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Charley translate English

1,020 parallel translation
Dava-os ao Charley.
He gave it to Charley.
- Ele disse que era quase tudo falso.
- Charley said it was mostly fake. - Here's the list.
Lewis, onde mora o Charley?
Where does Charley live, Lewis?
- Venha cá, Charley.
- Over here, Charley.
Venha, Charley.
You, too, Charley.
- Por aqui, Charley.
- This way, Charley.
E por uma estranha coincidência, no apartamento do Charley.
And by a strange coincidence, in Charley's apartment.
Onde arranjou isto, Charley?
Where did you get this, Charley?
Você é nervoso, Charley.
You're too eager, Charley.
Onde arranjou isto, Charley?
Where did you get all this, Charley?
Charley, porque andas cabisbaixo?
Charley, what are you hanging your head for?
Você é um bom ladrão, Charley.
You're a good thief, Charley.
- Onde arranjou isto, Charley?
- Where did you get this, Charley?
Tenha cuidado, Charley.
Be careful, Charley.
Charley, eu podia contar-lhe histórias que o fariam chorar.
Charley, I could tell you stories would bring tears to your eyes.
Charley, que tempo demora para tirar as calças?
Hey, Charley, how long does it take you to change your pants?
Charley, assaltou também o apartamento da Sra. Zaza?
You robbed that Zaza dame's flat, too, didn't you, Charley?
- Aqui está o seu namorado, Charley.
- Here comes your boyfriend, Charley.
Jim, vê esta folha sobre o Charley.
Jim, take a look at this sheet on Charley.
- Então não fez isto, Charley?
- So you didn't done it, Charley?
Estas são as suas impressões digitais.
These are your fingerprints, Charley.
Que belo historial.
Nice little sheet, Charley.
Charley, assaltou este apartamento?
Charley, did you burglarize this apartment?
Muito bem, Charley, levante-se e brilhe.
All right, Charley, rise and shine.
Estava a pensar quando é que o faria, Charley.
I was wondering when you'd get around to it, Charley.
Se cozinhares melhor do que o Cultus Charley.
Sure, if you can cook better than Cultus Charley.
- Olá, Charley.
- Hello, Charley.
Que aconteceu as bolachas que fizeste no rancho, Charley?
What happened to the cookies you made at the ranch, Charley?
Como cozinheiro, Charley, aposto que és especialista em tijolos.
As a cook, Charley, I'll bet you're a whiz at baking adobe bricks.
O Charley usa polvora em vez de café.
Charley uses gunpowder instead of coffee.
Nao parece incomodar o Charley.
Doesn't seem to bother Charley.
O Charley nao é idiota.
Charley no fool.
O Charley bebe chá.
Charley drinks tea.
- Charley, traz um cobertor.
- Charley, get a blanket.
- Assustado, Charley?
- Spooky, Charley?
Charley, avisa a Sra. Isham que estarei fora alguns dias.
Charley, get word to Mrs. Isham that I won't be around for a few days.
Charley, vivem nesta regiao há cerca de 1.000 anos.
Charley, you been around this country 1,000 years or so.
Cultus Charley, pensamos que talvez estejas a ir longe demais.
Cultus Charley, we think you're going too far maybe.
Nao posso parar o Charley.
I can't stop Charley.
Charley, conta-as.
Charley, you count them.
Lembras-te da noite em que ele derrotou o Farella em St. Nick's?
Remember the night he took Farella at St. Nick's, Charley?
Porque é que nunca estudaste, como o teu irmão Charley?
How come you never got an education like your brother Charley?
Que se passa hoje com o nosso rapaz?
Hey, what gives with our boy tonight, Charley?
O irmão do Charley, o Cavalheiro?
The brother of Charley the Gent?
Deixa o Charley fora disto.
You better leave Charley out of this.
O meu irmão Charley é muito esperto.
My brother Charley is a very brainy guy.
É o irmão mais novo do Charley, o Cavalheiro, que é o braço direito do Johnny Friendly e um carniceiro num casaco de camelo.
He's the kid brother of Charley the Gent... who is Johnny Friendly's right hand and a butcher in a camel hair coat.
Depois puseram-me a mim e ao Charley... numa pocilga chamada "orfanato".
Never mind how. Then they stuck Charley and me... in a dump they call a "children's home."
Ele e o teu irmão mais velho Charley?
He and your big brother Charley?
Obrigado pelos conselhos legais.
Thanks for the legal advice, Charley.
Porquê eu?
Why me, Charley?

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