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Archeo translate Russian

13 parallel translation
In "ARCHEO" it works for me not bad at all.
¬ "јрхео" мне тоже неплохо.
TV : Loss of attention, and the middle-forward player of "ARCHEO"
"¬ : невнимательность, и полунападающей из" ј –'≈ ќ "
Lamia Reno, "ARCHEO" special mission.
Ћамиа – ено, специальна € мисси €, "ј –'≈ ќ".
I would like to present here the position of the "ARCHEO" service because, so to say, we have in our office the comprehensive data on their subject.
я хочу изложить позицию службы "ј –'≈ ќ" так как мы имеем обширные данные по их вопросу.
From the part of the "ARCHEO" service I propose the NATURALIZATION of both males.
ќт имени службы "ј –'≈ ќ" предлагаю Ќј " "– јЋ" "ј ÷" ё обоих самцов.
"ј –'≈ ќ".
We haven't called yet anyone from "ARCHEO" today!
ћы сегодн € никого из архива не вызывали.
You have the brothel in your "ARCHEO" yourselves!
Ёто у вас в архиве бордель!
Sisters from "ARCHEO"!
Ўпики из "архео"!
Lamia Reno. 6364 Archeo.
Ћами € Ёрена, 63-64 "архео".
TV : "... lost their lives. Emma Dax from "GENETIX" service... and Lamia Reno from "ARCHEO" service. "
... героически погибли Ёмма ƒагс из "√ ≈ Ќ ≈" "—"... и Ћами € Ёрена...
TV : "We are asking the" ARCHEO "service representative." " I wish to confirm hereby that indeed, both males have been dehibernated.
но в цел € х безопасности... они были подвергнуты натурализации... в одной из клиник "јрхео".
However, the danger was prevented, since early this morning in "ARCHEO" special clinic the naturalization procedure has been performed. This will help them to find and realize themselves in our society.
" акие операции по натурализации... проводились и раньше...

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