/ Spanish → English / Inclusive
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Él formó la idea de que los primeros tienen una profesión mientras los otros tienen una misión, inclusive un refugio.
He forms the idea that the first one have a profession, whereas the others have a mission, or even a refuge.
Estoy dispuesto a arriesgarlo todo, inclusive mi propia vida.
I put everything on the game, even my life.
Inclusive no lo necesito.
I don't even need it.
Será un alivio inclusive para nosotros.
It'll even be a relief for us.
¿ Qué coño quieres? Estoy segura, no tengo dudas.
Va un po'inclusive is experiencing a difficult time.
Estos increíbles precios incluyen ataúd de diseño.
All reasonably priced inclusive of designer coffin
Su majestad, el rey Gustavo V de Suecia va a saludar a los jugadores en pleno césped, inclusive el nuevo rey.
His Majesty, King Gustav Vl of Sweden enters the pitch to greet the players, including the new king.
¡ Cuatro sombreros, inclusive encima del portero!
Four chips, he even chipped the keeper!
En esos juegos, Pelé hizo 6 goles inclusive clasificó Brasil en el juego contra Paraguay.
Brazil 1-O Paraguay Qualifying Match ln these matches, Pelé scored six goals, including the one that qualified Brazil in the match against Paraguay.
¡ Quienes andan noche y día con Dios en la boca... inclusive burlándose, ¿ evitaron la muerte? !
They who go through life with God in their mouths... have they avoided dying?
A veces dice cosas que parecen ser verdades, inclusive.
Sometimes she says things that even seem to be the truth.
Inclusive mientras caes.
Even when you fall.
Pero se sabe muy poco... en realidad, inclusive por los supuestos expertos... quienes se acercaron demasiado... y demasiado lejos de las raнces esotйricas de Leonardo... ver realmente de quй se trata y por quй lo pintу.
But it's very very little known really even by the so-called experts who are far too close to it and far too far away from Leonardo's esoteric roots to really see what it's about and why he painted it.
Y de hecho era... el superior... inclusive superior a Jesъs.
John the Baptist and him actually being superior, regarded as superior even to Jesus.
Pero como nuestra cultura es tan secular... y tan materialista... inclusive sobre cosas espirituales... ni siquiera considera la dimensiуn vertical.
But since our culture is so secular and so materialistic even about spiritual things, it doesn't really consider the vertical dimension.
Inclusive cuando vemos los ataques... de los padres herejes de la iglesia... contra los gnуsticos... una de las grandes acusaciones fue que tenнan mujeres... que eran maestras, mujeres que eran lнderes... mujeres profetas y mujeres que daban la comuniуn... y hasta mujeres que bautizaban...
When we see the attacks of Irineos and these various heresiology church fathers against the gnostics, one of the big accusations is that they have women teachers and they have women leaders, women prophetesses and women serve communion and women even baptize,
Eso es mejor inclusive.
That's even better.
Vamos a necesitar desenterrarlo, inclusive con cemento.
We're going to need to dig this up, cement and all.
Sí crees en nosotros, Sean, si crees en nuestro amor del mismo modo que yo eso puede invalidar cualquier cosa, inclusive la verdad.
If you believe in us, Sean, if you believe in our love the way I do... then it can override everything, even the truth.
Estaré trayéndoles nueva información a medida que este disponible.
Because of affirmative action. Myself not inclusive in that,
Y ultimamente ha estado usando sus gafas de sol inclusive fuera de la casa.
And lately he's even been taking his sunglasses off inside the house.
El nuevo cohete de Korolev, designado como el "R7", será tan enorme, que inclusive su sitio de lanzamiento tendrá que diseñarse desde cero en un área remota a 1400 millas de Moscú.
Korolev's new rocket, designated the R7, will be so huge, even its launch site has to be designed from scratch at a remote site fourteen hundred miles from Moscow.
Su suegro compró varios edificios de la cuadra inclusive un refugio cercano de aquí.
His father-in-Iaw bought several buildings on the block and a nearby vacant lot, home to Tent City.
El mundo es injusto, inclusive, con gente como nosotros.
