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Translate.vc / French → English / Wong

Wong translate English

1,918 parallel translation
Quant à la personnalité de maître Wong...
While Master Wong's attitude throughout the tournament...
- " Pour Wong Foo,
- " To Wong Foo,
Oh, très chère Wong Foo, je ne demande pas d'aide mais si quelque chose, n'importe quoi...
O dear and oft-thanked Wong Foo, it's not that I'm asking for help but if something, anything...
Merci, Wong Foo.
Thank you, Wong Foo.
On commande 10 dollars de chow mein chez M. Wong et on vous livre!
You order $ 10 worth of chow mein from Mr. Wong's, they bring it to your door.
Nicky Wong me doit 50 $, alors il m'apprend le cantonais.
GRECO : Nicky Wong owes me 50, so he's been teaching me Cantonese! HAVERlLL :
Pousse-toi, Wong.
Move it, Wong.
Venez, Mr Wong.
Come in, Mr. Wong.
Prenez soin de Mr Wong les filles.
Take good care of Mr. Wong, girls.
La dernière fois qu'elles ont travaillé... elles ont bu un verre avec Mr Wong.
The last time they were at work... they had a drink with a Mr. Wong.
Si vous criez fort, M. Wong viendra vous libérer.
Now, if you yell loud enough, Mr. Wong will come and set you free.
Je crois qu'il a un pressing dans le coin. ça s'appelle Wong's ou José's.
I think he used to run a laundry... in the quarter or something... called Juan's... or Jose's.
On veut pas du Bergman, mais du commercial.
It doesn't have to be artistic like Wong Ka-wai but a commercial film like Wong Jing's.
Regarde ce qui fait le box-office.
Wong's film still holds the highest box office record in the past years.
Patron, j'ai réfléchi...
Boss Wong, I think about it carefully.
Ce n'est pas Jing Wong?
Isn't that Director Wong?
Il paraît que tu tournes un blockbuster avec Stephen Chow?
Director Wong, you're doing a movie with Stephen Chow. It's a definite blockbuster.
Personne n'oserait dire non au réalisateur Jing Wong.
Director Wong, no one dares to say "No" to you.
Patron, vous pouvez m'insulter, mais pas ma mère.
Boss Wong, you can insult me but... not swearing to my mother.
Un sourire pour éliminer toute haine.
May I ask your name? Last name is Wong.
Wong, je suis connu pour mon jeu de jambes.
Don't be a coward! Fight him! I have long heard that Yang's Tai Chi Fist is smooth to the bone.
- M. Wong, bienvenue.
Officer Tsao. Welcome.
Ils sont allés se coucher vers 23 h. Katie était avec Eddie Wong, son petit ami.
I went to the bedroom about 11 : 00, and Katie was... in the living room talking with Eddie Wong " - That's her boyfriend.
Eddie Wong.
Name is Eddie Wong.
Vous connaissez Eddie Wong?
- You know this guy Eddie Wong?
Wong est un Dragon Volant.
- Wong's a Flying Dragon.
Notre victime était peinée à cause de sa rupture.
Our D.0.A. All kinda upset with this guy named Eddie Wong.
- Eddie Wong, 608 Mott Street.
Eddie Wong, 608 Mott Street.
- Pas encore.
We're looking for Eddie Wong.
On cherche Eddie Wong.
Harold? - Eddie!
Selon le procureur, si Eddie est innocent, il sera déplacé et protégé après son témoignage.
The D.A. Says if this Eddie Wong's cleared on his girlfriend's death... he'll get relocation for testimony in the bowling alley whack.
Il a donné l'adresse du tireur. À East Orange.
The address that Wong gave on this guy that did the homicide is out in East Orange.
Wong va l'identifier?
- Wong ready to I.D. The guy? - Guys.
On aimerait leur demander à quel point sa rupture avec Eddie Wong a affecté Katie.
We'd like you to ask Mr. And Mrs. Chow... with regards to their daughter's break-up with Eddie Wong... how upset was Katie about that?
Mon associée, mademoiselle Wong.
My business partner, Miss Wong.
Je t'ai attendu pendant dix ans.
You're marrying Alice Wong?
C'est moi qui devrait être là-bas, par Mary Anne Wong.
I should be there on the border. Not Mary Anne Wong.
- Wong Ho Yin.
Boss, call me Wong Ho-yin
Le Dr Wong fera le suivi.
When Dr. Wong is back, ask him to follow it
Wong Ho Yin, au bureau du chef.
Fireman Wong Ho-yin, come to the OC room at once
- C'était qui, Wong Foo?
- Who was Wong Foo?
Tout doux, Wong.
L'adresse d'Eddie, dans le journal intime.
- Eddie Wong's address in diary. Scumbag block. - Let's go.
Je connais pas Eddie Wong.
- And I don't know Eddie Wong.
On a l'adresse du tripot de Wong.
So we got an address on the gambling joint that Wong runs.
Ne cherchez plus Eddie Wong.
Huh? Tell police not to look for Eddie Wong no more.
Que la police cesse de chercher Eddie Wong.
Tell the police not to look anymore for Eddie Wong.
Des milliers sont venus pleurer la mort de William Wong.
Thousands mourned the death of William Wong, the student activist who shot himself at the stroke of midnight in front of the up-market crowd at the Hong Kong Club's New Year's Eve Party. Reporter :
Peut-être que tu la connais, ma fiancée? Alice Wong.
Maybe you know my fiancee Alice Wong.
Tu vas te marier avec Alice Wong?
What the fuck's going on?
C'est votre tour.
Wong Man-bill, it's your turn

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