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Problême translate English

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- Quel est le problême?
- What's the matter with the left leg?
- Pas de problême.
- We're in?
Pas de problême.
Yes, that's perfectly safe.
Rêsous-nous ce problême, M. Einstein.
Here, give this problem a little thought, Mr. Einstein.
Quel est le problême?
What's the matter with that?
Quel est le problême?
What's the matter with it?
Non, c'est Ie problême.
No, that's the catch.
Un problême, ma chère?
Anything wrong, dear?
J'ignorais qu'ouvrir plus tôt poserait problême.
I did not know there would be trouble about opening earlier.
Un problême?
Something on your mind?
Le problême, c'est que vous ne donnez jamais à un acteur quelque chose de nouveau.
The trouble with you managers is that you never give anyone a chance to do anything you haven't seen them do before.
Pas de problême.
Sure, it's all right with me.
C'est quoi, ton problême?
What's the matter with you?
J'ai un problême de navigation.
This navigation problem. I'm having trouble with it. - Trouble?
- Un problême? - Oui.
- Yes, sir.
Le problême, c'est qu'il n'y a pas de Mme Barclay au masculin. Quelqu'un de charmant, de raffiné...
The trouble is, boyfriend, there ain't any male Mrs. Barclays so charming, so refine.
Le problême, c'est qu'il n'y a pas assez de Mme Barclay au féminin.
The real trouble is, there aren't enough female Mrs. Barclays.
Quand j'étais jeune, nous n'avions pas ce problême car nous n'avions pas le temps de jouer.
When I was young, we didn't have a play problem, because we didn't have time to play. No.
Elle pose un petit problême.
- She is rather a problem. - Problem?
C'est un problême qu'on résoudrait dans un centre de redressement.
She's the sort of problem that might be better solved at a public institution.
Mais dans le cas ïElizabeth, cela pose un problême...
But Elizabeth's case presents a special problem. You see...
C'est le problême du monde moderne.
That's the trouble with modern civilization.
- Ça pose problême?
- What about it? - Nothing.
Cela ne résoudrait pas le problême.
I'm afraid your problems wouldn't be solved by hanging Mr. Garrison.
Avec ou sans fièvre. Ce n'est pas tout le problême.
I'm afraid there's more than fever the matter.
Je sais, et c'est cela le problême.
I know you will, that's just the point.
Vous pouvez parler sans problême.
I can talk. Go right ahead.
Je partirai et je reviendrai et je serai un pire problême pour les Cecil et les Raleigh!
More of a problem to the Raleighs and the Cecils than before I left.
- Pas de problême.
- No trouble at all.
- C'est pas mon problême.
- I wouldn't know that.
Un problême, del?
What's the matter, Del?
Que le carastana pose problême, sans parler du larasang.
- I said the carastana on the Tagabroo is a very serious problem, to say nothing of the larasang fay.
Herman, il y a un problême?
Herman, what's the matter? Is anything wrong? No, no.
Eh bien, où est le problême?
- Well, what about the mines?
Et ici, il y a un petit problême avec les garde-côtes.
And then it looks like we got a little problem up here with the Coast Guard.
Pas de problême.
Both of them okay.
Ce sera votre problême aussi bien que le mien.
It's going to be the problem with you fellas as well as mine.
quel est le problême?
What is it? What's the matter?
quel est ton problême, Twardofsky?
What's the matter with you, Twardofsky?
quel est le problême avec mon fils?
What's the matter with that son of mine anyhow?
- quel est le problême?
- What's the matter with the Army?
- C'est bien le problême.
- That's beside the point.
- quel est le problême?
- Oh, what's tough about that?
- Un problême?
- What's the trouble?
- Un problême?
- Something wrong?
- Eileen, iI y a un problême?
- Eileen, is anything wrong?
Ii y a un problême?
Anything going wrong back there?
Maman et papa sont toujours comme ça, en cas de problême.
Always mama and papa look like that when it happens so.
C'est leur problême.
Let them handle it.
- On a un problême.
We have a problem.
Quel est le problême?
- Oh, hello, son.

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