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Irving translate English

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mostre pra eles, Irving.
Show them, Irving.
- Irving, cuidado.
- Now, Irving, careful.
Foi você que disparou os tiros, Sr. Irving?
Was that you who fired those shots, Mr. Irving?
Sinto muito, Srta. Irving.
I'm sorry, Miss Irving.
Ouça, Sr. Irving!
Look here, Mr. Irving!
Se nos deres mais trabalho... vais forçar-me a ser desagradável.
Irving, you're giving us a great deal of trouble. - You're gonna force me to be unpleasant.
Olhe, Irving... temos um tratamento especial para meninos mal comportados.
Look, Irving... we've got a very special treatment for bad little boys like you.
Larga essa pistola, Irving!
Drop that gun, Irving! Drop it, I tell you!
Para o Dr. Irving.
That's for Dr. Irving.
Srta. Irving.
Miss Irving.
Posso cumprimentar a sua senhora e à Srta. Irving?
I wonder if I might pay my respects to Mrs. and Miss Irving on my way out?
Como vai, Sra. Irving?
- How do you do, Mrs. Irving?
Lamento conhecê-la nestas circunstâncias.
It's regrettable that we have to meet under these circumstances, Mrs. Irving.
Irving tem uma língua mais afiada... do que tinha a minha mãe.
I'm sure that Miss Abbie has a more biting tongue... than my mother ever had.
Sra. Irving, obrigado!
Mrs. Irving, thank you.
O que pensam o doutor e a Sra. Irving disso?
What do the doctor and Mrs. Irving think about it?
Acompanhem o doutor e a Srta. Irving.
See the doctor and Miss Irving home, will you?
- Bom dia, Sra. Irving.
- Good morning, Mrs. Irving.
Não se preocupe, Sra. Irving, já parámos.
Don't worry, Mrs. Irving. We've stopped.
Irving Caesar escreveu a letra.
Irving Caesar wrote the words.
Irving Weisman almoça connosco.
Irving Weisman is lunching with us.
Peço desculpa, Irving.
Very sorry, Irving.
Irving Weisman.
Mr. Irving Weisman.
Tu e os teus comités'vamos-mas-é-estar - calados'não chegaram a lado nenhum.
Irving, you and your let's-be-quiet-about-it committees have got just exactly no place.
Se o seu nome fosse Saul Green ou Irving, nem precisava de ter esta maçada.
Now, if your name was Saul Green or Irving, you wouldn't have to go to all this bother.
A ordem acusa-a de, na noite de 6 de Maio de 1946 ter administrado ou mandado administrar uma substância venenosa a um Richard Patrick Irving Paradine, que o assassinou.
The warrant charges you that on 6 May 1 946... you administered, or caused to be administered... a poisonous substance to Richard Patrick Paradine. And murdered him.
MaddaIena Paradine, a acusação diz que a senhora, a 6 de Maio de 1946, matou deliberadamente Richard Patrick Irving Paradine.
Madelena Paradine... the charge is that you, on 6 May 1 946... did wilfully murder Richard Patrick Irving Paradine.
MaddaIena Anna Paradine, é acusada do assassinato de Richard Patrick Irving Paradine, em 6 de Maio último.
Madelena Ana Paradine... you're charged with the murder of Richard Patrick Irving Paradine... on May 6th last.
É a viúva de Richard Patrick Irving Paradine? Sou.
- The widow of Richard Paradine?
Ichy era um professor rural, criado por Washington Irving.
Ichy was the country schoolmaster dreamed up by Washington Irving.
Tinha algumas parecenças com o bom Sr. Irving.
He had a way with a yarn did Mr Irving.
Obrigado, Irving.
Thanks a lot, Irving.
Por que não atendes o telefone?
Irving! Why don't you answer the phone?
Podes vir até aqui dentro de 5 minutos?
Irving, can you get over here in about five minutes?
- Não posso falar pelo telefone.
Look, Irving, I can't talk over the telephone.
- Puxa uma cadeira.
Pull up a chair, Irving. Sit down with us.
É um grande amigo meu, Irving Radovich.
This is a very good friend of mine, Irving Radovich.
- Não, não faças isso, Irving.
No, don't do anything like that, Irving.
Lamento imenso, Irving.
I'm awfully sorry, Irving.
- Olha a tua bebida, Irving.
Yeah, here's your drink right now, Irving.
Isto é a minha história.
Look, Irving, this is my story. I dug it up.
- Esta pago eu, Irving.
I'll pick this one up, Irving.
- E tu, Irving? Estás pronto?
Well, how about you, Irving?
Ela é uma boa rapariga, Irving.
She's a grand girl, Irving. Grand.
- O Irving tem de se ir embora.
Well, I guess Irving has to go now.
É melhor irmos buscar o carro do Irving e sair daqui.
I guess we'd better get Irving's car and get out of here.
Chegou na altura certa, Sr. Hennessy.
- Irving... Hiya, Mr. Hennessy. You got here at the right time.
- Irving!
- Desculpa, Irving.
- I'm sorry.
You slipped, Irving.
Cinco mil, Irving.
Five grand, Irving.

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