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It's all yours translate Turkish

1,097 parallel translation
Whatever's down there, a lot or a little, half yours, half mine but the right to tell the world about it, that's all yours.
Aşağıda ne varsa, az ya da çok, yarısı senin, yarısı benim ama dünyaya bu gemiyi haber verme hakkı tamamen senin.
It's all yours, Sweetheart.
Verdim gitti o zaman, şekerim.
It's all yours.
Tamamen sana bırakıyorum.
It's all yours, as soon as you give us the diamonds.
Elmasları bize verdiğinde hepsi senin.
It's all yours, Colonel.
- Artık sizindir albay.
It's all of ours, not just yours.
Hadi ama. O hepimizin, sadece sizin değil.
Eat it it's all yours, go on stuff yourself.
Al hepsi senin olsun.
How can you tell it's all yours?
nasıl bileceksiniz?
Okay, mister, it's all yours.
Tamam, bayım, sizindir.
The tanks are full, O mighty Wez, and it's all yours.
Depolar dolu yüce Wez ve hepsi senin!
- It's all yours, Dito.
- Çek hepsini, Dito.
It's all yours.
Hepsi senin.
It's all yours
Hepsi senindir.
Well, Aircraftsman Horton, if I should forget to pick it up, or something, it's all yours.
Pekala Horton, eğer almayı unuttuğum bir şey, olursa hepsi senindir.
Okay, I give up. I give up. It's all yours.
Tamam bıraktım, bıraktım.
It's all yours. It's all yours.
Al senin olsun, tamam.
It's all yours.
Al senin olsun.
It's all yours, laddies.
Hepsi sizin, bayanlar.
It's all yours, ladies.
Sizde, hanımlar.
- Yeah, it's all yours now.
- Evet artık hepsi senin.
All right. It's yours to fix.
It's all yours.
OK, it's all yours.
Tamam sıra sende.
It's all yours now.
Hepsi sizin artık.
It's all yours, Frankie.
Sıra sende Frankie.
It's all yours.
Hepsi sizin.
All right, it's all yours, glory boys.
Artık iş sizde beyler. Kahraman olacaksınız.
It's all yours.
Tamamıyla sizindir.
- It's all yours.
- Hepsi senindir.
This book of yours, tell me, what's it all about?
Şu kitabınız, söylesenize, ne hakkında?
It's all yours
Hepsi sizin olsun!
It's all yours, you got it.
Sınıf senin.
- Please, Jonathan, it's all yours.
- Lütfen Jonathan, hiç çekinme.
It's all yours.
Plaza Otel burası mı?
It's all yours now.
Şimdi tamamı sizin.
- It's all yours, sir.
- Tamamen sizindir efendim.
– I think, if it's all the same to you, Mrs Popey, you'd better ask this son of yours to come downstairs and answer a few questions.
- Bence oğlunuzu buraya çağırıp birkaç soru cevaplamasını söylemelisiniz.
It's all yours, Lieutenant.
- Tamam. Sıra sizde Yüzbaşı.
- It's all yours, sir.
- Artık sizin, Efendim.
It's all yours, Jim.
Hepsi senindir, Jim.
It's all yours.
Söz sende.
It's not very clean at the moment, but it's all yours.
tepe tepe kullan.
It's all yours, Val.
Kumanda sende Val.
Swing, babe, it's all yours!
Aç gözünü! Salla bebeğim!
It's a private home, and it's all yours.
Burası müstakil bir ev. Senin.
It's all yours.
Artık tamamıyla senin.
"If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn and lose, and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss yours is the earth and everything that's in it and, which is more, you'll be a man, my son."
Onunla son saatlerini böyle geçirme. Biraz eğlen onunla oyna. Git getir oğlum!
It's all yours, son.
Bu senin evlat.
It's all yours, Murray.
Senindir, Murray.
If you like it all that much, it's yours.
Kitabı o kadar çok seviyorsan, senin olsun.
It's all yours, Barbara.
Senindir Barbara.

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