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Ias translate English

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Ias saltar para cima da granada e eu cheguei primeiro.
You were going to jump on the grenade, and I beat you to it.
Não te vou deixar ir quando ias ser considerado inocente.
Well, I'm not letting you go when you were gonna be found innocent.
Pensava que ias para Boston.
I thought you were going to Boston?
Achei que ias gostar deles.
I thought you'd like them.
Não disseste que ias trazer pessoas.
You didn't say you were bringing persons.
Ias dar-me duas caixas de tamanho 9 e eu quero-as!
You had two boxes of size 9 for me, and I want them.
Não ias à casa de banho?
And the bathroom?
Enquanto estávamos lá? Não tenho a certeza, mas penso que sim. Quando ias me dizer?
Grant checked himself out of Chicago Med and... was in my apartment at some point.
- Ias adorá-lo.
- You'd love him.
Sabes, com um pouco de treino, ias arrasar.
You know, with a little training, you'd kick ass.
Se matasses uma menina não ias enterrá-la no teu quintal!
If you kill a girl, you don't bury her in your own backyard!
Começava a perguntar se ias aparecer.
I was starting wonder if you were ever gonna show.
Disseste que ias tirar uma licença de dispensa depois de encontrar-mos o assassino do David.
You said you were gonna take a leave of absence after we found David's killer.
Eu sabia que ias.
I knew you would.
Achas que ias entrar ali sozinho?
You think we're gonna let you go in there alone?
Would you let us borrow it?
Gostavas tanto daquilo, que nem as tiravas mesmo quando ias para a cama.
You loved those damn things so much, you wouldn't take'em off even when you went to bed.
Ias ganhar bem. E contribuirias para fazer a diferença.
You'd make a great living, and you would be contributing in a meaningful way.
Há um ano que te estou a convencer a fazeres isto, a pensar que ias querer, e, durante este tempo todo, aprendi coisas, Raina.
I've been pushing you all year to do this, thinking you'd come around, and during this time, I've learned things, Raina.
Achei que ias gostar de ver tudo a ser destruído comigo.
I thought you'd enjoy watching it all burn down to the ground with me.
Sempre soube que nos ias salvar.
- Hey. I-I always knew you would save us.
Pensei que ias achar que essa era a boa notícia.
I thought you'd think that was the good news.
- Sabia que ias dizer isso.
I knew you were gonna say that.
De que outra forma ias saber quem é que precisas e quantas pessoas?
How else would you know who you need and how many of them?
Não me disseste que ias interrogá-lo.
You didn't tell me you were bringing him in.
- O que ias fazer exatamente?
- committee meeting on new math. - Right. What were you gonna do in there exactly?
Sim, e se fosses inteligente, também ias.
If you were smart, you would leave, too.
Ias ficar surpreso.
You'd be surprised.
Pensei que não te ias meter nos assuntos alheios.
I thought you were gonna stay out of other people's business.
Pensava que ias descansar. Também eu.
Thought you were getting some rest.
Ela deixou-te sair intencionalmente porque sabia que ias dizer-me tudo.
Sabia que ias ver isto à minha maneira.
I knew you'd see it my way.
Colocava-te no ombro e levava-te eu própria, mas ias ficar ressentida durante seis meses.
I'd throw you over my shoulder and carry you myself but I'd probably resent your ass for like six months or so.
Deviam pensar que ias ajudar com esta confusão ou não teriam arranjado tantos soldados para manter-te viva.
I mean, they had to think that you were gonna help with this mess somehow or they wouldn't have committed so much manpower to keeping you alive.
Se não te tivesse dado um humano para te alimentares ter-te-ias tornado um Selvagem.
If I hadn't given you a human to feed on you would have become a feral.
Pensei que tinhas dito que ias ficar quieta.
I thought you said you'd be quiet.
Tivemos de ser diferentes, porque se não estivesses com ele, ias embora.
And we all had to be different because if you're not with him, you're going home.
Earp, quando me ias contar que andas com o fantasma do Doc Holliday?
Earp, when were you gonna tell me you were kicking it with the ghost of Doc Holliday?
Quando ias contar-me sobre o fantasma do Doc Holliday?
Are you gonna tell me you're kicking it with the ghost of Doc Holliday?
Pensei que ias querer dizer adeus.
Just thought you'd want to say goodbye.
Já agora, quando me ias dizer que o Doc Holliday está de novo entre os vivos?
By the by. When were you gonna tell me Doc Holliday was back amongst the living?
Quando me ias dizer que ele te assusta de morte?
When were you gonna tell me he scares the living shit out of you?
- Ias arranjar algo sobre o Bobo.
Yeah, you said you'd get something on Bobo.
Ias abandonar-nos?
Were you going to abandon us?
Ias atirar numa grávida? Qual é, meu.
What, you gonna shoot a pregnant woman?
- Ias deixar acontecer!
No, I swear. You were gonna stand there and let it happen.
- Devia saber que ias atirar a pedra.
I should've known you'd throw rock.
Eu sabia que ias conseguir.
Pensava que me ias mostrar fotos de caixas, dispositivos de armazenamento.
Look, wait, hold on. I thought you were going to show me pictures of boxes. - Like data storage devices.
Ias dar em cima de mim?
You would have hit on me?
O que ias dizer, seu pequeno filho da mãe?
What were you going to say, you little motherfuck?

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