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Blanchard translate English

245 parallel translation
- Yvette Blanchard.
- Yvette Blanchard.
Gillian Blanchard.
Gillian Blanchard.
Acho que consigo fazer uma visita de estudo com a minha turma se arranjar outro professor para ir comigo.
Miss Blanchard, I think I can arrange an outing with my class if I can get another teacher to go along.
- Senhorita Blanchard, bom dia.
- Miss Blanchard, good morning. - Good morning.
Sr. Blanchard, estou a perder o seu dinheiro todo.
Oh, Mr. Blanchard, I'm losing all your money.
Nunca confiei no Pete Blanchard.
I never trusted Pete Blanchard.
E liga ao Pete Blanchard.
- And call Pete Blanchard.
Apareceram todo o tipo de pessoas importantes para marchar na parada... como o governador de Michigan, James Blanchard.
All kinds of important people showed up to march in the parade... like the governor of Michigan, James Blanchard.
Blanchard regressa...
Blanchard back...
É a primeira para Blanchard.
Here's the first one to Blanchard.
- Do Coronel Blanchard, senhor.
- colonel blanchard's, sir.
Ordens do Coronel Blanchard.
Colonel blanchard's orders.
Adele Blanchard...
"Adele Blanchard."
- Adele Blanchard.
Adele Blanchard.
Tem alguma Adele Blanchard em Marchmont Road?
Do you have a listing for Adele Blanchard... on Marchmont Road? One moment.
Quero que reabra o processo da Adele Blanchard.
I want you to reopen the Adele Blanchard case.
Ele andou com uma Adele Blanchard, que acho que o ia deixar para voltar para o marido.
What? I think that, um, he was with a woman... Adele Blanchard, and I think... that she was gonna leave him to go back to her husband... and--and I think that- - that he killed her.
Procurem o Sr. Blanchard.
Mr. Blanchard knows you're coming.
- Elizabeth Blanchard.
- Elizabeth Blanchard.
Daqui é Maynard Blanchard, L.A.P.D. Homicídios.
This is Maynard Blanchard, L.A.P.D. Homicide.
Harvester, Blanchard, Crowe e Davidson.
Harvester, Blanchard, Crowe and Davidson.
E não fizeste nada realmente mau, ao dares dois tiros no Pooh Blanchard.
And it's not like you did anything real bad, throwing a couple of hot ones at Pooh Blanchard.
Óptimo. Chamo a sua atenção para as suas iniciais, que identificam a foto dele como sendo o homem que alvejou o Sr. Blanchard.
Good. I call your attention to your initials which identify this photo as the man who shot Mr Blanchard.
Questionado em relação a outro, nesse mesmo ano, à Blanchard Liquors, e novamente libertado por falta de provas.
Questioned in another, same year, Blanchard Liquors released on lack of evidence again.
Major Blanchard, qual é o status da sua força de perseguição?
Major Blanchard, this is Chappelle. What's the status of your pursuit craft?
Eu falei com o Major Blanchard.
I just got off the phone with Major Blanchard.
Aquele é o meu pai, Fox Blanchard, o antropólogo que estabeleceu o primeiro contacto com os Ishkanani.
That's my father, Fox Blanchard... the anthropologist who made first contact with the Ishkanani.
O teu pai é o Fox Blanchard?
- Your father's Fox Blanchard?
Blanchard, adjunto.
Blanchard, the bailiff.
Dax Blanchard?
Dax Blanchard?
Não coincidem com a 9mm do Dax Blanchard.
They don't match Dax Blanchard's 9-mil.
Blanchard, Victor P.
Blanchard, Victor P.
Depois dos assassinatos, Blanchard e Dial voltaram para o quarto do motel, contaram as jóias e ligaram para a companhia aérea para comprar os bilhetes para a Costa Rica.
After the murders, Blanchard and Dial went back to their motel room, counted theirjewels, and then they called the airlines to buy plane tickets to Costa Rica.
Era o Vic Blanchard.
It's Vic Blanchard.
- Blanchard, mãos no ar!
- Blanchard, hands up!
Blanchard, você está preso pelo assassinato de Harold Gumbal.
Blanchard, you're under arrest for the murder of Harold Gumbal.
Lee Blanchard, peso pesado, 43 vitórias, 4 derrotas e 2 empates.
Lee Blanchard. Bleichert! 43-4-2 as a heavyweight.
" com estilos tão diferentes como o fogo do gelo, Lee Blanchard...
"pugilists with styles as different as fire and ice. " Lee Blanchard... "
" Blanchard resolveu o caso do roubo ao Citizens Bank de 39,
" Blanchard cracked the Boulevard-Citizens Bank robbery case in 1939
Quis apostar com o Cohen mas tem o Blanchard a 2 a 1.
You'll want to place this with Mickey Cohen's indie. He's got Blanchard, 2-1.
Aqui o herói é o Blanchard.
Blanchard's the hero here.
À Proposta "B". Ao desempate Bleichert / Blanchard, que baterá o do Louis Schmeling.
To the Bleichert-Blanchard rematch, bigger than Louis-Schmeling.
O Blanchard conhecia o branco, meteu-o dentro um dia.
Blanchard knew the white guy, I guess. Busted him once.
E onde está o Blanchard?
Where the hell's Blanchard? He's right here.
Detectives Bleichert e Blanchard, Sr. Short ;
Detective Bleichert, Mr. Short. This is Detective Blanchard.
Blanchard, Homicídios.
Blanchard, Homicide. Lee.
Blanchard, olha para mim!
Blanchard? Look at me!
sobrevoou a cidade num balão de ar quente.
Two hundred years ago, Blanchard flew over the city in a balloon.
Procuro a Adele Blanchard.
I'm looking for Adele Blanchard.
Tem mesmo que ir já?
Mrs. Blanchard. I'm sorry, I just- - I have to get back.
Que tal Dax Blanchard?
How about Dax Blanchard?

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