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Translate.vc / Spanish → English / Veràs

Veràs translate English

28 parallel translation
- Si no cooperas, ya veràs.
- If you don't leave, you've had it.
Veràs cómo cambia todo esto con un poco de jabón.
You'll be surprised what a little soap will do for this place.
Veràs que las cosas han cambiado.
You " ll find things altered.
Veràs, si creyeras en la familia, la la defenderías.
You see, if you believe in the family, then you fight for it.
Veràs, ya pagué.
Muy gracioso. Pero ya veràs, esta lavadora... coche...
Appreciate your humor, but just don't you worry about this little washing machine...
Cuando le saque otra radiografía, ya veràs lo que le digo.
The next time I take his x rays, Wait till I tell him What I found on them.
Veràs que tú eres aquélla a quien adora el alma mía.
You'll see, you are the one my soul adores.
Nosotros haremos el resto. Ya veràs de qué se trata.
We must do the rest and soon you'll see what that is.
Ya veràs de qué se trata.
Soon you'll see what that is.
Veràs, queridito si eres buenecito qué buen remedio te voy a dar.
You'll see, my dear, if you are good, what a beautiful remedy
- Veràs lo que te he comprado.
- Wait until you see what I got you.
Veràs, tengo una impresiòn complicada.
You see, I've got a complicated impression.
Veràs, la Primera Guerra Mundial no cambió nada para el negro, pero esta otra va a cambiarlo todo.
You see the First War didn't change nothing for the Negro. But this one's gonna change everything.
Veràs lo divertido que es.
Maybe you'll be more amused.
Ya lo veràs.
You'll see.
... te echaré de casa te arruinarè ya veràs ¡ ahora vete de aquì!
I'll throw you out. I'll ruin you. You'll see.
- Veràs...
- You won't believe it.
Veràs. Si te lo dijera ¿ me creerías?
I mean if I said it would you believe me?
Ya veràs.
You'll see.
Ve por el resto de alemania o por Europa, y veràs que allí no salen Ios homosexuales.
Go out elsewhere in Germany or Europe, you won't find gays there.
Solo espera y ya veràs.
You've just gotta wait and see.
Ya veràs, creo que has estado perdiendo citas por los niños.
You see, I think you've been holding off dating because of the kids.
El pueblo solo lo veràs en tus sueños.
You'll only be able to dream about this village then.
Te la frotaré con un poco de lavavajillas y ya veràs cómo desaparece.
I'll give it a quick rub with dish soap and it'll come out.

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