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Westmoreland translate Portuguese

98 parallel translation
On Wednesday next, Harry, you shall set forth. Our hands are full of business. Let's away.
O Conde de Westmoreland partirá hoje,... tu irás dentro de três días, há assuntos graves pendentes.
Ah, my Lord Westmoreland. I heard say Your Lordship had already been at Shrewsbury.
Milorde Westmoreland, ouvi dizer que já estivésseis em Shrewsbury!
The Earl of Westmoreland, 7,000 strong, is marching hitherwards. With him, Prince John. No harm.
- O Conde de Westmoreland... avança com 10 mil homens nesta direção com o Príncipe John.
Lancaster. Westmoreland!
- Lancaster, Westmoreland!
And my first interesting person tonight is - the highly interesting mr. Howard Stools, from Kendal in Westmoreland.
Howard Stools de Kendal, em Westmorland.
Mr. Howard Stools from Kendal in Westmoreland, half an inch long.
Howard Stools de Kendal, em Westmorland, com 12 mm.
Do you think you could ever communicate with a guy like Nixon or Westmoreland? I hope so.
Achas possível comunicar com um tipo como o Nixon ou o Westmoreland?
The Sweet Inspirations... look grown with a beautiful high, voice, she ´ s Kathy Westmoreland.
The Sweet Inspirations. E uma das mais belas vozes, a soprano Kathy Westmoreland.
And year before that it was Westmoreland... and I gave my lung away the year before that... to my Aunt Sophie.
E um em Westmoreland, e um pulmão à minha tia Sophie no ano anterior.
My Lord of Westmoreland, uncle Exeter, we will aboard tonight.
Lorde de Westmoreland, tio Exeter, embarcaremos à noite.
My cousin Westmoreland?
Meu primo Westmoreland?
Rather, proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host, that he which hath no stomach to this fight... let him depart.
Declara, Westmoreland, através de meu exército... que aquele que não tem coragem de lutar, pode retirar-se.
Gardner's edition of the "Holy Sonnets" returns to the Westmoreland manuscript source of 1610.
A edição da Gardner retoma os manuscritos de Westmoreland datados de 1610.
Now, Wheeler, the other Chiefs, Westmoreland are fit to be tied, as you know, and now this from Ambassador Taylor.
Wheeler, os Chefes de Estado e Westmoreland estão impacientes e, agora, esta notícia do Embaixador Taylor.
General Westmoreland is requesting a Hawk missile battalion.
O General Westmoreland pede um batalhão com mísseis Hawk.
Yeah, and Westmorel and wants how many?
O Westmoreland quer quantos mais?
You tell Westmorel that he's got the authority.
Concedo autorização ao Westmoreland.
Phase I of Westmoreland's program alone is going to run us twelve billion dollars.
A Fase 1 do plano de Westmoreland vai custar-nos 12 biliões de dólares.
But Westmoreland says if we put the men in, there's a chance they'll quit by year's end, right?
Se tivesse homens, o Westmoreland resolvia isto até fim do ano, certo?
Westmoreland's plan is sound, every quantitative measurement shows we can win.
O plano de Westmoreland é seguro. Todas as previsões apontam para uma vitória. Segundo :
I've asked the Commanding General, General Westmoreland, what more he needs to meet this mounting aggression.
Perguntei ao General Westmoreland, que comanda as operações, o que seria preciso para enfrentar esta ameaça de agressão.
Just a moment, gentlemen, the President undertook this program because General Westmoreland was confident we could win.
Esperem aí, meus senhores. O Presidente deu luz verde a este plano porque o General Westmoreland lhe assegurou uma vitória.
Pentagon sources tell CBS news that General Westmoreland has been granted even great authority over the use of B-52s in Vietcong controlled areas in the South.
Fontes do Pentágono disseram à CBS que, Foi concedido ao General Westmoreland, ainda mais autoridade sobre os B-52 nas áreas controladas pelos Vietcongs no sul
And Westmoreland is requesting additional men.
