque havia cinco lojas de artes marciais na Rua 42ª.
There were no flowers at the bodegas before...
Não havia flores nas mercearias, antes.
When I was growing up, there were a lot of Arab candy store, grocery stores in Park Slope.
Quando era criança, havia muitas lojas de doces de árabes, mercearias em Park Slope.
In those days, there were no blond people. The only blond people were...
Naquela altura, não havia pessoas louras, as únicas eram...
Well, like I told you, there were no errors made during the trial.
Bem, como vos disse, não houve erros durante o julgamento.
- Sam, just tell the judge there were rumors Tom was taking bribes to fix cases for criminals.
- Sam, diz à Juíza que havia rumores de que o Tom aceitava subornos para tratar de casos.
There were massive deposits made into Bill's accounts around the time of Earl's fraud case.
Houve grandes depósitos nas contas do Bill na altura do caso do Earl por fraude.
There were tens of thousands of "secuestros" in Mexico last year.
Houve milhares de "sequestros" no México o ano passado.
There were continual gun battles between the Abu Sayyaf and the armed forces of the Philippines.
Havia tiroteios contínuos entre o Abu Sayyaf e as forças armadas das Filipinas.
There were members of the Scout Rangers and of the Philippine Army that were already there, plus members of the local police.
JORNALISTA DE TELEVISÃO Os Scout Rangers e o exército filipino já se encontravam lá, assim como a Polícia local.
There were certain members of the group that were kind of what people would refer to as "true believers," but that wasn't largely the group.
Certos membros do grupo eram aquilo a que as pessoas se referiam como "seguidores fiéis", mas eles não eram a maioria.
That they were still out there somewhere.
Que ainda estavam algures por aí.
There were days we woke up, and there'd be 10, 15 guys gone.
Havia dias em que acordávamos e 10 ou 15 homens tinham ido embora.
There were 14 of us, maybe?
Éramos 14, talvez?
There were days I told Martin...
Houve dias em que disse ao Martin...
There were people and seats in here.
Havia pessoas e cadeiras aqui.
Mr. President, when you were in parliament, there were many minds.
Pensa demasiado, desde que foi deputado na assembleia.
Although disaster and evil were inside, wasn't there also Hope?
Existem desastres e azares. Mas também existe esperança.
And when I got there, it seemed to me like there were 2,000 inmates, 2,100, somewhere thereabouts.
Quando lá cheguei, parecia haver dois mil reclusos, Mais ou menos 2100.
[Guynes] Once they hit the doors and let everybody out, there were a lot of old vendettas... being settled.
Quando chegaram às portas e deixaram todos sair, houve muitos ajustes de contas.
We knew there were hostages in there.
Sabíamos que havia reféns.
[Rice] Petitions were actually being circulated to, you know, go in there and get those SOBs because they've given up all their rights.
Circulavam petições... VAMOS LIGAR A ENERGIA ELÉTRICA! ... para entrar e matar os sacanas, pois tinham abdicado dos direitos deles.
I said whatever it took to make the inmates in there happy, and to make sure that those officers in there were safe there.
REFÉM LIBERTADO JUSTIFICA-SE Disse o que era necessário para manter os reclusos felizes e certificar-me de que os guardas estavam seguros.
There were over 1,200 pieces of evidence that they had to dig through.
Havia mais de 1200 provas que eles tiveram de descobrir.
If these guys who were the negotiators for a peaceful surrender are executed, next time there's a prison riot, nobody's gonna be willing to come forward to be a peacemaker.
Se estes tipos que negoceiam uma rendição pacífica são executados, no próximo motim numa prisão, ninguém se oferecerá para negociar a paz.
And then there were those other developments, which would hardly have improved the mood of the leader of the master race.
E depois há os outros desenvolvimentos, que não teriam melhorado o humor do líder da raça suprema.
There were also some technical issues.
Havia também problemas técnicos.
[narrating] There's always this fear that perhaps if they were worthless, then they might as well shoot them.
Houve sempre um medo de que, se eles não valessem nada, os pudessem matar.
There were a number of times we had phone calls.
Recebemos imensos telefonemas.
After that period, this business became an industry, and there were gangs whose sole focus was kidnapping.
Depois disso, esta atividade tornou-se numa indústria e havia gangues que só tinham o objetivo de raptar.
[Carr] We were aware now that there were four men looking after us, and we started to get to know their characters, so we gave them nicknames.
Já sabíamos que havia quatro homens a vigiar-nos e começámos a conhecê-los, por isso demos-lhes alcunhas.
- [gunfire ] - [ shouting ] [ siren wailing] And there were other people in Russia at that time that I had dealings with who were most definitely not honest, but that was the nature of the Russian system at the time.
Havia outras pessoas na Rússia, naquela altura, com quem eu negociava e que não eram minimamente honestas, mas, na altura, era essa a natureza do sistema russo.

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