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Think translate Russian

869 parallel translation
Es un buen corte.
I think I'm cut bad.
Oh Rosie dear, doncha think it's queer, so stop me if you please.
Рози, милый, не кажется ли тебе все это нездоровым? Так останови же меня, будь добр
Cuando eres rico, se creen que lo sabes todo
When you're rich they think you really know
I can't sleep, and I lay and I think The nights are hot and black as ink
# Я не могу спать, лежу и думаю, # что ночь тёплая, и чёрная, как чернила
~ You better think
You better think
~ Think about what you're trying to do to me
Think about what you're trying to do to me
~ Yeah, think
Yeah, think
~ Think
~ Hey, think about it
Hey, think about it
~ You, think about it
You, think about it
~ - Yeah, think about it, baby
- Yeah, think about it, baby
~ To the bone Think about it right now
To the bone Think about it right now
- Think about it, baby
- Think about it, baby
~ Think about it, baby
Think about it, baby
~ Think about it, yeah, yeah
Think about it, yeah, yeah
~ Think about it
Think about it
~ Stop and think about it
Stop and think about it
~ Didn't you think I could
Didn't you think I could
Oh, vamos, ¿ creéis que tengo aspecto de ir a haceros algún daño?
Ох, подумайте, разве Oh, come now, do you think я похож на того, кто хочет вам навредить?
Tiemblo al pensar en el momento cuando sople el viento
# I dread to think of when # When the wind blows
Tiemblo al pensar en el momento cuando sople el viento
# I dread to think of when the wind blows
"Él es bueno ¿ Qué piensas de Jesús?"
" He's all right What do you think about Jesus?
Pienso dónde empieza y acaba La gloria de un hombre. Y digo que mi gloria es tener una amiga así.
"Think where man's glory most begins and ends and say my glory was I had such a friend."
"Y creo que voy a viajar a Río"
And I think I will travel to Rio.
"Creo que voy a viajar a Río"
I think I will travel to Rio.
¿ Crees que es una alumna?
Think she's a schoolgirl?
aunque él no te tirará los tejos, crees que algún día él vendrá a ti,
# Though he won't throw a crumb to you # # You think someday he'll come to you #
quizás te pensarías dos veces el camino que estás tomando.
# Maybe you'd think twice # #'Bout the road # # That you're taking #
¿ No crees que ya es hora?
# Don't you think it's time #
Creen que fue culpa mía.
- # I called and called # - They think it's my fault.
¿ Se está mejor ahí? ¿ Alguna vez piensas en mí?
# Is it nicer where you are # # Do you ever think of me #
I don't think they leave
Я не думаю что они уйдут
I think it's time to fly
Я думаю время полететь
I think "God, will I ever escape this?"
Я думаю "Господи, я когда нибудь избавлюсь от этого?"
Almost makes me think I'm dead
Почти заставляет меня думать, Что я умерла
Creo que quiere que robe tercera.
I think he wants me to steal third.
- No tiene que ver contigo.
I think. - Ты тут ни при чём.
¿ Hace cuanto que estas aca? Kanie I think you had enough fun now.
Мистр Акаи... И давно вы тут сидите?
¿ Qué crees que se necesita?
- What do you think it takes?
Y que pueda pensar que está capacitado para decidir qué podemos hacer...
That you even think you're qualified to decide what we can and can't do...
Y qué crees que dirías Yo no te escucharía, de todos modos
Аnd whаt dо уоu think уоu'd еvеr sау l wоn't listеn аnywау
¿ Y qué crees que entenderías?
Аnd whаt dо уоu think уоu'd undеrstаnd?
Pensemos. ¿ Qué podría haber causado esto?
Okay, let's think. What could have caused this?
Bien. Pensemos.
Okay, let's think.
¿ Me dices que la gente me cree perfecta?
Are you saying... people think I'm perfect?
- Creo que sí.
I think we got it.
¿ Debería valerme por como tú piensas?
Creo que existe la posibilidad.
I think there's still a chance... Кенеди :
¿ Pensabas que conseguirías un príncipe?
Did you think you'd get a prince
¡ Mi esposa!
- My wife It gives you something to think about
Ooh, with a lifetime to think of you
Как будто я молод Oo, всю жизнь думать о тебе

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