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Translate.vc / English → Turkish / [ W ] / Would you like to do the honors

Would you like to do the honors translate Turkish

32 parallel translation
Kara, would you like to do the honors?
Kara, ev sahipliği yapmak ister misin?
Would you like to do the honors, lieutenant Tao?
Bu şerefe nail olmak ister miydin Tğm. Tao? Seve seve.
- Would you like to do the honors?
- Bu şerefi ister misin?
Dr.Yang, would you like to do the honors?
Dr. Yang, kapanisi yapmak ister misin?
Holly, would you like to do the honors?
Holly, sen başlamak ister misin?
Dad, would you like to do the honors?
Yataktayken bütün gün onu izliyordu.
Mr. Gildea, you're under arrest. Randy, would you like to do the honors?
Bay Gildea tutuklusunuz.
Frances, would you like to do the honors?
Frances, bu onur sana ait.
Detective O'Hara, would you like to do the honors?
Dedektif O'Hara, bu şerefe nail olmak ister misin?
Tracy, would you like to do the honors or shall I?
Tracy, bu şerefi sen mi istersin yoksa ben mi yapayım?
- Or would you like to do the honors? - Ok. What's going on?
- Pekâlâ, neler oluyor?
Would you like to do the honors?
- Bu şeref sana ait.
Would you like to do the honors?
Onurlandırmak ister misin?
Would you like to do the honors?
Bu şerefe nail olmak ister misin?
- Would you like to do the honors?
- Yapmak ister misin?
Would you like to do the honors, Mr. Vaziri?
Bu onur sizin olsun ister misiniz, Bay Vaziri?
Uh, Leslie, would you like to do the honors?
Leslie, bu şerefe erişmek ister misin?
So, would you like to do the honors?
Kadeh kaldırmak ister misin?
Okay, Shania, would you like to do the honors?
Peki Shania, başlamak ister misin?
Would you like to do the honors?
Bu onura sen sahip olmak ister misin?
Mr. Zarb, would you like to do the honors?
Bay Zarb, siz yapmak ister misiniz?
Angie, would you like to do the honors?
Bu şerefi sana verelim mi, Angie?
Well... would you like to do the honors?
O hâlde açılışı yapmak ister misiniz?
Would you like to do the honors?
Bu onuru lütfeder misin?
Dr. Williams, would you like to do the honors?
Dr. Williams, bu onuru lütfeder misin?
Mike, would you like to do the honors? Ah. With pleasure.
- Mike, bu şerefe nail olmak ister misin?
Would you like to do the honors?
Önden gitmek ister misiniz?
Maybe you would like to do the honors this evening.
Belki bu akşam dua etme onurunu sen taşırsın.
Would you... like to do the honors, sir?
Bu şerefi siz ister misiniz efendim?
Would you like to do the honors, sweetheart?
- Bu onuru üstlenmek ister misin canım?
Would you like to... Do the honors?
yapmak istermiy... bu onur senindir?
Mimi, would you like to get your husband another drink or should I do the honors?
Mimi kocana bir kadeh daha içki getirir misin, yoksa ben mi getireyim?

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