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Hathaway translate English

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J'en ai connu un. Un certain Elmer Hathaway.
I knew a character once... a fellow named Elmer Hathaway.
- Le chantier naval Hathaway? - Je connais.
You've heard of Hathaway Shipyards, haven't you?
Si l'un d'eux se retrouve fauché, ou sans emploi, Hathaway le sort d'affaire.
If any of them are broke or out of a job... they can always work for Hathaway.
Un cottage historique boîte à ficelle!
Anne hathaway's cottage... for keeping string in.
Vous allez à l'hôtel?
- Stopping at Hathaway's Hotel?
MIle Hathaway, voici M. Garland.
Miss Hathaway, Mr. Garland.
Je crois avoir déjà rencontré MIle Hathaway.
I believe I have run into Miss Hathaway from time to time.
J'ai trouvé un job au magasin Hathaway.
I got myself a job at Hathaway's department store.
Je m'appelle Hathaway.
My name's Hathaway.
Ned Hathaway.
Ned Hathaway.
Désolé, M. Hathaway, mais je triche.
I'm sorry, Mr. Hathaway, but I cheat.
M. Ferrante, je voudrais vous présenter ma sœur, Mlle Hathaway, et ma femme...
Mr. Ferrante, I'd like to have you meet my sister, Miss Hathaway, and my wife...
- Bonjour, M. Hathaway.
Oh, hello, Mr. Hathaway.
Nous allons devoir y réfléchir.
Mr. Hathaway, we'll have to think about it.
Salut, Hathaway.
Hi, Hathaway.
- Margaret Hathaway, de l'Oceanic Press.
Margaret Hathaway, Oceanic Press.
Enchanté, Mlle Hathaway?
How do you do, Miss Hathaway?
Alors, je crois que vous avez eu un excellent entraînement.
In that case, Miss Hathaway, I think you've had excellent basic training.
Mlle Margaret Hathaway, voici le commandant Roberts, avec qui vous passerez la majorité du temps.
Miss Margaret Hathaway, may I present Commander Roberts, with whom you'll be spending most of your time?
Ne vous en faites pas, Mlle Hathaway.
You won't have to worry about him, Miss Hathaway.
Mlle Hathaway, vous comprenez que s'il arrive quoi que ce soit, - vos chances de survie sont minces.
Miss Hathaway, you understand that if anything should happen out there, your chances for survival are limited?
Margaret Hathaway, le lieutenant Carmen et M. Miller.
Margaret Hathaway, Lieutenant Carmen and Mr. Miller.
Mme Hathaway.
Mrs. Hathaway.
Mme Lorna Hathaway, la divine.
And Mrs. Lorna Hathaway, the divine.
Vous allez mieux, Mme Hathaway?
Recovered, Mrs. Hathaway?
Bien sûr, Mme Hathaway.
Of course, Mrs. Hathaway.
L'amiral Hathaway m'a chargé de vous le remettre...
It's true, sir. Admiral Hathaway had me commissión her... and sign her over to you.
Le bureau de l'amiral Hathaway nous a appelés à 17 heures.
Cpl. Hathaway's office called at 17 : 00, sir. Col. Harris at 17 : 05.
Passez-moi l'amiral.
And get me Admiral Hathaway, would you?
Il a dû en toucher un mot à l'amiral qui m'a confié la chose. Et moi...
Let's just say that he mentioned it to Admiral Hathaway... and Admiral Hathaway suggested that I get with it or else... and I, in turn -
Les punitions de l'amiral sont plus sévères.
But Admiral Hathaway isn't that soft.
Mais avec Hathaway...
"lronsides" Hathaway is.
L'amiral n'apprécierait pas votre façon de parler.
And I don't think Admiral Hathaway would appreciate your terminology.
L'amiral Hathaway m'a donné la permission de vous garder jusqu'à ce que vous connaissiez "L'Écho".
I have Admiral Hathaway's permissión to hold you here... until you can familiarize Foster with Echo.
M.Hathaway... où se trouve North Point?
Not tomorrow, now! Mr Wilson only begins to work tomorrow.
Mustel, Delgado, Hathaway, Westlake.
Look at that. Mustel, Delgado, Hathaway, Westlake.
M. Hathaway, vous êtes un brave homme et un bon avocat.
Mr. Hathaway, you're a very nice man and you happen to be an excellent attorney.
- Ne le laissez pas vous épuiser.
Don't let him wear you out, Mr. Hathaway.
- Au revoir, Mme Peck.
Good-bye, Mrs. Peck. Good-bye, Mr. Hathaway.
- Au revoir, M. Hathaway. Vous n'allez pas chez votre sœur, Mme Peck?
I thought you were going to your sister's, Mrs. Peck.
Et quand M. Hathaway... est remonté de la salle de sport avec lui, il est allé à l'étage.
Then, um, when Mr. Hathaway... came up from the gym with him, he went upstairs.
Merci beaucoup de votre gentillesse.
Thank you very much for your courtesy, Mr. Hathaway.
Mlle Chambers, ici Michael Hathaway.
Uh, Miss Chambers? This is Michael Hathaway.
Je le sais, mais je n'ai rien fait, M. Hathaway!
I know that. That I know, but I didn't do it, Mr. Hathaway!
M. Hathaway, je n'ai rien fait.
Mr. Hathaway, I didn't do this.
J'aurais piégé Hathaway?
I set Hathaway up, huh?
M. Hathaway affirme que sachant à quelle heure il devait voir Mlle Chambers, vous n'avez eu qu'à le précéder chez elle, - attendre de voir sa voiture...
But Mr. Hathaway does claim that since you knew what time he was due to visit Miss Chambers, all you had to do was get there ahead of him, wait until you saw his car arrive.
I'll take care of your car, being careful.
Mes éperons sont coincés.
Mr. Hathaway?
Juste au début un gars tente de passer... et bang... il se fait sortir.
Very nice, Mr Hayward, I say, Mr Hathaway.
Retrouvons-nous sur le ponton dans 5 minutes.
Excuse me, Mr Hathaway.

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