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Killing translate English

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Señor, para un amante rechazado, el asesinato es brutal.
Sir, for a rejected lover, the killing is brutal.
Chicos, ¿ podemos estar de acuerdo en que estamos arrasando octavo grado?
Guys, can we agree we're killing it in eighth grade?
Me gusta matar.
I like killing.
Nadie me culpará por matar a una esclava.
Nobody will blame me for killing a slave.
Bruno hubiera acabado matando a toda su promoción.
Bruno would've ended up killing his entire high school graduating class.
Esto me está matando.
This is killing me.
Pero no puedes dejar de lado que esto es una enorme máquina de matar naranja.
You can never really lose sight of the fact, though, that what it actually is is a big, orange killing engine.
Es una enorme máquina de matar color naranja
What it actually is is a big, orange killing engine.
Todos saben la verdad sobre Siria, pero nadie ha logrado detener la matanza y la lucha ni el derramamiento de sangre y las masacres que se cometen.
Everyone knows the truth about Syria, but no one's been able to stop the killing and fighting... or stop the bloodshed and the massacres that are being committed.
Un doctor fue acusado falsamente de matar a su mujer en su casa, incluso juró que lo hizo otro hombre.
A doctor was falsely accused of killing his wife in their home, even though he swore another man did it.
- Dios mío, me estás matando.
- Oh, my God, you're killing me.
¿ Cómo sabemos que no ha zarpado para coger un montón de suministros nuevos para matar?
How do we know he didn't sail off to get a bunch of new killing supplies?
¿ Crees que matar no me pesa?
You think killing doesn't weigh on me?
No matar zombi. ¿ Seriamente?
No zombie killing.
Recuerde sin piedad, no matar, no piking.
Remember no mercy, no killing, no piking.
Y matar a un hombre desarmado en una prisión es una de esas líneas.
And killing an unarmed man in a prison- - that's one of those lines.
Me estás matando, hombre.
You're killing me, man.
Me está matando
He's killing me.
Me estás matando, Elmer.
You're killing me, Elmer.
Sería un asesinato por compasión.
It'll be a mercy killing.
Bueno, si vale la pena matar por la investigación de genoma que busca Reddington, no se está haciendo en la clínica.
Well, if the genome research Reddington's after is worth killing over, it's not being done at a clinic.
- Matarlo no solo habría puesto un alto a sus objeciones, además le habría dado a su documental un final excelente.
Killing him wouldn't just put a stop to his objections... It would also give your documentary a bang-up ending.
O quizá solo matar por ella.
Or maybe you just like killing for her.
- No me gusta matar.
- I don't like killing.
Estamos hablando de matarlo, ¿ verdad?
We're talking about killing him, right?
De que yo lo mate.
Me killing him.
Y si está en lo cierto sobre que el diácono Joe mató a su madre,
And if she's right about Deacon Joe killing her mom,
Nassar presumía de haber matado a casi mil personas.
Nassar boasted about killing nearly a thousand people.
Jason Atwood ha confesado el asesinato de Majid Nassar.
Jason Atwood confessed to the killing of Majid Nassar.
La venganza no reside en matar a Ezequiel.
Revenge isn't about killing Ezequiel.
Su portátil pudo haber contenido muchas cosas por las que valiera la pena matar, información privilegiada, evidencia de un delito financiero.
His laptop could have contained a lot of things worth killing over- - insider information, proof of a financial crime.
Y más recientemente, eso incluyó matar a Russell Cole.
And most recently, that included you killing Russell Cole.
¿ Qué bien va a resultar de matarme?
What good is killing me gonna do?
Matando a dos mujeres mayores mientras dormían.
Killing the two older women in their sleep.
Nunca mezcló robar con matar.
He's never mixed stealing with killing.
¿ Matarlos sería un logro?
I mean, what would killing them even achieve?
Siempre me gusta matar a lo mejor de Langley.
I always like killing Langley's best.
Dígame, señor Morris, ¿ por qué me impidió matar a ese guardia?
Tell me, Mr. Morris, why did you stop me from killing that guard?
Un preso debiendo enfrentar tanto tiempo como tú no hubiera dudado en matar a alguien que se interponga entre él y su libertad.
A prisoner facing as much time as you wouldn't think twice about killing someone standing between him and freedom.
El suspense me está matando, literalmente.
The suspense is killing me, like, literally.
Probablemente lo vamos a agarrar por matar a Julle, pero necesito ayuda.
We're probably going to nail him for killing Julle, but I need help.
Interrumpes mi momento de matar gente.
You're chipping in my time for killing people.
No mataremos a ningún niño.
We're not killing any of those kids.
Me acusaste de matar a Sarah.
You accused me of killing Sarah.
Jake visitó ese trastero por su propia voluntad y escondió la información sobre el falsificador de pasaportes porque la verdad es que Sarah quería dejar a Jake y ese fue su motivo para asesinarla.
Jake visited that locker of his own volition, and he hid the information about the phony passport because the truth is Sarah wanted to leave Jake, and that was his motive for killing her.
Parece un asesinato por venganza.
Sounds like a revenge killing.
Confesó matar a Arcaro, pero no quiere hablar sobre Stan.
He fessed up to killing Arcaro, but he didn't want to talk about Stan.
Hay cosas que no te dijeron. Y que me está matando por dentro.
There are things I left unsaid, and it's killing me inside.
Necesitabas acceso a ese aparato para que pudieras hablar con tu falso tú, por lo que podrías justificar matarlo.
You needed access to that contraption so you could talk to your fake self, so you could justify killing him.
Tuve toda la intención de preguntarle a mi futuro yo sobre el Nightingale después de preguntarle al Sr. Sanders, quien estaba, por cierto, a punto de disparar a una tienda de licores, matar a una familia de cinco.
I had every intention of asking my future self about the Nightingale after I asked about Mr. Sanders, who was, by the way, about to shoot up a liquor store, killing a family of five.
Papá me está matando.
Ugh! Dad is killing me.

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