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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You think i did it

You think i did it translate Portuguese

782 parallel translation
Do you think I did it for a lark?
O homem que pensou em tudo.
- Why do you think I did it?
- Porque acha que o fiz?
Who do you think I did it for?
Por quem acham que o fiz?
You think I did it?
Pensas que fui eu?
You have every right to think I did it.
Tens todo o direito de pensar que fui eu.
You didn't think I could do it, did you?
Não achavam que conseguia, pois não?
I really think he did it because of you.
Estou certa de que o fez por tua causa.
I guess you didn't think I'd go through with it, did you?
Achou que eu não levava a minha avante?
Didn't think I knew about it, did you?
Pensavas que eu não sabia?
All the same, I think it's time that you did.
Bem, talvez esteja na hora.
I can't think why you did it.
Não entendo porque fez isto.
Even if I can't prove that I did it, why do you think Jenkins did it?
Mesmo que não consiga provar que o fiz, por que acha que foi o Jenkins que o fez?
Hey, Mr. Ross, you don't think I did it?
Não me diga que pensa que eu fiz aquilo.
Then you don't think I did it.
- Então, acha que não fui eu!
I figured you'd fade in the stretch. I did think you'd make it around the first turn.
Supus que te cansarias na recta final... mas pensei que passarias à primeira volta.
So did he. Did you really think I wouldn't do anything about it?
Achavas que eu não ia fazer nada acerca disso?
Excuse me, did you think I knew it? I know nothing.
Você achava que eu soubesse algo?
Don't tell me you didn't think about that. Before you did it, I mean.
E não me digas que não foi de propósito.
Mais de 20 minutos e abrimos pesado o ponto de partida e não creio que Que poderemos voltar mais alguma vez.
Did you think I'd be a little gentleman about it?
Pensas que me comportava como um cavalheiro?
Did you think you could just give me this and I would take it?
Achavas que me podias dar isto e que eu aceitava?
Even the way you think... did you really think I would take it?
Mesmo na forma como pensas... Achas que eu aceitaria?
- Oh, did you? Well, if you want it again, I'll think of you.
Se o quiseres de novo, pensarei em ti.
For what it's worth, I think you did a damn good job.
Pelo que vale, acho que fizeste um grande trabalho.
But you don't think I did it, do you, doctor?
Mas você não acha que eu fiz isso, não é verdade Doutor?
Só sobrou uma, mas não me parece que a vá querer.
Ah, Miss Everdene, little did I think it was you the queen of the corn marketer herself, I was speaking to the other night.
Ah, Sra. Everdene, bem me pareceu que era você a rainha do mercado do milho em pessoa, com quem eu falei numa destas noites.
- Didn't think I had it in me, did you?
Não pensou que eu fosse capaz, pois não?
No. They'll think you did it, or Apache, and I was taken prisoner.
Pensarão que foram vocês, ou os Apaches, e que fui feito prisioneiro.
I think you did it to add grist to your mill.
Penso que inventou o desaparecimento para levar água ao seu moinho.
It is you! You didn't think that I could do that spell, did you?
Não me achava capaz de realizar o feitiço?
I don't think you did it right anyway.
Acho que nem o fizeste como deve ser.
Or is it something maybe you just think I did?
Ou talvez seja alguma coisa que tu penses que eu fiz!
You know why I think he did it?
Sabes porque acho que o fez?
What I'm asking is, do you think they did it?
O que perguntei foi, acha que foram eles?
You know who I think really did it?
Sabe quem eu penso que é o culpado?
You didn't think I was gonna leave it behind, did ya?
Não pensavam que eu o deixaria... Ou pensavam?
Did you really think that I would believe this shambles is the work of professional builders? People who do it for a living?
Achavas mesmo que eu acreditava que esta desgraça é obra de construtores profissionais, que ganham a vida a fazer isto?
Now if we did it, you'd think of her and I'd think of Spencer.
Se o fizéssemos, pensarias nela e eu no Spencer.
Do you think we did it so Neman and I and the other Darians could live?
Acha que só fizemos isso para que o Neman, eu e outros Darians sobrevivessem?
Do you think I did not realize it right away?
Acha que não me apercebi desde o início?
But I think it's more appropriate that you say it to yourself, for trying to blame me for what you did.
Acho mais apropriado que as diga a si mesma, por tentar me culpar pelo que você fez.
I didn't think it was going to be this big. Did you?
Não pensei que fosse tão grande, e tu?
Relcos, I think you did it :
Relcos, acho que conseguiste.
They'd think I did it. Did you?
É uma prerrogativa ele passar férias onde quiser.
Look, even if it did happen, which it didn't don't you think I might not have known about him?
Ouça, mesmo que tivesse acontecido, e não aconteceu, não acha que eu poderia não ter sabido?
- Did you think I was mocking it?
- Achas que estou tirando uma?
Não quero que pense mal de mim mas... tomei a precaução de escrever una carta onde conto que... ajudou a resistencia a destruir o caminho de ferro e que roubou o quadro.
Mac, my boy, I think you did it.
Mac, meu rapaz, acho que conseguiste.
I think he did it, and I think you're going to jail.
E acho que vais para a prisão.
Mrs. Timkin loved what you did last night, but they think I did it.
A Sra. Timkin adorou o que fizeste ontem á noite, mas pensa que fui eu.

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