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Had to be translate Portuguese

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Being protective when they had to be supporting one another in a family way.
Estavam protegidos e apoiavam-se uns aos outros de uma forma familiar.
Four votes had to be carried for any idea to go trough. Instead of going for an individual thing, we went for the strongest format, for equals. JOHN :
Tinha de haver unanimidade, antes de emitir qualquer opinião.
Promoters and local police had to be begging Brian Epstein, telling him, you know, you can't go and play a 5,000 ‐ seat theater and have 50,000 teenagers going crazy outside.
Os promotores e a polícia local tiveram que implorar a Brian Epstein, dizendo-lhe, você sabe, você não pode tocar num teatro de 5.000 lugares tendo 50.000 adolescentes quase loucos lá fora.
Judah, I had to be able to come back on my own terms.
Judah... eu tinha de ser capaz de voltar à minha maneira.
I don't know why you had to be so mean to him.
Não percebo porque tinhas de ser tão mau para ele
It had to be him.
Tem que ser ele.
That we had to be vigilant.
Que tínhamos de estar atentos.
They all had to be obliviated.
Tiveram todos de apanhar com o feitiço Obliviate.
Trisha... the way he attacked that man there had to be something personal.
Trisha, a forma que ele atacou esse homem...
The dare said it just had to be bigger than a quarter.
No desafio dizia que tinha que ser maior que um quarto.
She had to be in a good facility.
Ela tinha que estar num bom estabelecimento.
Mom had to be there.
A mãe teve de lá ficar.
It had to be from this side of the house.
Veio deste lado.
It had to be him, right?
Só pode ter sido ele, certo?
She just had to be there, right?
Ela apenas precisava de estar por perto.
It was to be believed that we all had a good time, But that's not what happened.
Era de crer que todos nos déssemos bem, mas não foi o que aconteceu.
If I had one night with her, I swear when I was done, she wouldn't be able to walk properly.
Se tivesse uma noite com ela, juro que, quando acabasse, ela não ia conseguir caminhar direita.
I had received a report from my station that the Gator Bowl in Jacksonville was gonna be segregated, so I mentioned it to them in the interview.
Eu tinha recebido informações da minha estação que no Gator Bowl em Jacksonville, iria haver segregação, por isso mencionei isso a eles na entrevista.
That was the first experience I had where it was possible to be around people who were different, and at least for a while, those differences could disappear.
Foi a primeira experiência que tive onde era possível estar perto de pessoas que eram diferentes, pelo menos durante algum tempo, em que essas diferenças pudessem desaparecer.
The first three months had been lopped off to do whatever the Beatles'third film was going to be. And then it didn't happen.
Nos primeiros três meses havia sido antecipado o que seria o terceiro filme dos Beatles e isso não aconteceu.
A photo session was a big ordeal, and you had to try and look normal, and you didn't feel it. Bob Whitaker was one of the photographers who took our pictures, and he came up with, we all put on white lab coats and we pretend to be mad professors. PAUL :
A sessão de fotos foi uma grande seca, e tínhamos que tentar ser normais, e nós não sentíamos isso.
I got this idea for us all to be someone else, because we were so fed up with being what we were, we had to get out of it, one way or another.
Eu tive a ideia de sermos outras personagens porque estávamos fartos de sermos o que éramos, precisávamos de sair daquilo, de uma forma ou de outra.
I heard we had a German in town working in the bakery, but I didn't think you'd be bold enough to rub it in our faces like this.
Soube que havia um alemão a trabalhar na padaria da cidade, mas nunca pensei que você tivesse o descaramento de se exibir assim.
I had always hoped... that you would one day show the necessary qualities... to become the queen you were born to be.
Sempre esperei que um dia mostrasses as qualidades para seres a rainha que nasceste para ser.
Pilate ordered your family to be crucified, but I had them intercepted.
Pilatos mandou crucificá-las, mas interceptei-as.
If you had gotten anywhere near that gal, 20 minutes later, you'd be looking to tell somebody.
Se tivesses conseguido alguma coisa dela, estarias a contar a toda a gente 20 minutos depois.
Look, Camilla's had to go up to London. Are you going to be all right?
Camilla teve que ir a Londres, vai ficar bem?
And there's great opportunities to be had, I promise you.
E boas oportunidades irão surgir, prometo
Especially not some jerk... who never had the guts to try to be anything more than a popsicle hustler.