The world is unfair. Even to people like us.
Creo en muchas cosas, inclusive en ti Jimmy Cuervo.
I believe in a lot of things. Even you, Jimmy Cuervo.
En serio. Inclusive apenas te veo.
Seriously, I barely even see you anymore.
EI agua puede hallar su camino inclusive entre Ias rocas.
Water can carve its way, even through stone.
Inclusive su nombre, Celestina tenía más estilo que los vecinos.
Even her name - Celestina - had more flair than the neighbors ".
Puede ser inclusive de Marte, no puede detenerse aquí.
Well, I don't care if you're from Mars, you cannot stop here.
Inclusive conmigo no hablas tanto.
Even with me you don't talk much.
Inclusive para no traerlo aquí he debido contarle de las ballenas...
Also for him to not bring it here I had to tell him of the wales...
¡ Inclusive en tu propia vida!
Even in your own life!
No, Adriana yo prefiero la desobediencia, independencia de espíritu e inclusive la rebelión cuando la tolerancia comienza a parecerse a demasiada indiferencia.
No, Adriana I prefer the disobedience, independence of spirit and the rebellion when tolerance begins to resemble too much indifference.
Todos interactuábamos entre nosotros... inclusive antes de tener contratos discográficos.
You know, Iike, all of us were interacting with each other, even before we all had record contracts.
Y sin embargo, ambos osos abandonaron la pelea para buscar a Saturn... inclusive Mickey, que parece haberse cansado... durante la pelea entre él y el Sargento Brown... por el derecho de cortejar a Saturn, la reina del Refugio de los osos.
And yet, both bears back in pursuit of Saturn, including Mickey, who appears to have gotten the worse for the wear in the fight between Sergeant Brown and Mickey for the right to court Saturn, the queen of the Grizzly Sanctuary.
Inclusive siendo eliminados y todo.
Even if they're eliminated.
Aquí es posible ver, e inclusive tocar a los personajes de Ghibli
Here you can see Ghibli characters - even touch them.
Inclusive como adulto, no puedo resistirme a entrar.
Even as an adult I can't resist going inside.
Inclusive el banco es del tamaño exacto para un niño.
Even the bench is just the right size for a child.
Eso ya era demasiado, inclusive en la era disco.
That's too much! Even in a disco era. Terrible.
Inclusive copié textos de Proust.
I even copied from Proust.
E inclusive ya tengo a mi sucesor.
And, I even already have my successor.
Inclusive ahora, si lo declaras como desaparecido, ella se convertirá en raptora, y su amiga se convertirá en cómplice.
Even now if you file him missing, she becomes a kidnapper, and her friend becomes a culprit.
La palabra "incluir" no estaba en su vocabulario.
The word " "inclusive" " was left out of his vocabulary.
Inclusive Debbie Harry cuenta que cuando iba a las estaciones de radio... la gente le tenía miedo porque habían oído que era punk rock. Como si ella fuera a sacar un puñal o algo así.
Even Debbie Harry talks about when she would go to radio stations... people were like afraid of her because they heard she was punk rock... like she was going to pull out a knife or something.
Algo habría ocurrido e inclusive podría llamarse punk... pero no sería como fue y la apariencia era importante.
Something would have happened and it might have even been called punk... but it wouldn't have looked the way it did and the look of it was so important.
Inclusive se formó un club llamado "Amor inaudito".
They even made a club called Untold love.
Lo presentaban como un hotel 5 estrellas, yo me acuerdo de esa palabra, acá inclusive hasta los guardianes decían'Esto es un hotel 5 estrellas'.
It was presented as a five star hotel. I remember those words. Even the guards here said this was a five star hotel.
Te quiero, inclusive si eres un asesino.
I love you, even if you are a murderer.
Pero tienes suerte, inclusive tienes papá.
But you're lucky to even have your dad.
¿ Por qué? Porque en este momento nos dedicamos a la campaña electoral... y eliminamos una serie de pedidos... de atención social, inclusive por el TRE.
Because of the... electoral law... we can't meet requests for social services.