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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / Youseff

Youseff translate Portuguese

11 parallel translation
And these are my nephews, Yousef and Rowley.
Obrigada. E estes são os meus sobrinhos Youseff e Rowley.
Yousef. Rowley.
I'm fine Youseff, I'm fine.
Estou bem, Youssef, estou bem.
Youseff, how many times do we have to tell you,
Youseff, quantas vezes temos de dizer-te?
Youseff mbaye.
Youseff Mbaye.
That's the channel where Youseff saved my butt.
Este é o canal onde Youseff salvou-me.
Mr. Youseff!
- Sr. Youseff!
I have to believe Sam and Youseff and the others Are coming for us.
Tenho que acreditar que o Sam, Youseff e demais vão vir por nós.
Full speed ahead, Mr. Youseff!
A toda a velocidade em frente, Sr. Youseff!

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