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Translate.vc / English → Turkish / [ W ] / What's the matter with her

What's the matter with her translate Turkish

166 parallel translation
- What's the matter with her?
- Nesi var bunun?
What's the matter, ain't you in love with her?
- Ne oldu? Ona aşık değil misin?
What's the matter with her?
Onun nesi var?
What's the matter with her?
Sorunu nedir?
What's the matter with her?
Bunun derdi neymiş?
What's the matter with her?
Nesi var bu kızın?
- What's the matter with her marriage?
- Evliliğine ne olmuş?
- What's the matter with her?
- Nesi var?
What's the matter with her?
Bunun sorunu ne? - Kapa çeneni.
What's the matter with her?
Onun neyi var?
If they don't swarm around, you're in another kind of a panic and you wonder what's the matter with her.
Etrafına üşümezlerse bu sefer de başka bir korkuya kapılır ve kızınızın neyi var diye kendinizi yersiniz.
What's the matter with her?
Onun neyi var böyle?
- What's the matter with her?
- Onun neyi var?
- What's the matter with her?
Onun derdi ne?
What's the matter with her?
Nesi var?
What makes you think there's something the matter with her?
Kadına bir şey olduğunu nereden çıkardın?
- What's the matter with her?
- Kızın nesi var?
What's the matter with her, Bick?
Bunun nesi var Bick?
I don't know what's the matter with her.
Willie, çocuğun derdi nedir bilmiyorum.
What's the matter with her?
Neymiş derdi?
What's the matter with her?
Ne oldu ona?
You know what's the matter with her?
Onun neyinin olduğunu biliyorsun.
Have you found out yet what's the matter with her? That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
- Sorununu çözebildiniz mi?
may I ask what's the matter with her?
Nesi olduğunu sorabilir miyim?
What's the matter with her?
Derdi ne?
What's the matter with her?
Onunla ne alakası var?
- What's the matter with her?
- Onun nesi var?
I wanna know what's the matter with her.
Onun nesi var bilmek istiyorum.
What's the matter with her?
Kadının nesi var?
What's the matter with her, Mama?
Nesi var anne?
Dad, what's the matter with her?
Baba, nesi var?
- What's the matter with her this time?
- Evet. - Bu şeyin bu defa nesi var?
What's the matter with her?
Derdi ne ki bunun?
- What's the matter with her?
- Bunun nesi var?
What's the matter with her?
Nesi var onun?
What's the matter with her?
Şimdi ne olmuş ona?
- What's the matter with her?
Sakin ol! - Nesi var bunun?
What's the matter with her?
Onun sorunu ne?
Ray, I can't understand what's the matter with her.
Ray, Sorunu ne, anlayamıyorum.
What's the matter with her?
Sorunu ne?
What's the matter with her?
Neyi var?
- What's the matter with her? - Well, I'll explain.
Nesi var?
What's the matter with her?
Onun sorunu nedir?
- Wha-What's the matter with her?
- Ne-Onun nesi var?
But what's the matter with her?
Peki onun nesi var?
- What's the matter with her?
Neyi var onun? Dinle.
What's the matter with her?
Peki nesi var?
What on earth's the matter with her?
Nesi var ki öyle?
What's the matter with her?
Nesi var bunun?
Du Gang, you always claim to be brave, what's the matter with you now?
Du Gang, her zaman cesurmuş gibi davrandın! Şimdi neden korkuyorsun?
What's the matter with her name?
Şimdiki adının nesi varmış?

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