Especialmente um parvo sem coragem para ser mais do que vendedor de gelados.
Well, something had to be done.
Algo tinha que ser feito.
Mrs. Segal in the video had to be Norma Segal, a name I had noticed in the nursing home guest book.
Certo. Sra. Segal no vídeo tinha que ser Norma Segal, um nome que eu tinha reparado, no livro de visitas, no Lar.
I'm saying, I would be willing to give a blowjob if I had to for you to just go fucking do this for me, man.
Eu estaria disposta a fazer-te uma mamada se fizeres isso por mim.
But at least I knew I always had magic to be there.
mas pelo menos sempre soube que a magia estaria presente.
We had an international baseball series in Caracas, and there was an election to- - to decide who would be the beauty queen for the baseball event.
Houve um campeonato internacional de basebol em Caracas e fez-se uma votação para decidir quem seria a beldade desse evento de basebol.
You see a Miss Venezuela who's had surgery and you want to be like her.
Vês uma Miss Venezuela que fez plástica e tu queres ser como ela.
A year and a half ago, I had the chance to work as a model and I had the chance to have cosmetic surgery so I think this is a part of a woman's life to decide if you want to be like that and to alter your body.
Há ano e meio, tive a oportunidade de trabalhar como modelo e de fazer uma cirurgia plástica, e acho que faz parte da vida das mulheres decidir se querem ser assim e mudar o seu corpo.
If they had the sand to do it they'd be tracking dead horses
Se eles tivessem força para fazer isso, estariam a procurar os cavalos mortos.
Okay, this song's for anyone who thought they had a girlfriend for a day, but then she just turned out to be a friend.
Certo, esta canção é para os que pensavam que tinham namorada mas que afinal ela era só uma amiga.
I would be okay if I had to use cutlery.
Nem que tivesse de usar talheres teria dificuldade.
Well, I had to take you'cause the first thing you'd be doing, you'd be scuttling around and yodelling the news that you were actually seeing a giant.
Eu tive de raptirar-te, senão num piscarolho tu ires corrupiandar a contar a novidade de que tu teres realmente visto um gigante.
Well, she had the foresight to know that my claim would be challenged.
Ela previu com justeza que a minha pretensão seria desafiada.
I knew if I had refused to work, if I took my own life... it would only be a matter of time before Krennic realized... he no longer needed me to complete the project.
Sabia que se recusasse trabalhar, se me tivesse suicidado, era apenas uma questão de tempo até o Krennic perceber que já não precisava de mim para terminar o projeto.
The Justice Department had to go to Interpol, so that Snowden, if he tried to cross a border, he could be intercepted and detained.
O Departamento de Justiça passou pela Interpol para que, caso Snowden tente atravessar a fronteira, seja impedido e detido.
If I had to pick my favorite action, it'd be Saving Private Ryan.
Se tivesse que escolher meu favorito de ação, este seria Saving Private Ryan ( O Resgate do Soldado Ryan ).
You are aware that if you had responded sooner to Prime Minister Lumumba's request for UN intervention, we would not be where we are today.
Tem a noção de que se tivesse respondido mais cedo ao pedido do primeiro-ministro Lumumba para a intervenção da ONU, não estaríamos onde estamos hoje?
Had to be his.
Tinha de ser dele.
I looked down and in his bag, he had this book called How to Be a Better Friend.
Olhei para baixo e, no saco, ele tinha o livro Como Ser Um Amigo Melhor. COMO SER UM AMIGO MELHOR
That's strange'cause I always heard that there was a lot of money to be had at a drug bust.
Isso é estranho porque eu sempre ouvi dizer que havia imenso dinheiro a recolher numa apreensão de droga.
I had parents that instilled in me to try to be strong, and martial arts really did help me, because I got into it so young, build my confidence.
Eu tive pais que me deram força... CAMPEÃ DE PESO-ÁTOMO DA INVICTA FC... para tentar ser forte e as artes marciais ajudaram-me muito. Como comecei muito nova, deu-me muita confiança.
The UFC had been going, and we started wanting to be the UFC.
A UFC já existia e nós queríamos ser como a UFC.
( Keely's voice ) I used to be one of those people that didn't really care about gay people, but then we had this teacher, and everyone was torrible to him, including me.
Eu era daquelas pessoas que não me ralava com os gays, até termos um professor e sermos "morrendos" com ele, incluindo eu.

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