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Barton translate English

772 parallel translation
Vou a caminho. Barton. "
Arriving later.
Sabe quem é Barton?
Do you know who Barton is?
Detective Barton.
Detective Barton?
O Sr. Detective Barton também o sabe.
It looks very much as though Mr Detective Barton knows about it too
Vigia-o Brant. Mantém o maldito Sr. Detective Barton debaixo de olho.
Keep an eye on him Brent.Keep an eye on him private detective Barton
Sou Barton.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I'm Barton.
O Barton?
I say, not the Barton?
Sr. Barton. Sr. Barton, não tiremos conclusões demasiado cedo.
I say, Mr Barton.Mr Barton don't be too hasty with this
Então deixe o Barton e use o seu antigo nome Doyle. Então é Doyle?
Supposing you dropped Barton, take on your own name of Doyle
E o segundo e crasso erro, foi fazeres-te passar por detective. E sobre tudo pelo Barton.
And the second bad mistake was imposing as a detective and of all detectives as Barton
O que tem piada é que eu é que sou o Barton.
The comic part of it is I am Barton.
- Mrs. Barton?
- Mrs. Barton?
- Aviso o Capitäo Barton.
- I'll tell Captain Barton you're here.
O Capitäo Barton lamenta, mas demorará uns minutos.
Captain Barton sends his regrets. He'll be delayed a few minutes.
- Este é o meu filho, o Capt. Barton.
- This is my son, Captain Barton.
- Disse "Capitäo Barton"?
- Did you say "Captain Barton"?
Desculpe o atraso, Mrs. Barton, mas alguém me roubou o casaco.
I'm so sorry we're late, Mrs. Barton, but somebody stole my coat.
- Adeus, Mrs. Barton.
- Goodbye, Mrs. Barton.
- Quem é este Capitäo Barton?
- Who is this Captain Barton?
Estarei lá, com o Capitäo Barton.
I'll be there with Capt. Barton.
Ela vai mesmo para o Panamà com o Barton?
Is she really going off to Panama with that Barton fella?
Mesmo a tempo, Capt. Barton e meu amigo Martin.
Just in time, Capt. Barton and my dear friend, Martin.
A pedido do Capitäo Barton, liberto-o para a lua-de-mel.
On recommendation of Captain Barton, I'm releasing you for your honeymoon.
De Walter Neff para Barton Keyes, chefe de sinistros.
Walter Neff to Barton Keyes, Claims Manager.
Atenciosamente, Barton Keyes.
Respectfully, Barton Keyes.
Os irmãos Barton assaltaram o Cheyenne Express, a semana passada.
" Barton Brothers held up Cheyenne Express last week. Guard murdered.
O guarda foi morto. Os Bartons estão indo na vossa direção. " Aquelas cobras assassinas!
Barton's heading your vicinity. " Why, the dirty, murdering snakes.
Talvez os Bartons.
Maybe the Barton Boys.
- Pegue o Barton.
Get Barton. The operator...
Eu quero o Barton.
I want Barton. What? Are you crazy?
Está louco? Acha que está com o Barton no chapéu?
You think he's got Barton in his hat or somethin'?
- Porquê? Acho que ele escondeu Barton em Williams Canyon.
I got a hunch he's got Barton holed up in Williams Canyon.
Se estiver certo, eu convenço Rebstock a entregar o Barton.
If your hunch is right, maybe I can persuade Rebstock to turn Barton in.
Até ele subir num cavalo, Barton morre de velhice.
By the time he got on a horse, Barton'd die of old age.
Teve a ideia maluca de que podia pegar o Barton.
He had some crazy idea he could nail Barton.
Está com o Blake Barton.
You've got Blake Barton.
Se eu tivesse Barton, seria um prazer entregá-lo.
If we had Barton, it'd be a pleasure to turn him in.
Dou-lhe 48 horas para pôr Barton para correr de Williams Canyon.
I'll give you 48 hours to run Barton out of Williams Canyon.
Vi alguém andando nas traseiras. Parecia o Barton.
Smitty, just saw him walking'down the track...
Não olhe.
looked like Barton. Don't look.
Oh, Barton?
O John Barton que, na minha opinião, é o melhor jovem comando que temos, também irá com vocês.
John Barton, who, in my opinion, is the best young commando officer we've got... will also be with you.
Ao mesmo tempo, o Sr. Barton iniciará o ataque de distracção a norte.
At the same time, Mr. Barton will put in his diversionary attack from the north.
Barton, mostras-me na maqueta... o ponto de onde farás o ataque?
Barton, will you show me on the model... the point from which you'll make your attack?
O avião do Sr. Barton chegou há uma hora.
Mr. Barton's plane arrived an hour ago.
Que estranho.
O que foi, Barton?
What's the matter, Barton?
Está feliz com o modo como tratou a coisa com os Bartons.
He seemed pretty happy about the way you handled the Barton business.
Mas Barton é perigoso.
But Barton's dangerous.

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