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Translate.vc / English → Turkish / [ W ] / What were you doing there

What were you doing there translate Turkish

840 parallel translation
- What were you doing there?
- Orada ne yapıyordun?
- What were you doing there?
- Orada ne işiniz vardı?
What were you doing there?
Orada neler yapıyordun öyle?
What were you doing there?
Orada ne yapıyordun?
What were you doing there?
Senin ne işin vardı orada?
Well, what were you doing there?
Orada ne yapıyordun ki?
- What were you doing there?
- Ne işin vardı?
- What were you doing there?
- Orada ne işin vardı?
- What were you doing there, Professor?
- Orada ne yapıyordunuz, Profesör?
And what were you doing there, at Old Fort Point?
Old Fort Point'te ne yapıyordun?
What were you doing there?
Sen orada ne yapıyordun?
! What were you doing there?
Sen orada ne yapıyordun?
What were you doing there?
Orada ne yapıyordunuz?
What were you doing there?
Orada ne yapıyordun ki?
- What were you doing there?
- Orada ne arıyordun?
- What were you doing there?
- Ne işin vardı orada?
- What were you doing up there?
- Ne yapıyordun yukarıda?
I didn't know you, we were alone there and before I knew what I was doing, I stepped on the gas.
Sizi tanımıyordum, orada tek başınaydık ne yaptığımı bilmeden gaza bastım.
What were you doing up there? - Who is he?
- Orada ne yapıyordun?
What do you suppose they were doing in there?
Orada ne yaptıklarını düşünüyorsun?
- What were you doing up there?
- Yukarıda ne yapıyordunuz?
What were you doing in there, pal?
Evde ne arıyordun dostum?
What were you doing out there?
Ne yapıyordunuz dışarıda öyle?
And what were you doing down there?
Ne yapıyordun orada?
What were you doing up there?
Yukarıda ne yapıyordun?
What were you doing down there?
Orada ne yapıyordun?
What were you doing in there? Owens was an old friend of my family.
Owens, ailemin eski dostudur.
- What were you doing in there?
- Orada ne yapıyordunuz?
I do not ask you what you were doing there.
Senin ne yaptığını sormayacağım.
So, what were you doing up there?
Peki, sen ne yapıyordun orada?
What on earth were you doing there, except getting soaked?
Orada sırılsıklam olmak dışında ne arıyordun?
You know what we were doing in there?
Burada ne yapıyoruz, biliyor musun?
- What were you doing out there?
- Burada ne yapıyordun?
- What were you doing out there?
- Orada ne yapıyordun?
La-la-la, la-la-la la-la-la-la-la-la-la? What were you doing down there? [Laughing]
Aşağıda ne arıyordun?
What were you doing out there?
Orada ne yaplyordun canlm?
Doctor, what were you doing in there?
Doktor. Orada ne yapıyordun?
Who was there, what they were doing, and what you did.
Kimlerin olduğunu, neler yaptıklarını, senin ne yaptığını.
- What were you doing in there?
- Ne yapıyordun orada?
What did you think we were doing out there, Miss Fellowes?
Orada ne yaptığımızı sandınız Bayan Fellowes?
- What were you doing back there, Fermat?
- Ne yapıyordun orda Fermat.
- What were you doing out there?
- Burada ne arıyorsun?
What were you doing in there?
Ne yapıyordun orada? Oraya girmedim.
What were you doing in there, anyway?
İçeride ne yapıyordun?
What were you doing there?
Ne yapıyordun orada?
- What were you doing up there?
- Yukarıda ne işin var?
- What were you doing up there?
- Yukarıda ne yapıyordun?
Just what were you doing in there?
Ne yapıyordunuz?
What were you doing over there? Would you mind telling us what...?
- Orada ne yapıyordunuz?
- What were you doing down there?
- Burada ne yapıyorsun, asker?
What were you doing down there?
Orada ne işin vardı?

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