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Where the hell are you translate Turkish

1,272 parallel translation
- Where the hell are you going?
- Ne cehenneme gidiyorsun?
Where the hell are you?
- Hangi cehennemin dibindesin?
Where the hell are you? !
- Hangi cehennemdesin?
Where the hell are you?
Hangi cehennemdesin?
Carol, where the hell are you?
Carol, hangi lanet yerdesin?
Murphy, where the hell are you?
Murphy, hangi cehennemdesin?
Where the hell are you, D?
Neredesin D?
Where the hell are you going?
Ne cehenneme gidiyorsun?
Where the hell are you?
- Neredesin?
Where the hell are you going?
Hangi cehenneme gidiyorsun?
- Where the hell are you going?
- Nereye gidiyorsun?
Where the hell are you going with that car?
O araba ile nereye gidiyorsun?
- Where the hell are you going?
Nereye gidiyorsun? - Nereye?
Where the hell are you?
Hangi cehennemdesin sen?
Where the hell are you?
Nerdesiniz siz?
Wagon 5, where the hell are you?
Vagon 5, nerdesiniz ya?
Mahmut, where the hell are you?
Mahmut. Nerdesin sen ya?
Where the hell are you?
Hangi cehennemdesin Jack?
- Tchen, where the hell are you?
- Chen, hangi cehennemdesin?
Where the hell are you?
Where the hell are you going?
Nereye gidiyorsun?
Where the hell are you guys?
Hangi cehennemdesiniz çocuklar?
Hondo, where the hell are you?
Hondo, hangi cehennemdesin?
70-David, where the hell are you?
70-David, hangi cehennemdesin?
- Where the hell are you?
Hangi cehennemdeydin?
Where the hell are you?
Ne cehennemdesin?
Where the hell are you going?
Hangi cehenneme Gidiyorsun!
Tom, where the hell are you?
Tom, neredesin?
Where the hell are you?
Sen neredesin?
Where the hell are you! ?
And he says hey kid hell, where the hell are you?
Bu durumlarda prova yapmak daha doğru olur. Ama yapmadık.
Where the hell are you?
O hangi cehennemde?
Come on, where the hell are you? !
Hadi ama, neredesin be?
Where the hell are you?
Yemin ederim. - Ne cehennemdesin?
Dawson, where the hell are you?
Dawson, Hangi cehennemdesin?
- Where the hell are you?
- Hangi cehennemdesin?
- Hey, where the hell are you going?
- Nereye gidiyorsun?
Hangi cehennemdesin seni küçük pislik?
Meacham, where the hell are you?
Meacham, nerelerdesin?
Hey, where the hell are you going?
Hey, nereye gidiyorsun?
Billy, Gus, where the hell are you guys?
Billy, Gus, neredesiniz?
Where the hell are you?
Lanet olsun nerdesin?
Where the hell are you, man?
Ne cehennemdesin?
Where the hell are you, goddamn it?
Hangi cehennemdesiniz? Kahretsin.
Where in the hell are you taking me?
Beni hangi cehenneme götürüyorsun?
A whole lot to give, yo So we grab life - Where in the hell are you?
Bay Hayes nerelerdesin?
Doyle, where the hell are you?
Doyle, hangi cehennemdesin?
I never know where the hell you are- -
Nerede olduğunu bilemeyeceğim.
Do you think I'm crazy? Hey where the hell are you going?
Aslına bakarsanız nefret ediyorum, sanırım siz de tahmin ediyorsunuzdur.
Where the hell do you think you are?
Nerede olduğunu sanıyorsun? Uyan!
I told you to make popcorn balls. Where the hell are the popcorn balls?
Patlamış mısırlar nerede?

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