E o Westmoreland, está a pedir mais homens.
You need to go out there on the stump and sell the truth Westmoreland is now aying that a Communist military victory is impossible.
Você necessita sair e vender a verdade, Westmoreland dizer que uma vitória militar comunista é impossível. Você finalmente está a ganhar no Vietnam. Estamos a ganhar, mas estamos a perder.
Moyers, get me Moyers, and get me General Westmoreland on the other line.
Moyers, liga-me ao Moyers, e põe-me o general Westmoreland na outra linha.
Admiral Sharp, General Westmoreland, and his commanders, as they are fully aware, and as the President is aware.
Almirante Sharp, General Westmoreland, e seus comandantes, porque estão inteiramente cientes, assim como o presidente.
Now Westmoreland says he wants 206,000 more troops!
Agora Westmoreland quer mais 206.000 tropas!
I want you to get Westmoreland here, get your people together and look at this thing.
Eu quero que me tragas aqui o Westmoreland, Junta os teus homens e olha para esta coisa.
And General Westmoreland says that they suffered 45,000 killed, with a 1 to 3.5 killed to wounded ratio.
E o General Westmoreland disse que eles sofreram 45.000 mortos, com uma relação 1.3 a 1.5 de feridos.
General, according to you and General Westmoreland we have killed and wounded 120 % of the enemy.
General, de acordo consigo e com o General Westmoreland, Nós matamos e ferimos 120 % do inimigo.
one, send Westmoreland only those forces that will satisfy his immediate need.
Uma : envie a Westmoreland só essas forças Que satisfazerão as suas necessidades imediatas.
I have asked the Commanding General General Westmoreland what more he needs to meet this mounting aggression.
Perguntei ao responsável pelas Forças Armadas, o General Westmoreland, de que mais precisa para fazer frente a esta agressão crescente.
General Westmoreland wants a briefing.
O General Westmoreland quer um briefing.
I hope it was Westmoreland.
Espero que tenha sido o Westmoreland.
- Westmoreland. Pope wants to see you.
O Pope quer ver-te.
Charles Westmoreland Senior was the one locked up that day.
O Charles Westmoreland Senior era o que estava preso nesse dia.
- Westmoreland and his money are in.
- Temos Westmoreland e o seu dinheiro.
I can come and go without using the door, and with Westmoreland as lookout, we'll have one more man for digging.
Posso ir e voltar sem ser pela porta e com o Westmoreland de vigia, teremos mais um homem para cavar.
- Westmoreland.
- Westmoreland.
Then Westmoreland.
Depois é o Westmoreland.
- You're Charles Westmoreland, right?
- És o Charles Westmoreland, não és?
Every new fish that comes in, first thing they hear is Charles Westmoreland's DB Cooper.
Todos os bichos, a primeira coisa que ouvem é que C. Westmoreland é DB Cooper.
Mr Westmoreland.
Sr. Westmoreland.
So the question is, why would Charles Westmoreland be in Arizona boosting a car ten states away from where he lived, and only ten miles from the Mexican border?
A questão é saber por que estava o Charles Westmoreland no Arizona a roubar um carro, a dez Estados do local onde vivia, e apenas a 15 km da fronteira mexicana.
Seven hours after the hijacking, records show Charles Westmoreland was treated for a busted knee at a free clinic in Brigham City.
Sete horas depois, Westmoreland foi tratado a um ferimento no joelho, Numa clínica de Brigham City.
Charles Westmoreland was the proud owner of a'65 Chevy Nova.
Charles Westmoreland era o orgulhoso proprietário de um Chevy Nova 65.
But without Westmoreland, we're never getting in that room.
Mas, sem o Westmoreland, nunca entraremos naquela sala.
The Earl of Westmoreland sets forth today.
Eu prometo!
Admiral Sharp, Bob,
Westmoreland e o Almirante Sharp são contra.
Westmoreland again? Scofield.
- Outra vez o Westmoreland?

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