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What happened to your neck translate Turkish

44 parallel translation
What happened to your neck?
Boynuna ne oIdu?
What happened to your neck?
Boynunda ne var?
What happened to your neck?
Boynuna ne oldu?
What happened to your neck?
Boynuna ne oldu? Otur, David.
Since we got a little time, maybe you can tell us what happened to your neck.
Az vaktimiz olduğuna göre, belki bize boynuna ne olduğunu söylersin.
- What happened to your neck?
- Boynunuza ne oldu?
- What happened to your neck, Mr. Pinchbeck?
- Boynunuza ne oldu Bay Pinchbeck?
- What happened to your neck?
Boynuna ne oldu?
Damn, papi, what happened to your neck?
Kahretsin, dostum, boynuna ne oldu?
What happened to your neck?
Boynunuza ne oldu?
What happened to your neck, aidan?
Boynuna ne oldu Aidan?
Excuse me, but what happened to your neck?
Pardon, boynuna ne oldu acaba?
What happened to your neck?
Boynuna ne oldu öyle?
What happened to your neck?
- Boynuna ne oldu?
- Whoa, what happened to your neck?
- Boynuna ne oldu? - Traş olurken kestim.
Why don't you tell me what happened to your neck, Jo?
Neden boynuna ne olduğundan bahsetmiyorsun, Jo?
What - - what happened to your neck?
Boynuna ne oldu?
- Mom, what happened to your neck?
- Anne boynuna noldu?
What happened to your neck?
Ne oldu? - Ne? - Boynuna ne oldu?
Mommy what happened to your neck?
Anne boynuna ne oldu?
What's happened to your neck?
Boynunuza ne oldu?
That you were strung up by your neck and left for dead, that Claire was taken and kept for days, during which God only knows what happened to her, that these people, these "others", are merciless... and can take any one of us whenever they choose.
Boynundan asili oldugunu ve olume terk edildigini. Claire'in gunlerce alikoyuldugunu. O zaman zarfinda basina ne geldigini Tanri bilir.
- What happened to your neck?
- Boynuna ne oldu?
Sis, what the heck happened to your neck?
Sis, ne halt ettin sen böyle boynuna?
So, Solloway, what exactly happened to your neck?
Solloway, boynununa tam olarak ne oldu?

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