You'd know that translate Portuguese
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I thought this was the only way that I'd have a chance to get to know you.
Pensei que era a única forma de conhecer-te.
Yeah, now that's something you'd know a thing or two about, now, isn't it?
Agora, uma coisa que sabes, umas coisinhas.
Not an easy thing to crack, but I'd use one too if I had all my money on it. How do you know that?
Não é fácil de quebrar, mas eu usava-o se o meu dinheiro estivesse nele.
How'd you know he did that with a homemade computer?
O que se safou? Como sabia que era um PC caseiro?
If you served, you'd know that.
- Se já prestou serviço, sabe como é.
The boiler that I said I'd done, that was Wednesday night. You know how it is.
A caldeira que disse ter reparado, foi na Quarta à noite.
It's just that the wedding was so quick and unexpected. I didn't know how to process it or if you'd- -
Não soube processar isso.
But I also know that without me, you'd lose this entire hospital.
Mas sei que, sem mim, ia perder o hospital.
D-do you know how many times I've thought about that night?
Sabe quantas vezes é que tenho pensado sobre aquela noite?
Well, if you had, you'd know that I believe that psychopaths are not a mistake of nature.
Bom, se tivesses, estavas ciente que acredito que os psicopatas... não são um erro da natureza.
I'd be happy to know that he's with you.
Ficaria feliz em saber que ele está contigo.
Because I thought, you know, when... you saw Olivia was here, that we'd reschedule or something, you know?
Porque, eu pensava, tu sabes, que quando visses que a Olivia estava aqui, que íamos adiar, ou algo assim. Sabes?
Yeah, that you had your head up your ass from 7 : 00 to 8 : 15. - How'd you know?
Sim, que provavelmente andaste a lamuriar-te entre as 7h e as 8h15.
I thought you'd like to know that Harold got a job at another firm.
Achei que gostasses de saber que o Harold conseguiu emprego noutra firma.
I mean, I know she thinks I haven't done enough with my life considering, you know, my age, but it's hard to tell someone so young that things don't always end up the way you thought they'd be.
Eu não acho. As miúdas novas são fantásticas. Miúdas novas e mulheres mais velhas.
That's pure madness and you know it, otherwise you'd have arrested me already.
Isso é uma loucura e vocês sabem disso, se assim não fosse, já me teriam prendido.
It sterilises people, d'you know that?
Isso deixa as pessoas estéreis, sabias isso?
How'd you know I did that?
Como é que sabe disso?
We know that you visited D.J. Beat's apartment we know that you fought with her that night, and then she turned up dead.
Sabemos que visitou a casa da DJ Batida antes da festa. Sabemos que discutiu com ela naquela noite e então ela apareceu morta.
Shane had you hire D.J. Beat so that Joey could get in and steal that phone. You know what else isn't speculation?
O Shane fê-la contractar a DJ Batida para que o Joey pudesse entrar e roubar o telemóvel.
And if you were being honest with yourself, you'd know that that isn't possible.
Se fosses honesto contigo mesmo, ias saber que isso não é possível.
I know you're joking, but I'd be okay with that.
Eu sei que estás a gozar, mas não me importava.
Now, the thing is, I'd rather deal with guys that would break my knees before they broke my neck, if you know what I mean.
Prefiro negociar com tipos que me partiriam as pernas antes do pescoço, se é que entendes.
I just wanted to let you know that something came up and Linette isn't available for your appointment, but I'd be happy to do it for you.
Queria dizer-lhe que surgiu um imprevisto e a Linette não a pode atender, mas eu estou disponível.
Now, I don't know how you'd call that on your world, Ambassador, but on planet Earth, we call it a bold faced lie!
Então, não sei como é que chama a isso no seu mundo, Embaixador, mas no planeta Terra, chamamos-lhe de uma mentira enorme.
You know what, we'd... we'd love to hear it, but we've got that, um... that...
Sabes, adoraríamos ouvir, mas temos aquele...
And I bet that if we all got together, and she had a chance to know you, that there is no way that she'd be able to continue to treat you badly.
Aposto que se nos reuníssemos e ela te conhecesse melhor, era impossível que a Chloe te continuasse a tratar mal. Está bem.
You know, I looked at myself in that video, and... realized that I'd become a monster.
Sabe, vi-me naquele vídeo e apercebi-me de que me tinha tornado num monstro.
We'd have to make it up elsewhere and you know you can't do that.
- Teríamos de o compensar. - É a traição!
You know, I always figured that'd be the end of it.
Sempre achei que acabaria assim.
You know, I'd put some aloe on that ASAP.
Eu colocaria um pouco de aloé vera rápido.
How'd you know that?
Como você sabe disso?
I know you've been wanting to get back out there, and I always thought that if you did go back to work, you'd come back to work with me.
E sempre pensei que, se o fizesses... voltarias a trabalhar comigo.
That maybe I'd, you know, join her.
Que talvez... me juntasse a ela.
You know, he'd do anything for Amanda, and so would I, so I think that's a great idea.
Ele faria qualquer coisa pela a Amanda, eu também, portanto acho uma óptima ideia.
If you're ready to tell me what I already know- - that you killed Frank Dempster, that you and your buddies stole 200 Verzia 8 phones- - I'll get a D.A. in here and cut you a deal.
Se estiver pronta para me contar o que eu já sei... que matou o Frank Dempster, que você e os seus cúmplices roubaram 200 telemóveis Verzia 8, chamo aqui o promotor e proponho-lhe um acordo.
I'd like to set up a schedule for me to bring the kids to school, you know, now that I know the goodbye dance.
Agora que já sei fazer a dança do adeus. - Ensinaram-ta? - Sim.
The female that I'd... I'd really like to know more about is you.
A mulher de quem eu realmente gostaria de saber mais és tu.
You know, it makes sense that you'd want to protect that million-dollar grip.
Sabe, faz sentido você querer proteger este pulso de milhões de dólares.
I'd like to know what you feel about that?
Gostava de saber o que acha disso.
You'd pay twice that not to know them.
Pagarias o dobro para não os saber.
But you know, if I had to label it, I'd say that I'm a secular humanist.
Mas se tiver de me definir, diria que sou uma humanista secular.
Not that you'd know it if he was.
Não que se notasse.
M-maybe I was hoping she'd introduce me to some girl, someone who'd make me forget about you... although, honestly, I don't know if that's even possible.
- Porquê? Talvez pensasse que ela me apresentaria a uma mulher. Alguém que me fizesse esquecer-te.
You know, skinny-dipping in that dark lake over there, that'd be pretty scary.
Nadar nu naquele lago negro seria muito assustador.
You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that old Walter was back from the dead.
Se não soubesse de nada, diria que o Walter voltou dos mortos.
Hey, you do not know me and believe me, I'd never do anything like that. I just wanted to thank you for noticing the flowers.
Olá, não me conheces e acredita que nunca fiz nada parecido na minha vida, mas queria agradecer-te por teres reparado nas flores.
I'm just saying, I could see how they'd get pissed off. Well, I know a really great environmental group that protects sharks if you're interested.
Conheço um bom grupo ambiental que protege tubarões, se estiveres interessado.
You know, one that you'd wear forever, so it can remind you of the happiest day of my life.
Um que usarias para sempre para que lembre o dia mais feliz da minha vida.
I have told you that I'd give it all up for you again and again, and you know what I think?
Eu disse que desistia de tudo por ti. Sabes o que acho?
Actually, you know, I'm quite pleased you're here really. I think you'd be most impressed with all the work that I've done.
Na verdade, sabes, estou muito contente que estejas aqui de verdade.
you'd know 93
know that 57
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
know that 57
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19