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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / What are they going to do

What are they going to do translate Portuguese

166 parallel translation
- What are they going to do?
- Que vão eles fazer?
- Well, what are they going to do now?
- O que irão fazer agora?
- What are they going to do?
- Que vão fazer?
When they find me, what are they going to do?
Quando eles me encontrarem, o que vão fazer?
And fourth : What are they going to do about it?
E quarto, o que vão fazer?
O que vão fazer?
What are they going to do?
Que irão fazer?
What are they going to do?
Que vão eles fazer?
What are they going to do with them boys, Father?
O que vão fazer com os rapazes, senhor padre?
Poor Reverend Mother, what are they going to do now?
- Reflita. - O que vão lhe fazer agora?
- What are they going to do with me?
- O que vão eles fazer comigo?
- What are they going to do?
- O que vão fazer?
What are they going to do?
Para que servem?
- What are they going to do with us?
- O que vai acontecer com nós?
- What are they going to do?
- O que é que eles vão fazer?
What are they going to do to him?
Que é que eles lhe vão fazer?
What are they going to do, fire you?
Fazem-te o quê, despedem-te?
What are they going to do to you?
Que vão eles fazer consigo?
What are they going to do to me, Sarge?
Vão fazer-me o quê, Sargento?
What are they going to do, put us off the ship?
O que vão eles fazer, colocar-nos fora da nave?
- What are they going to do to us?
- Que irão elas fazer-nos?
- What are they going to do with him?
- O que lhe vão fazer?
And what are they going to do with that freedom?
E que vão eles fazer com isso?
What are they going to do with B'Elanna?
O que vão eles fazer com a B'Elanna?
What are they going to do to her?
O que lhe vão fazer?
What are they going to do?
O que é que eles vão fazer?
What are they going to do?
Que querem eles de nós?
What are they going to do when they find a haIf-KIingon in here?
O que eles vão fazer quando encontrarem uma meio Klingon aqui?
What are they going to do with her.
O que é que eles vão fazer com ela?
Besides, what are they going to do?
E depois, que fariam comigo?
And people, of course, who see what miracles physicists are able to achieve, like going to outer space, splitting atoms or making bombs, believe that scientists who are so powerful also must be very wise, and so they don't question their work anymore and they leave their own responsibility in the hands of these people they envision to have this power of knowledge.
E as pessoas, vendo os milagres que os físicos realizam como viagens espaciais, a fissão do átomo, a bomba... acham que os cientistas, tão poderosos, também são sábios... e não questionam mais o trabalho deles. Deixam as suas responsabilidades nas mãos... de quem acham que detém o poder do conhecimento.
So, what are you going to do when they arrest you?
O que vai fazer, quando o prenderem?
Are you going to do what they want?
Vais fazer aquilo que eles querem?
If he can't open it, they'll kill him. What are we going to do, Chief?
O que vamos fazer, chefe?
They really do not know what we are going to do.
Não sabem realmente o que vamos fazer.
Now they are going to see what he will do.
Agora é que vão ver o que ele vos faz.
By the time they get to you, are you going to remember what you wanted to say?
Quando chegar a tua altura, vais lembrar-te do que querias dizer?
What do you think? Are you going to do what they want?
- Que é o que pensa?
They say, what are we going to do. I wish I knew. I can't accept it anymore.
Não sei, já não posso dormir, estou farto de me deixar humilhar.
Ooh, Colonel... ( Chuckles ) I know what they are going to do with the cuckoo clock.
Coronel, acho que sei o que vão fazer com o relógio de cuco.
what do you think they are going to do to us, rene?
O que achas que nos vão fazer?
they could be anywhere. what are we going to do?
Eles podem estar em qualquer lado, que fazemos?
"What are we going to do, Al?" "What are we going to do, Al?" Well, when you're out of the bedroom, the answers don't come easy, do they, Peg?
Nesse dia programem o canal para o que querem ver e depois tirem as pilhas do controlo remoto.
If they come back, what are we going to do?
Se eles voltarem, o que vamos fazer?
It is when what they are going to realize what the Mafia, the Black Hand and Nostra Sews it do not they exist?
Quando é que vão perceber que a Máfia, a Mão Negra e a Cosa Nostra não existem?
What are they going to do?
O quê?
What do you think they are going to say when you let them go?
O que acha que eles vão dizer quando o deixarem sair?
But I suggest that if your job is to do what's best for this child, you do all you can to tell the authorities that if they take Emily out of this hospital, they are going to hasten her illness.
Mas sugiro que, se o seu trabalho é conseguir o melhor para esta criança, faça tudo o que puder para dizer às autoridades que, se tirarem a Emily deste hospital, vão piorar a doença dela.
What the hell are they going to do with torpedoes?
Que raio vão eles fazer com torpedos?
What they are going to do for you which CNN did for Desert Storm.
Isso, elas vão fazer por vós o que a CNN fez na Tempestade do Deserto.
Look, if they let me do this for you, what are you going to do for me?
Se me deixarem fazer isto por ti, o que vais fazer por mim?

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