/ Spanish → English / Mcnally
Mcnally translate English
912 parallel translation
Venga aquí, Rand McNally, y yo le explicaremos esto.
Come over here, Rand McNally, and I'll explain this thing to you.
- ¿ Qué es Rand McNally?
What's this Rand McNally?
Ven y saluda a la Sra. McNally.
Come and say "how do you do" to Mrs. McNally.
Lo peor de todo fue que Vera McNally estaba aquí.
The worst of it was, Very McNally was here.
Es la Sra. McNally y yo soy Peter McNally.
She Mrs. McNally and I'm Peter McNally.
Vera McNally me lo dijo.
Vera McNally told me.
De todas formas, tengo que ir donde la Sra. Mcnally.
Anyway, I have to go over to Mrs. Mcnally.
Déme con Browning, Schlagel y McNally en Nueva York. Llame a Créditos.
Credit department.
Browning, Schlagel y McNally.
Browning, Schlagel and McNally.
¿ Conoces a Browning, Schlagel y McNally?
Ever hear of Browning, Schlagel and McNally?
Estuve con Browning, Schlagel y McNally 17 años a cargo de la cuenta de medicinas.
I've been with Browning, Schlagel and McNally 17 years in full charge of the drug account.
¿ Sabe cuánto cuesta en este ambiente conseguir una esquina...?
You know how long it takes at Browning, Schlagel and McNally to get a corner...?
Ver McNally.
See McNally.
Y contacte con McNally. Que envíen lo que tengan sobre la tripulación de reemplazo.
Ask him to send over any material they have on the backup crew, film, everything.
Me llamaron para que esté en el aeropuerto cuando aterrice Hardy.
McNally called me this morning anyway. He wants me to be at the airport when Hardy lands.
Hagan todas las fotos que quieran pero nada de entrevistas.
McNALLY : You can have all the pictures you want, but no interviews.
- Coronel La Cava...
Colonel LaCava- - McNALLY :
Este es el comunicado que McNally dará a la prensa. La versión oficial.
This is the statement McNally's going to give to the press conference, the official version.
Lo tengo aquí en el mapa, atestiguado por los mismísimos Rand y McNally.
Here I have it on me map, witnessed and endorsed by Rand and McNally.
No sé quién es Rand, pero yo no me fiaría de un McNally.
I don't know who Rand is, but I could never trust a McNally.
Dígale al coronel que el tren está listo.
Tell Colonel McNally the train's ready.
Dígale al coronel McNally que el tren está listo.
Tell Colonel McNally the train is ready.
Coronel McNally, estamos aquí.
Colonel McNally, over here.
Te presento a mi amigo Cord McNally.
I'd like you to meet my friend Cord McNally.
- No, Sr. McNally.
- No, Mr McNally.
Este es el capitán Cordona y este, el coronel McNally.
This is Captain Cordona. And this is Colonel McNally.
- McNally.
- McNally.
- Cord McNally.
- Cord McNally.
McNally, dele uno por Tuscarora.
McNally, give him one for Tuscarora.
No se preocupe, coronel McNally, son de los nuestros.
It's all right, Colonel McNally, they're friends.
Sr. McNally, me hace sentir tan...
Mr McNally, you make a person feel...
- ¿ Quién eres, Rand McNally?
- And who are you, Rand McNally?
"La guía de las estrellas de Rand McNally".
"rand-mcnally guide to the stars."
Tranquilo, McNally, sólo es un juego.
Lighten up, McNally. It's only a game.
John Kungle jugaba al béisbol con el joven, que aquí en Florida City se le conocía como Richard McNally.
John Kungle played ball with the young man... who was known here in Florida City as Richard McNally.
- Quiero una copia de esa foto.
Hey, McNally, I want a copy of that shot.
Inspector McNally.
- Yes. Detective McNally.
Aún recuerdo a Dave McNally en ese juego en el'66.
I still remember Dave McNally on that mound in'66.
Maggie Conlan... Soy Kevin McNally, de Asistencia Social.
Maggie Conlan, erm, I'm Kevin McNally from Social Services.
Dorthea McNally y Derrick Combs.
Dorthea McNally and Derrick Combs.
Ahora, hay 64 McNally, ninguno de nombre Dorthea.
Now, there are 64 McNallys, none of them named Dorthea.
Pero hay en la lista un "D. McNally."
But there is a listing for one "D McNally".
Tal vez usted debería ir por McNally.
Maybe you should take McNally.
- ¿ Señora McNally?
- Miss McNally?
" Para D McNally.
" For D McNally.
Y aquí, cortesía de Dorthea McNally, Dios la bendiga, es lo que tenemos al finalizar el día.
And here, courtesy of Dorthea McNally, bless her heart, is what we have at the end of the day.
Pruebe esto.
Get Browning, Schlagel and McNally in New York City now.
- Sí.
And get a hold of McNally's office.
Aquí están, McNally.
Here they are, McNally.
soy Mcnally