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Carolyn translate English

761 parallel translation
Espere, tia Carolyn.
Wait, Aunt Carolyn.
- Carolyn, o teu marido?
- Carolyn, where is your husband?
E a Carolyn e o marido ficam com os rapazes.
And Carolyn and her husband will take the boys.
- Até amanhã, tia Carolyn.
- See you tomorrow, Aunt Carolyn.
Ficamos com a tia Carolyn!
We'll stay with Aunt Carolyn.
Vão lá arrumar as vossas coisas.
Get your things together. I'll wait for you outside. Carolyn, I...
Quero voltar para a tia Carolyn.
I want to go back to Aunt Carolyn.
Obriga-nos a ficar nesta cidade e não nos deixa voltar para a tia Carolyn porque também gostamos dela.
You keep us here in this city and don't let us go back to Aunt Carolyn because we like her, too.
Querida Carolyn, tu sabes tudo, vês tudo e cala-te.
Dear Carolyn, you are all-knowing, all-seeing and shut up.
Podemos dormir em casa da tia Carolyn e voltar à cidade, amanhã.
We can stay at Aunt Carolyn's tonight and go back to the city tomorrow.
Então, ficamos em casa da tia para sempre.
Then we'll just stay at Aunt Carolyn's forever.
- Tia Carolyn.
- Aunt Carolyn.
Help! If you want to go down the river to Aunt Carolyn,
Quem mergulhou e te salvou?
Who dived in for you, Aunt Carolyn? Speak to him.
- Gostas da tua tia Carolyn?
- Do you like your Aunt Carolyn?
- A Carolyn ajudou-me a escolhê-lo.
- Carolyn helped me pick it out.
A Carolyn é sábia.
Carolyn is a very knowing woman.
Vou levar a tia Carolyn ao Country Club.
I'm taking Aunt Carolyn to the Country Club dance.
Carolyn, levo-te ao Country Club de carro.
Carolyn, I'll take you to the Country Club in my car. - Don't you want to go with me?
- Olá, Carolyn.
- Hello, Carolyn. - Won't you dance with me?
A Carolyn deu-nos as boas novas.
Carolyn just told us the good news. Congratulations.
- É a Carolyn, a minha secretária.
This is Caroline, my secretary.
- Faz-me companhia, Carolyn?
- Join me, Carolyn?
Temos de esperar que a Carolyn volte, antes de dispararmos contra o templo.
Captain, we've got to wait until Carolyn comes back before we fire on the temple. We don't know what would happen to her if he was suddenly attacked.
Carolyn, proíbo-te de ires.
Carolyn, I forbid you to go.
Carolyn Abbott.
Carolyn Abbott.
Ouvi dizer que Carolyn fará Giselle esta temporada.
I just heard Carolyn's going to be doing Giselle this season.
Hoje, Carolyn.
Today, Carolyn.
- O que quer, Carolyn?
- What do you want, Carolyn?
Olá, Carolyn.
Hello, Carolyn.
Acho que o que a Carolyn quer dizer é que a senhora não dança mais, e eu sim.
I think what Carolyn means is that you don't dance any more and I do.
Agora a Carolyn, e depois você, Emilia, se treinar pontas todo o dia.
Now to Carolyn, and very soon to you, Emilia, if you work sur les pointes every day.
Carolyn, às vezes é melhor não falar.
Carolyn, you know, it sometimes better... not to talk.
Levaste muito a sério o que houve com a Carolyn.
You make too much from Carolyn and me.
Carolyn, o que estás a dizer?
Carolyn, what are you talking about?
Carolyn, will you get a grip on yourself?
Carolyn e eu cuidaremos das crianças.
Carolyn and I will baby-sit the kids.
Olá. Sou a Carolyn McAdams.
Hi, I'm Carolyn McAdams.
Olá, Carolyn.
Hi, Carolyn.
- Carolyn...
- Carolyn, tenho que sair daqui.
Carolyn, I've got to get outta here. - David...
Carolyn, eu... - O que devemos fazer?
- What should we do?
- Boa sorte, Tom.
- Good luck, Tom. - Thank you, Carolyn.
- Obrigado, Carolyn. - Lar, doce lar.
- Home, sweet home.
Se queres descer o rio para ir ter com a tia Carolyn, levo-te lá de carro, de manhã.
I'll drive you there in the morning.
Que pensas tu, Carolyn?
What do you think, Carolyn?
Tom, que se passa? Carolyn, fui muito estúpido.
Carolyn, I've been terribly stupid.
- Carolyn!
- Kirk to...
- Carolyn.
It's practically impossible to eliminate interagency rivalries.

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