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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You need to come with us

You need to come with us translate Portuguese

221 parallel translation
- You need to come with us.
- Acompanhe-nos.
You need to come with us. It is not safe...
Você precisa vir conosco.
We're gonna get your brother back, but you need to come with us, please. ( sirens wailing ) Meet us at the rendezvous point in an hour.
Queremos achar seu irmão e ajudar Eles o têm, mas você você precisa vir conosco por favor.
We won't hurt her, but you need to come with us.
Nós não a magoaremos, mas tens de vir connosco.
Major Carter, you need to come with us.
Major Carter. Você precisa vir conosco.
Senhora Brown, tem de vir connosco.
But you need to come with us.
Mas tem de vir connosco.
You need to come with us, Jason.
Tens de vir connosco, Jason.
And we thought you ought to know we want you to stay with us, because we need you. But if anyone wants to leave us please, come to us, tell us and we can give you papers that might stop another Salem Jones from doing what he did to our James.
Queremos que saibam, que gostaríamos que ficassem connosco, pois precisamos de voc ~ es, mas se alguém quiser partir, por favor, venham ter connosco e digam-nos, que dar-vos-emos documentos, que talvez impeçam que outro Salem Jones faça o mesmo que este.
We'll need you to come with us to identify the body.
Precisamos que nos siga para identificar o cadáver.
- If you really need to, come with us to Villeneuve.
- Podes sempre vir a Villeneuve.
- You do not need to come with us, It boasts.
- Não precisas vir connosco, Gloria.
Ma'am, if you wouldn't mind, we'll need you to... come with us, and to make a positive identification and, er if it's at all possible, we're gonna need you to we're gonna need your cooperation.
Minha senhora, se não se importa, vamos precisar que venha connosco e faça a identificação. Se for possível, vamos precisar que... Vamos precisar da sua cooperação.
- We need you to come with us. - He's back!
Sra. Rosman, venha connosco.
- We need you to come with us right away.
- Precisamos que venha connosco.
Now you don't need to come with us, to the brothel anymore!
Agora já não precisas de vir connosco para o bordel!
Mr Giles, I need to ask you to come with us.
Sr. Giles, tenho de pedir-lhe para nos acompanhar.
I need to ask you to come with us, please.
Vais ter de nos acompanhar, por favor.
Officer Ridley, we need you to come to the precinct with us.
Agente Ridley, precisamos que nos acompanhe à esquadra.
If they do, you need to come and speak with us.
Se eles tentarem, tens de vir falar connosco.
But we do need you to come with us, Liz.
Mas precisamos que venhas connosco, Liz.
You need to come over here with us.
Têm de vir para junto de nós.
You need to come over here with us, Spencer. It's moving.
Preciso que venha para aqui, para junto de nós.
We need you to come back to New York with us.
Precisamos que venha conosco a Nova York.
Reza, I'm gonna need you to come with us.
Reza, eu preciso que você venha conosco.
I wanted you to come with us because you need someone... to help bring out what you've got there inside you
Quis que viesses connosco porque precisas de algo que te ajude a retirar o que levas aí dentro...
- And we need you to come with us.
- E precisamos que venhas também.
- We need you to come outside with us. You got a jacket?
Terá de nos acompanhar lá fora, Sr. Smith.
You need to put the baby down right now and come with us.
Tens de pousar já o bebé e de vires connosco!
Colonel, we need you to come back with us.
Coronel, precisamos que volte connosco.
We need to talk to you. Come with us.
Precisamos de falar contigo.
We're going to need you to come in with us.
Terá de vir connosco.
You've got new friends now, and I think that you need to figure out whether you want to hang with us or with those losers. - Come on.
E você tem que decidir se quer ficar com a gente ou com aqueles perdedores.
- You need to come back with us now.
- Tens de vir connosco.
We need you to come with us.
Tens de vir connosco.
You need to come clean with us.
Precisas de abrir o jogo connosco.
Curtis Lemansky. I need you to come with us.
Curtis Lemansky, vai ter de nos acompanhar.
I need you to come with us.
Tem de nos acompanhar.
You're going to need to come with us.
Vai ter de vir connosco.
You're going to need to come with us.
Você terá de nos acompanhar.
- You need to come home and sign with us.
- Você precisa assinar conosco.
- Yeah. - Well, I need you to come with us.
Vem connosco.
Captain Lennox, we need you and your team to come with us right now!
Capitão Lennox, precisamos que venha com a sua equipa imediatamente!
Miss Doherty, we need you to come with us.
Sra. Doherty, precisamos que venha connosco.
We just need you to come with us now.
Nós só precisamos que venhas connosco agora.
You need to come down to the crime lab with us.
- Tem de vir até ao laboratório.
We need you to come with us.
Vai ter de nos acompanhar.
We need you to get dressed and come with us, please.
Precisamos que se vista e nos acompanhe.
Steve Smith, you need to come with us. - Why? - You won a free air conditioner.
Agora, fumo os vossos cigarros de mentol americanos e visto camisolas do urso Winnie the Pooh americanas.
We need you to come with us, please.
Precisamos que nos acompanhe, por favor.
We need you to come with us, sir.
O senhor precisa vir conosco.

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