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Yeats translate Portuguese

80 parallel translation
That's Yeats.
É de Yeats.
I didn't write that. It was W.B. Yeats.
Não fui quem escreveu aquilo, foi o W.B. Yeats.
What about Yeats?
- E Yeats?
It's Yeats.
É Yeats.
There's a poem.
Há um poema de Yeats...
Yeats wrote it. Could you tell that this meat would be this glorious... while the boar was still breathing?
Sr. Cole, já sabia que esta carne era assim tão maravilhosa enquanto o javali ainda respirava?
Yeats. "The Song of Wandering Aengus."
Yeats, "A canção de Aengus o vagabundo".
- Good stuff, Yeats, huh? - Yes.
Yeats é interessante, hem?
W.B. Yeats and all.
Com a citação do W. B. Yeats.
That's "A Drinking Song" by Yeats.
Isso é "A Canção da Bebida" do Yeats.
It's from a poem called "The Second Coming" by William Butler Yeats.
É de um poema chamado "A segunda vinda" do W. Butler Yeats.
And finally, this... poem by Yeats, I think... illustrates... that point rather well.
E finalmente, este... poema de Yeats, acredito... ilustra... esse ponto muito bem.
Clair Yeats...
Claire Yeats...
Clair Yates * see a fall * at DonorMed, suddenly back in your life after all these years...
Claire Yeats... é a CEO do DonorMed... de repente reaparece na sua vida, depois de todos estes anos...
Right, but I thought we were going to do that after class, Miss Yeats.
É verdade, mas pensei que íamos fazer isso depois das aulas, Sra. Yeats.
Lady Gregory was Yeats'patron, this Irish person.
Lady Gregory era protectora de Yeats, uma pessoa irlandesa.
When we met, he drove me mad quoting Yeats.
Quando nos conhecemos, ficava louca quando citava Yeats.
- You know, WB Yeats...
W.B. Yeats...
Yeats is the greatest poet since Dante.
- Yeats e o maior poeta desde Dante.
WB Yeats on... on an average day.
W.B. Yeats, num dia médio.
D'you know, I think that Shaun Ryder is on par with WB Yeats... as a... as a poet.
Sabes, acho que Shaun Ryder está... ao mesmo nível que W.B. Yeats, enquanto poeta.
... Shaun is the greatest poet since Yeats.
Shaun é o maior poeta, desde Yeats. É incrível.
I didn't learn till I was older that it was by Yeats.
Só mais tarde soube que era de Yeats.
Paul Yeats performed a double aneurysm last week.
O Paul Yeats tratou um aneurisma duplo a semana passada.
Paul Yeats?
O Paul Yeats?
Yeats... "Prayer for My Daughter."
- Yeats. "Prayer for My Daughter".
- Theodore Roosevelt was a socialist? And Yeats?
Theodore Roosevelt era socialista.
Why don't you talk a little Yeats to her?
Por que não lhe falas em Yeats?
You ain't gonna make me talk no more Yeats, are you?
Não me vai pôr a falar mais Yeats, pois não?
That is a line from a W.B. Yeats poem.
É um excerto de um poema, de W.B. Yeats.
The poem may be yeats, but the prayer book is yours.
O poema pode ser de Yeats, mas o livro é seu.
I prefer James Joyce to Yeats.
Prefiro James Joyce a Yeats.
Among the poor both old and young gave her praise.
Among the poor both old and young gave her praise. ( N. do T. : Poesia de William Butler Yeats )
Yeats wrote, "Education is not just the filling of a pail, it is the lighting of a fire."'
Yeats escreveu : "Educação não é somente encher o balde, é o acender do fogo".
- Yeats.
- Yeats.
- "Brown Penny." By William Butler Yeats.
- "Brown Penny", de William Butler Yeats.
- Yeats? - No.
Eliot, Yates.
- Elliot, Yeats.
That's from Yeats.
É Yeats.
- What? - Yeah. Yeats, Kipling, whatever you like.
- Yeates, Kipling, o que quiserem.
"Too long a sacrifice can make a stone of the heart." W.B. Yeats
"Um sacrifício muito grande pode fazer do coração uma pedra." W.B. Yeats
Oh, and I've been thinking Yeats.
E eu pensei em Yeats.
- Yeats?
- Yeats?
W. B. Yeats
W. B. Yeats
Like milk spilt upon a stone W. B. Yeats
Como leite derramado numa pedra
Hey, is that my Yeats book?
Olá, esse é o meu livro do Yeats?
- William Butler Yeats.
- William Butler Yeats.
- It's Yeats.
É Yeats.

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