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Crips translate English

101 parallel translation
- Perdi os blips, os chuips e os crips.
- I've lost the bleeps, sweeps and creeps.
E os crips.
And the creeps :
Vão assaltar a loja.
Crips are raiding the store.
Esta bandana por Donna Karin... é azul para patifes, vermelho para sangue... e só custa 75 dólares.
This bandanna by Donna Karin... is blue for Crips, red for Bloods... and only costs seventy-five dollars.
Conheço muitos inválidos que têm o mesmo sonho : andar.
I know a lot of crips have the same dream : the walk.
Um dia estou enchendo meu tanque, vejo grafite de Bloods e Crips nas bombas.
Then one day last April, I was getting gas. I see Bloods and Crips graffiti on the gas pumps.
Há três anos, um rapaz do bairro, Derek Vinyard, foi preso por matar dois tipos que tentaram roubar-lhe o carro.
Three years ago, a local kid named Derek Vinyard was sent up for murdering two Crips who were trying to jack his car.
Pareco-te o contabilista de algum bando?
Do I look like the Crips'accountant?
Comprei batatas fritas e bebidas.
I bought crips and soft drinks.
Temos de comer ou ela descobre que saimos.
Have to eat the crips or she'll know we've been out.
A luta entre os Bloods e os Crips foi adiada para a próxima sexta.
The fight between the Bloods and the Crips is postponed until next Friday.
Confia em mim, não haverá negros e esquisitos.
Trust me, there won't be any Bloods or Crips.
Pareces-te com um daqueles Crips.
You look like one of them Crips.
Achamos que a mulher, foi contratada pelos Eight Trey Crips para matar o Wisdom antes de poder testemunhar.
We think the hit woman was hired by the Eight Trey Crips to kill Wisdom before he could testify.
Um delator dos Eight Trey Crips apresentou-se depois do ataque.
A prison snitch for the Eight Trey Crips came forward after the hit.
Viraste as costas aos Crips.
You flipped on the Crips.
Os Crips deram a ordem para limpar-te.
The Crips gave an order to wet you.
Sabes, é a primeira vez que ele está na Costa Esquerda e, sabes, ele ouviu falar dos gangs e os Creeps e os Bloods, e...
You know, it's his first time out on the Left Coast and, you know, he's heard about the gangs and the Crips and the Bloods, and....
Já pensei em juntar-me aos Creeps.
I actually looked into joining the Crips.
Lembram-se da gémeas... que contrataram uns bandidos para matarem os pais?
Do you remember the twins... who hired the Crips to kill their parents?
Os Bloods ou os Crips, pai?
- Yeah? Bloods or Crips, Father?
Aí vai. Está com todos os seus meninos. Desgraçado.
There he go, He got his boys with him like a bunch of English crips, Punk ass,
Mais ou menos. Somos mais que criminosos e assaltantes.
But we're a far cry from all that Bloods-and-Crips bullshit.
Vê-los'brigar'- como uma versão religiosa do "Bloods and the Crips."
Have'em go at it... like religion's version of the Bloods and the Crips.
Sikhs e mulçumanos são como água e óleo, eles odeiam-se.
Sikhs and the muslims are like crips and bloods - - they fucking hate each other.
- Os gajos com os lenços vermelhos são de gangues?
The guys in the red bandanas, are they Crips?
Vais-te juntar ao bando dos Crips ou quê?
What, you-you joined the Crips or somethin'?
A Polícia e os Bombeiros de L.A. estão como água e azeite. Há uma grande tensão.
LAPD and the LAFD are like the Crips and the Bloods- - there's major tension.
O homem que vendeu ao dragão o seu fogo, roubou-o de volta, e vendeu-o outra vez ao Crips.
The man who sold the Dragon his fire, stole it back, and sold it again to the Crips.
Só que, antes de chegarmos lá, temos que decidir a qual gang queremos pertencer.
The only thing is we have to decide if we're gonna be Crips or Bloods before we get there.
Bernhardt representa os maiores criminosos de L.A. desde sempre.
Bernhardt's been repping gang figures since the Crips and the Bloods were kids.
- Crips, bloods?
Nós temos t-shits para os esquisitos. Para os manos. E para os gajos gays.
We got tees for da crips, the bloods, and da gay mandem.
Os Rufias da Rua Sésamo?
The Sesame Street Crips?
Conto com este tipo de falta de respeito da parte dos "Crips", dos MS-13, não dos bacanos da "zona K".
I expect this type of disrespect from crips, MS-13, not K-town killas.
Era sexta à noite e estávamos na zona dos Crips num projecto em Watts.
It was a Friday night, and we're in Crip City, it's a project in Watts.
Não é nada de novo o Bloods e o Crips darem-se. mas nunca se viram negros e mexicanos juntos.
I mean, Bloods and Crips getting along, that's nothing new, but we've never seen this level of collaboration between black and Mexicans.
Um oficial com quem falei em Newton disse que conhecia um T-ball que andava com os 110 Crips.
An officer I spoke to in Newton said that he knew of a T-ball that ran with the 110 Crips.
A 110 Crips era do bairro de Baylor, Chefe.
110 Crips roll in Baylor's neighborhood, Chief.
Esse cara é é um membro ativo dos 110 Crips desde que tinha 15 anos.
This guy's been an active member of the 110 Crips since he was 15 years old.
Bem, dizem que é o terceiro homem nos 110 Crips.
Well, they say that he's the number-three man in the 110 Crips.
Reggie Moses é um membro poderoso dos 110 Crips.
Reggie Moses is a powerful member of the 110 Crips.
Matou dois membros do bando dos Crips para ficar com armas.
Killed a couple of Crips this morning to get them.
Aos Blood?
Aos Crips?
Interessante para um assassínio de gang, a menos que levassem um arranjo de flores, e que vissem os benefícios terapêuticos disso.
Interesting decoration for gang slaying unless the Crips have taken up flower arranging. Which I can definitely see the therapeutic benefits of.
Ou seja, são dos Crips, da Rua Clinton.
Means they're Clinton Street Crips.
Prometi ao Sr. Brooks que todos saberiam que os seus filhos não eram da Crips, que não eram de gangues e que prenderíamos o assassino, mas se o Decker não confessar, eu não...
- I promised Mr. Brooks that everyone would know that his boys were not Crips, that they were not gang, and that we would arrest the killer, but if Decker doesn't admit to it, then I don't - -
Acontece que aqueles rapazes são Crips...
Those boys turn out to be Crips...
Então, o Chris e o Kevin nunca foram Crips?
So, Chris and Kevin - - they were never Crips?
Achou que eles eram membros de seu próprio gangue, os 110 Crips?
Did you think that they were members of his own gang, the 110 Crips?

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