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Who did that to you translate Portuguese

312 parallel translation
- Who did that to you?
- Quem te fez isso?
Who did that to you?
Mas o que aconteceu?
Who did that to you?
Quem é que te fez isso?
Who did that to you?
Quem te fez isso?
Who did that to you?
Quem lhe fez isso?
Who did that to you?
Quem os pôs nesse estado?
- Who did that to you?
Quem te fez isso?
Oh, yeah? The same "no one" who did that to you?
A mesma "ninguém" que fez isso contigo?
That wasn't me who did that to you, to your friend.
Não fui eu quem lhe fez isso a você... e a seu amiga.
Today you'll see what happens to those who forget... that my friend King James did you all a favor... in saving you from your just fate on the gallows.
Hoje verão o que acontece a quem esquece... que o meu amigo Rei James lhes fez um favor... ao salvá-los do vosso destino na forca.
A very important "but", it so happens that I hold a card which you did not even know to be in the pack. Who's bluffing now?
- Quem está a fazer bluff, agora?
Who did you get to give you that window, Deacon?
- Afinal, era para quem?
Did you hear me? That's to find someone who'll take the rap for me.
Servem para arranjar uma "ovelha" que se sacrifique por mim.
Do you know what they did to that land, those locusts, those ravagers who answered the cry of "Gold in California"?
Sabe o que fizeram à terra, esses gafanhotos, esses destruidores que responderam ao grito de "Ouro na Califórnia"?
So, kids, while you were going to school, , who did you see next to that tree?
Estavam a ir para a escola quando perto da árvore viram o quê?
Not just pictures of the garden or the gifts, but who did what to whom and how it felt. My memory stretches that far back, but never once can I remember... anything from you or father warmer than indifference.
Não só dos jardins e dos presentes, mas de quem fez o quê a quem e de qual foi a sensação, mas nunca recordo nada de ti que não seja indiferença.
You've withheld clues and information that made it impossible for us to guess who did it.
Esconderam pistas e informaçäo que nos tornaram impossível adivinhar quem foi.
I was the one who had to comfort him, to keep repeating that you did love him just the same, that you were sure to come back.
Consolava-o, dizendo-lhe que o amavas e que, com certeza, voltarias.
Who did you talk to at that cocktail party in Washington?
Com quem falaste no tal cocktail em Washington?
Did you ever think about the fact that... maybe two people who snap at each other for no reason are doing it to avoid their real feelings?
Já pensaste que duas pessoas que implicam uma com a outra sem razão aparente, o fazem para evitar aquilo que sentem realmente?
Who or what you did before that seems to be a real mystery.
Quem eras ou o que fizeste antes parece ser um grande mistério.
I noticed, as did my uncle, who remarked on it that Clayton's become attached to you, in a somewhat puppy-ish sort of way.
Percebi, assim como meu tio, que comentou comigo que Clayton tornou-se apegado a você, quase como um bicho de estimação.
What it did to everyone at that funeral who loved and cared about you?
Do que sentiram todos os presentes no funeral?
I have a note, or two pieces of a note that appears to be from that man who killed those people in Atlanta. Where did you get it? In Hannibal Lecktor's cell.
Tenho duas partes de um bilhete que parece ser do assassino de Atlanta.
You know, that's amazing. I used to date a guy who did that.
Saí com um tipo que fazia isso.
Now that was just an innocent window, and you saw what I did to that. You know who you're dealing with?
A janela não tinha culpa nenhuma, e vejam o que lhe fiz!
After you die, who's gonna prove that you did not sell your land to Everest?
Depois de morrer, quem provará que não vendeu a propriedade à Everest?
Did you know that statistics prove that those who ramble on and on long after they've been asked to stop are more prone to head injuries?
Tenho uma melhor!
I want you to know, Jake, that I'm the only one who did this to myself and to you.
Quero que saiba, Jake, que sou o único que fez isto por mim e por si.
You know, if everyone who did that had to go see a psychiatrist...
Se toda a gente que o faz tivesse de ir ao psiquiatra...
I'll tell you who's going to win... but it will just validate my theory... that you cared more about winning money... than you did about me.
Olha pai, eu digo-te quem vai ganhar a Super Taça se quiseres... de que tu gostavas mais de ganhar dinheiro... mas só validará a minha teoria... do que de mim.
