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Translate.vc / French → English / Calma

Calma translate English

29 parallel translation
Signori! No! Calma!
Keep out of it.
Calma, signori.
You've got no shoes, and you want an appointment?
Du calme, mon garçon.
Elle se calma et dormit paisiblement.
She quieted and passed from trance into restful sleep.
Calmaþi sûr.
Jimmy, be quiet.
Ce qui calma immédiatement les ouvriers, et la construction alla mieux.
Then all the troubles were immediately solved... The construction was much smoother as well.
Calmez-vous, madame!
Calmaþi-you, ma'am!
Après la guerre je la reconvertirai en voiture.
Calma! After the war, I'll turn it back to a car.
Ferme-la. espèce de salaud!
Shut up, you bastard! Calma.
" Nulle voix céleste ne calma l'orage.
"No voice divine the storm allayed. No light propitious shone."
" Nulle voix céleste ne calma l'orage.
No light propitious shone. "
" Nulle voix céleste ne calma l'orage.
" No voice divine the storm allayed.
Mais j'ai quelques conditions.
Calma daddy.
Comment peux-tu rester si calma?
... How can you be so calm?
Je sais que ce fut cette nuit-là, parce qu'après cela, la frénésie de John se calma enfin.
I'm sure it was then... because afterward, John's passions finally cooled.
Cela calma Samantha sur-le-champ.
That sobered Samantha right up.
Cette nuit, Paul donna à son fils quelque chose pour calmer ses nerfs. Et le lendemain, Gabrielle calma ses propres nerfs en donnant quelque chose à sa nouvelle meilleure amie.
That night, Paul gave his son something to calm his nerves, and the next day, Gabrielle calmed her own nerves by giving something to her new best friend.
Malheureusement, quand la douleur de Mike se calma, il en fut autrement pour son besoin de petits cachets blancs.
Unfortunately, when mike's pain began to subside, his need for the little white pills... Did not.
No-Doze, Gonzo, du calme!
No-Doze, Gonzo, calma!
Du calme.
Jerry, calm down!
- Calme-toi.
- Calma te.
Une fois à court de friandises, le jeu se calma, et on fit le décompte pour savoir qui ferait la parade.
When the dust had settled and the candy was gone, it was time to count up the earnings and see who was gonna ride that float.
Mais dans l'histoire, son coeur se calma.
But in the story, her heart's becalmed.
Calma, fermez-la.
Calma, shut up.
Tout à coup, aussi vite qu'elle s'était formée, la tempête se calma.
And suddenly, as quickly as it had started, the storm cleared before him.
Du calme, nous essayons de faire au mieux.

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