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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You've had

You've had translate Portuguese

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You know, I've always had a bit of a man-crush on you.
Sabes, eu sempre tive uma queda por ti.
And now the holidays are over and you've had your fun, perhaps you can get back to your actual job.
E agora que as férias acabaram e já te divertiste, talvez possas regressar ao teu verdadeiro trabalho.
Kara, you've had to pretend to be someone else for most of your life.
Kara, tiveste que fingir ser outra pessoa a maior parte da tua vida.
I've had to manipulate informants before, and... you want to take a Silkwood shower when it's done, but it does get easier.
Também já tive de manipular informadores... Apetece-te tomar um banho longo quando acaba, mas torna-se mais fácil.
Well, you've always had help.
Bem, tiveste sempre ajuda.
You know, so even by the hip-hop community, you know, we've had our little squabbles, you know, which, um, I tend not to really, uh, dwell upon.
Até na comunidade hip-hop, todos aqueles bate-bocas, nos quais eu tento não me envolver nesta negatividade.
You've had many suitors, many viable opportunities.
Tivestes tantos pretendentes, muitas oportunidades viáveis.
I love you. And I thank God for the time we've had.
Eu amo-vos e agradeço a Deus por nosso tempo juntos.
If I had any new information about your wife, don't you think I would've told you by now?
Se tivesse alguma coisa sobre a tua mulher, não achas que eu já tinha falado?
Has it struck you that this will be the first meal we've had together in decades?
Já viste que é a nossa primeira refeição juntos em décadas?
If you had your own straw, I might've said yes.
Se tivesses a tua própria palhinha, talvez disse-se sim.
You know, I've actually ( chuckles ) had one I've been sitting on for years.
Sabes, por acaso, ando a pensar num há uns anos.
As long as I've got you, I had a few more questions about the Meat Cute incident.
Já que está aqui, tenho mais algumas questões sobre o incidente no Meat Cute.
I can't believe we've never had you on before.
Nem acredito que nunca te tive aqui antes.
For the past few weeks, I've been rolling my eyes at you, thinking that you had this pathological need to be liked by everyone, but I couldn't have been more wrong. All right?
Nas últimas semanas tenho andado a revirar os olhos, a achar que tinhas uma necessidade patológica de que todos gostassem de ti, mas não podia estar mais enganado.
You've had a few episodes.
- Já teve algumas vezes.
Well, we got your phone records, so we know you've had priors.
Bem, temos os seus registos telefónicos... Sabemos que têm antecedentes.
You've had one lesson. I'll destroy you.
Só tiveste uma lição, vou destruir-te.
Confirming that you've never been to Texas and you had nothing to do with the City Mercy hack.
A confirmar que nunca esteve no Texas e que não teve nada a ver com o ataque ao City Mercy.
You could've told me I had it upside-down the whole time.
Podias ter-me dito que ele estava ao contário neste tempo.
So, Ms. Grant, the day Ms. Pope went on national television and admitted to having an illicit relationship with your husband... am I to understand from conversations you've had with the press that that was the first you'd heard of the affair?
Então, Sra. Grant, no dia em que a Sra. Pope foi à televisão nacional E admitiu ter um relacionamento ilícito Com o seu marido...
You've had nothing to do with that foundation.
Não tens nada a ver com essa fundação.
You would've had access to every...
Devias ter acesso a todas...
[Howard Stern] But I've had more contact with you already.
Eu já tive mais contacto contigo.
As you know, we've had a lot of near misses in the hunt for George Lasko, aka Dash, the man responsible for the cyber attack on Air Force One.
Como sabe, tivemos um monte de quase acidentes na caça pelo George Lasko, também conhecido como Dash, o homem responsável pelo ciber ataque ao Air Force One.
So... you've had a lot of... extra work lately.
Então... Tens tido um monte de... trabalho extra ultimamente.
You've had the run of the court.
Tu tinhas que sair daqui.
I've had tons of chances over the years, some you don't even know about, but, still...
Tive muitas oportunidades ao longo dos anos, algumas das quais tu nem sequer deste conta, mas...
Sergeant, I know you've had a busy day. Well, it's not over.
Sargento, sei que teve um dia ocupado.
This is the fourth one you've had.
É o quarto que te demos. Vai procura-lo.
You could've had something...
Podias ter alguma coisa...
Once you've had that, you would think it would be easier to have a conversation.
Depois de ter algo assim, acha que será mais fácil ter uma conversa.
'Cause this isn't about you two! Okay? This is about a little boy who had to see his family murdered, who saw his home burnt to the ground, who would've been taken as a child soldier if it wasn't for his deformed hands.
É sobre um rapazinho forçado a ver a sua família assassinada, que viu a casa dele a ser queimada, que teria sido uma criança soldado se não tivesse as mãos deformadas.
You did handle it quite well though, which leads me to assume you've had training.
Lidou bem com isso, no entanto, o que leva-me a presumir que teve treino.
You've had a little bad luck in the dating department, but Caleb is innocent, maybe, which makes him totally porkable.
Tiveste um pouco de azar no departamento amoroso, mas talvez o Caleb seja inocente, o que faz dele totalmente "palpável".
Okay, Barbara, here. You've had enough.
Certo, Barbara, já bebeu o suficiente.
I've had several people in the rear-view mirror chasing behind you as you drove off with their car.
Cheguei a ver várias pessoas pelo espelho retrovisor, a perseguir-nos, enquanto levávamos os carros delas.
Since the other prophecy was fulfilled, how many days since you've had this?
Desde que a outra profecia se cumpriu, há quantos dias tendes isto?
I've been meaning to talk to you about a patient that you had, Alicia Morales?
Quero falar contigo sobre um paciente teu... A Alicia Morales?
I imagine you're gonna need a drink after the day you've had.
Imagino que precise de uma bebida, depois do dia que teve.
I think you've had enough.
Acho que já bebeste o suficiente.
You could've had the father you wanted.
Podias ter tido o pai que querias.
You've had a long day.
Teve um dia muito longo.
Ever since you've had me combing through Petty Officer Meyers'financial records, I have money on the brain.
Desde que me colocaste a ver os registos financeiros do sub oficial Meyers não tiro o dinheiro da cabeça.
The irony is, if your team members had just left it alone, you could've gotten away with all of it.
A ironia é, se os membros da sua equipa tivessem ignorado o assunto, podia ter se safado de tudo.
I've had this mug as long as you've known me.
Já tenho esta caneca desde que nos conhecemos.
You must've really had it in for that zucchini.
Devias mesmo estar com raiva dessa courgette.
We've had our eye on you, Mr. Wallace.
Temos estado de olho em si, Sr. Wallace.
You're finally getting the hang of a job you've had for years.
Finalmente estás apanhando o jeito do trabalho que já fazes há anos.
You see, I've always prided myself on good communication and divisional transparency, so you can imagine I wasn't happy when I learned information had been omitted from Brian Finch's medical records.
Está a ver, sempre tive orgulho em mim por ter uma boa comunicação e uma divisão transparente, por isso pode imaginar que não fiquei feliz quando soube que foram emitidas informações dos registos médicos do Brian Finch.
All right, you've had a good run ; now it's over.
Já tiveste sucesso, agora acabou.

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