You know in Japan, the one who confesses to the murder doesn't have to be the one that did it.
Sabes que no Japão, aquele que confessa o assassinato não é necessariamente aquele que o cometeu.
I'm fascinated by people who want to convince others that they're right. When you get older, you put everything more into perspective... and you join the mainstream, as Miles did.
Creio que ao envelhecer ou te tornas tolerante e comungas com toda a gente, como o Miles Coombes,
The only way you can be bettered, Edwin, is by uncovering the man who did this thing that you're charged with, and that task has fallen to me.
Só melhora o seu caso se descobrirmos o homem que fez aquilo de que o acusam.
If you think that you didn't ask... to be brought into the world... then who did?
Se crês que não pediste que te trouxessem ao mundo, quem o fez?
Who did you think I was that you thought you had to protect yourself? Trepkos.
Quem pensava que eu era para ter de se proteger?
Yes, my mother did me the disservice of naming me Theodore, and I haven't a clue as to how you know that, because everybody who knows that... is thousands of fucking miles away.
Sim, a minha mãe teve o infortúnio de me chamar Theodore, e eu não faço a mínima ideia como você sabe isso, porque toda a gente que sabe isso está a milhares de quilómetros daqui.
No, but now that you mention it, I did talk to a gorgeous young executive over at Paramount the other day who just happened to get his hands on the script.
Não, mas já que falaste nisso, falei com um belo e jovem executivo da Paramount que, por acaso, tinha visto o argumento.
Whatever else you may think of who I am and what I did at least try to understand that.
Apesar do que possa pensar sobre quem eu sou e o que fiz, pelo menos tente compreender isso.
I was going to run a scan of the comet that's passing through. - But if I did that, who'd watch you?
Ia fazer uma análise espectral do cometa que atravessa o Cinturão de Denorios, mas, se o fizesse, quem iria cuidar dele?
Whoever did that thing to you-know-who, my good friend is trying to do that to me.
Quem fez aquilo ao tu sabes quem, ao meu bom amigo... ... está a tentar fazer-me o mesmo a mim.
I chose Mount Rushmore... because to live in a country... where you can take an ugly old mountain... and put faces on it, faces of great Americans... who did so much to make our country super great... well, that makes me, Rebecca Leeman... proud to be an American.
Escolhi o Monte Rushmore... porque viver num país... onde podes pegar numa velha montanha feia... e pôr-lhe caras, caras de grandes americanos... que fizeram tanto para o nosso país ser fabuloso... bem, isso faz-me, Rebecca Leeman... orgulhosa de ser americana.
So what are you gonna do to the guy, who did that?
Então, o que vais fazer ao gajo que te bateu?
But, I mean, who's... who's to say that if you did rewind it and start over again that it wouldn't end up exactly the same way?
Mas quem te diz que se rebobinasses não acabarias exactamente na mesma?
Did you know that reprobate, Mr. waiter Hagen... ... who I hear spends every minute chasing after women... ... has been approached to play in the $ 10,000 Krewe island exhibition match?
Sabia que aquele patife, sr. Walter Hagen que passa cada minuto correndo atrás de mulheres foi convidado a jogar pelo prémio de US $ 10 mil no IKrewe Island?
And the Nazi doctor who supervised that experiment, Dr. Rascher did he ever explain to you its purpose?
E o médico Nazi que supervisionou essa experiência, Doutor Rascher alguma vez lhe explicou o objectivo?
It would put you one up on me in that case, though I did try and stop a woman... who was about to get hit by a car, I screamed, "Watch out!"
Nesse caso, és superior a mim, apesar de ter tentado impedir uma mulher... que estava prestes a ser atropelada.
Did he confront you earlier that night, only to see you for who you really are?
Ele confrontou-o antes, naquela noite, só para ver quem o senhor era realmente?
Who the fuck did that to you?
Quem foi o sacana que te fez isto?
And if you did, you'd know that when the organization betrays a killer, he'll pay back twice to the ones who've wronged him.
E se você fizesse, você saberia isso quando a organização trai um assassino, ele reembolsará duas vezes aos que o prejudicaram.
Did you know that hardly any of the guys who landed on the moon are married to the same people they were married to before they went there?
Sabias que quase nenhum dos tipos que pousou na Lua está casado com a mesma pessoa com que era casado antes de ir?

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