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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / Yes i did

Yes i did translate Portuguese

3,717 parallel translation
Did I tell you I was gonna provide food for ye, yes I did, didn't I?
Eu não vos disse que ia prover comida?
- I did. Yes.
Sim, apanhei.
This will go a lot faster if you'd just say, "Yes, I did."
- Não, não pirateei. - Será mais rápido, se admitir.
I did have time to do that, yes.
Eu tive tempo para isso, sim.
Yes, that's what I did.
Sim, foi o que fiz.
Yes, I did.
- Sim, eu disse.
I mean... I would be grateful if you did not tell Miss Audrey that this was my idea. Ah, yes.
"Miss Paradise Rosa", a mais bela senhora que usa uma das nossas flores deve receber um prémio e ser declarada como...
He said you said he was allowed to be here. Yes, I did.
- Ele disse que autorizaste.
Yes, you did, and by the look of this, I'd say that Midge was on the brink of full-blown anaphylaxis when she died.
Sim, falou, e pela aparência disto, diria que a Midge, estava à beira de uma grave anafilaxia, quando morreu.
- Yes, I did.
- Pois fiz.
Yes, I did, which is why when you didn't answer my texts, I called the admit desk every hour to make sure someone had seen you alive.
- Sabia, mas não respondeu ás minhas mensagens, então estava sempre a ligar para saber se estava viva.
Yes, I did.
Sim, tenho.
Yes, I did.
- Sim, encontrei.
Why did I say yes?
Porque é que eu disse que sim?
Why did I say yes to this?
Porque é que concordei com isto?
Yes, I did.
- O Nick falou-me muito de ti.
You punch a girl? Yes, I did.
- Bateste numa rapariga?
- Yes, I did.
- Sim, passei.
Did I see Steven leave? Yes.
O Steven acabou de sair?
Yes, I did. Actually, Judi came to visit us yesterday.
A Judi visitou-nos ontem.
I did, yes. Yes.
- Recolhi.
Yes, I did.
- Pois fiz.
That's not the point, Grace, but yes, I did.
Não é a questão, Grace, mas, sim, eu fui. Comida?
I did hear, yes.
Ouvi, sim.
Yes, I did that. And I deserve to break a heel and fall on my ass in front of everyone.
Sim, eu fiz isso.
- Yes, I did.
- Tinha, sim.
Yes, I did have a great weekend.
Sim, tive um bom fim de semana.
Yes, I did.
Sim, ouvi falar.
Yes, I did.
Sim, saí.
Yes, I did.
Sim, voltei.
- Yes, I did. - Oh, my God.
Estavas à espera de quê.
- Yes, I did.
- Sim, assinei.
Yes, I did. I...
Sim, vi.
Yes, I did.
Pois disse.
Yes, I did.
Sim, fiz.
Yes, and I admire that you did.
Sim e admiro-te por isso.
- Yes, yes, I did, Christopher.
Sim, Christopher.
Yes, I did.
- Trouxe.
- Yes, I did.
- Deixei, sim.
- Yes, I did.
- Pois deixei.
So yes i... I did infict on myself.
Sim, eu mutilei-me.
But yes, i admit. My uncle did help to set me on my path.
Mas admito que o meu tio me ajudou a chegar onde cheguei.
Yes, i did inflict upon myself.
Sim, eu mutilei-me.
Yes, of course, a lot of men on that list did, and sometimes they were real nuisances but I don't think any of them would be capable of blackmail.
Sim, certo. Vários homens dessa lista ma fizeram inclusive incomoda às vezes, mas não creio que entre eles haja alguém capaz de chantagear.
Yes, but I don't think he did it deliberately.
Sim, mas penso que não o fez de propósito.
- Did you not go to Montelusa? - Yes, of course I went.
Claro que fui.
Yes, I did it myself this morning. But no one told me what to say, so I kept it vague.
Estive lá, tu tinhas-te ido embora e como ninguém me disse nada dei-a de maneira geral.
Yes, but did you know the police lab said the killer's gun was not the one I confiscated from Di Marta?
Você soube que a Científica disse que a pistola que matou o Savastano não é a que tirei ao Di Marta?
Yes, I saw him. What did he do?
Chegou com o carro, abriu a garagem com a chave...
Yes, I did.
Pois fiz.
Yes, I did. About 2 weeks after Kennedy was assassinated.
Duas semanas depois de terem assassinado o Kennedy.

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