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What did you think would happen translate Portuguese

56 parallel translation
You left them on a vibrating bed. What did you think would happen?
Deixou-as numa cama vibratória, o que pensava que ia acontecer?
What did you think would happen?
O que esperavas?
What did you think would happen- - storming in here and accusing me and my grandson of being a couple of shape-shifters?
Não queríamos que as coisas se descontrolassem. O que achavam que aconteceria, entrando aqui e acusando-me a mim e ao meu neto de sermos metamorfos?
- What did you think would happen?
- O que achavas que iria acontecer?
what did you think would happen to the Bajoran prisoners that you arrested?
O que achava que ia acontecer aos prisioneiros bajorianos que detinha?
- What did you think would happen?
- Que pensaste que ia acontecer? Não pensei.
- What did you think would happen?
- O que pensaste que iria acontecer?
What did you think would happen?
Que contava que acontecesse?
What did you think would happen?
O que achas que aconteceu?
- What did you think would happen?
- Que julgaste que aconteceria?
- What did you think would happen?
O que achas que aconteceria?
What did you think would happen when you made that speech?
O que achaste que acontecia quando fizeste o discurso?
Mia, what did you think would happen when you beat out jack for the publisher's job?
Mia, o que achavas que aconteceria quando ganhasses o emprego de editora ao Jack?
What did you think would happen when you gave me their personal files?
O que pensa que vai acontecer quando me der as fichas pessoais?
What did you think would happen? I just...
- O que achavas que ia acontecer?
What did you think would happen, Sandy?
O que achaste que ia acontecer, Sandy?
- What did you think would happen?
- O que é que pensaste que ia acontecer?
What did you think would happen?
O que achou que aconteceria?
Come on, Mom, what did you think would happen?
Vá lá, mãe. O que achas que iria acontecer?
What did you think would happen with a white swimsuit?
O que esperavas dum fato de banho branco?
And what did you think would happen then?
- E pensaste no que ia acontecer?
What did you think would happen when I went off to McGill?
O que achas que ia acontecer quando fosse para McGill?
What did you think would happen?
O que pensou que fosse acontecer?
What did you think would happen when you played "Carrie" with her dresses?
O que achavas que iria acontecer quando te fizeste passar de Carrie com os vestidos dela?
What did you think would happen, you stupid cow?
O que pensavas que ia acontecer, sua vaca estúpida?
What did you think would happen?
O que achas que pode acontecer?
What did you think would happen?
O que achou que ia acontecer?
So you lied to your boss, What did you think would happen?
Mentiu ao seu chefe. O que achava que ia acontecer?
What did you think would happen when you went AWOL?
O que achas que ia acontecer se desaparecesses?
What did you think would happen to her?
O que achou que iria acontecer com ela?
What did you think would happen when you asked me to get information?
O que pensavas que ia acontecer quando me pediste por informações?
What did you think would happen Kate?
- O que achas ia acontecer?
What did you think would happen?
O que é que pensavas que iria acontecer?
What did you think would happen?
O que é que achas que iria acontecer?
What did you think would happen?
O que julgavas que ia acontecer?
What did you think would happen, Red?
O que pensavas que ia acontecer, Red?
Did you ever think what would happen if Baby and George got together?
Já pensaste no que aconteceria se estes dois se juntassem?
What do you think would happen to him, if it did?
- O que aconteceria se se soubesse?
What did you think would happen?
O que acha que aconteceria?
Did you ever think what would happen if you busted your throwin'hand, Vega?
Pensou no que aconteceria se machucasse a mão com que lanças?
Did you ever stop to think what would happen if I had a heart attack?
Já parou para pensar o que aconteceria se eu tivesse um enfarte?
So, I know you're not supposed to go anyplace else, but, bear with me here, what if we did? Okay. What do you think would happen?
O que é que achas que pode acontecer?
For God's sake, do you know what would happen to me if people think I actually did this?
Por amor de Deus... Sabes o que me ia acontecer se as pessoas pensassem que eu fiz isto?
What did you think would actually happen?
O que pensaste que ia acontecer?
I mean, did you ever stop to think what would happen - if we ever needed to go back?
Alguma vez pensaste o que aconteceria se tivéssemos de reanalisar o caso?
And what did you think would happen?
O que você acha que iria acontecer?
Look, I think you didn't consider... what would happen to her when you set up shop here, but no one does a stretch like you did... without making some mistakes when they first come out.
Ouve, acho que não pensaste no que lhe podia acontecer quando vieste para cá, mas ninguém cumpre uma pena de 15 anos sem cometer uns erros quando sai em liberdade.
What did you think would happen?
O que é que achas que ia acontecer?
What did you think would happen?
O que pensou que ia acontecer?
What did you think would happen?
O que pensais que acontecerá?
So, Reacher, after those phone calls, what exactly did you think would happen?
Reacher, após tantos telefonemas, ao certo o que pensavas que aconteceria?

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