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Translate.vc / English → Russian / [ G ] / Get up against the wall

Get up against the wall translate Russian

37 parallel translation
All right, get up against the wall, Lafarge.
Ладно, к стенке, Лэфардж.
Get the other one! Get out of here! Get up against the wall.
А ну к стене, к стене!
Spread them. Let's get up against the wall.
Руки на стену!
Put her down and get up against the wall right now.
Отпусти сейчас же! И повернись лицом к окну.
Can you get up against the wall?
Можешь встать к стене?
Get up against the wall!
К стене!
Get up against the wall.
К стене. Живо.
- Get up against the wall.
- Встали к стене.
Get up against the wall!
- Я ничего не сделал!
Get up against the wall.
Встань к стене.
Get up against the wall.
Встань у стены.
Get up against the wall.
- Встань у стены.
Get up against the wall.
Встань лицом к стене.
NYPD, jackoff. Get up against the wall.
Полиция, придурок.
( ruzek ) get up against the wall!
Лицом к стене! Стой и не двигайся!
- Get up against the wall, I said.
- Я сказал, сядь к стене.
Get up against the wall.
¬ стань лицом к стене.
Certainly in my case the whole idea of having anything to do with the drug culture ran up against a very big brick wall was when I started to get involved in feminism... and, as I say, it didn't work at all.
ќпределенно, в моем случае иде € наладить контакты с наркокультурой натыкалась на очень большую стену... когда € начала участвовать в феминистском движении... и € бы сказала, это не работало вобще.
If anyone's caught taking graft, and I don't get my share, we stand him up against the wall and pop goes the weasel.
Кто берет взятку и не делится со мной, того ставим к стенке и - пиф-паф! Конец тебе, подлец.
Get'em up against the wall.
Давай всех к стене.
- Get'em up against the wall
А ну-ка к стене его!
Get your hands up! Go against the wall, turn around.
Лицом к стене, руки на стену!
Get up against the wall here.
Все к стене.
Just shut up and get against the wall!
Не трогайте меня! К стене!
Get the fuck up against the wall!
Всем встать к стене, мать вашу!
Get him up against the wall.
стене его.
Get your hands up against the wall.
Вставай к стене с поднятыми руками.
Get your ass against the wall before you find your brains up there.
Живо к стенке встань, а не то я твои мозги размажу.
Get back up against the wall!
Встать обратно к стене!
Get undressed, up against the wall.
Раздевайтесь и станьте против стены.
Look, we make sure Herbert Love comes out against the wall, right after we get enough of it up to trigger the government payment.
Мы убедим Лава выступить против стены, как только она у нас встанет так, что спровоцирует выплаты.
Hands up. Get against the wall.
Руки вверх, к стене!
Just shut up and get over there against the wall.
Just shut up and get over there against the wall.
So, I had her up against the wall and I was just trying to get her to tell me where the kids were.
И я... Я прижимал ее к стене и просто пытался дознаться у нее, где дети.
Get back against the wall, back up.
Отойдите к стене. Вставай.
Get your ass up and against the wall, inmate.
Поднять свой зад и стать к стене, заключенная.

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