/ Portuguese → English / Kirby
Kirby translate English
724 parallel translation
Os Kirby.
The Kirbys.
Está a falar do Kirby Dawson, o acusado?
You mean, by Mr. Dawson, the defendant Kirby Dawson.
O acusado, Kirby Dawson, segundo estes apontamentos também conhecido como Bubbles, pagou a conta, pela primeira vez.
This defendant, Kirby Dawson, according to these notes also known as Bubbles for once paid the bill.
Acusado número um, Kirby Dawson... ... quem, de acordo com o testemunho, estava no Green Light Inn enquanto este crime estava a ser cometido.
Defendant number one, Kirby Dawson who, according to testimony, was in the Green Light Inn during the hours of the commission of this crime.
Kirby Dawson, culpado.
Kirby Dawson, guilty.
Lembra-se de mim, não lembra, Sr. Kirby?
You remember me, don't you, Mr. Kirby?
Fomos ao Sr. Kirby.
We went to Mr. Kirby's.
O Kirby casou-os ontem à noite.
They were married last night by Kirby.
- Suba-lhe os pés, Kirby. Sóbe-lhos.
- Drop her feet, Kirby.
Em cumprimento destas ordens, tomo o Comando do Regimento... exonerando o Capitão Kirby York. que voltará à sua Companhia.
In compliance with these orders, I take command of the regiment relieving Captain Kirby York, who is returned to his troop.
- Aceite um charuto, Kirby, e eu acompanho-o.
- Have a cigar, Kirby, and I'll join you.
Tem o trabalho mais sujo dentro do Exército, não há dúvida, Kirby.
You've got the dirtiest job in the army. No doubt of that, Kirby.
Lamento, Kirby, pensei que sabias.
- I'm sorry, Kirby. I thought you knew.
Bem, Kirby, o café é fraco, mas é tudo o que temos.
Well, Kirby, this coffee is weak but it's all we have.
Boa tarde, Kirby.
Good evening, Kirby.
Que grande desgraça, continuas o mesmo, Kirby.
Ramrod, wreckage and ruin! Still the same Kirby.
Kirby, vim para levar o Jeff para casa.
Kirby, I've come to take Jeff home.
Que pena, Kirby.
I'm sorry, Kirby.
Novamente o teu sentido de dever?
Your sense of duty again, Kirby.
Sacrifiquei a felicidade do teu lar uma vez, Kirby, por causa da guerra.
I sacrificed the happiness of your home once, Kirby, to the needs of war.
Qual é o problema, Kirby?
What seems to be the trouble there, Kirby?
Estás mesmo muito elegante, Kirby.
You do look very elegant, Kirby.
- Ele vai odiar, Kirby.
- He'll hate it, Kirby.
Ele vai odiar da mesma maneira, Kirby.
He'll still hate it, Kirby.
Aí tens o teu troco, Kirby.
There's your change, Kirby.
Agora aceito as flores, Kirby.
I'll take the flowers now.
Aquelas crianças, Kirby.
Those children, Kirby.
Todos vão passar, menos o Kirby.
Everybody drops out but Kirby.
Legendas Patrícia MeireIIes
Subtitles John Kirby
Sou da Variety.
I happen to be Kirby from Variety.
- Eu sou Ron Kirby.
- I'm Ron Kirby.
- Oh, você é o filho do Sr. Kirby.
- Oh, you're Mr. Kirby's son.
- Sr. Kirby?
- Oh, Mr. Kirby.
- Sra. Warren, o Sr...
- Mrs. Warren, this is Mr. Kirby.
- Kirby.
- Kirby.
Como está Sr. Kirby?
How do you do, Mr. Kirby?
Venha jantar na semana próxima. Adeus, Sr. Kirby.
- We'll make it next week.
Adeus, Sra. Warren.
Bye, Mr. Kirby. - Good-bye, Mrs. Warren.
É Ron Kirby.
It ─ it's Ron Kirby.
O único Kirby que conheço é o velho Kirby, o jardineiro.
The only Kirby I know is old Kirby the gardener.
- Ainda tem o viveiro, Sr. Kirby?
- You still have the nursery, Mr. Kirby?
Sr. Kirby, você não conhece bem nossa mãe.
Mr. Kirby, you don't know Mother as we know her.
Adeus, Sr. Kirby.
Good-bye, Mr. Kirby.
- George, te apresento Rum Kirby.
I want you to know Ron Kirby.
A Srta. Frisbee, o Sr. Allenby. Apresento-lhes o Sr. Kirby.
Cary, you know Miss Frisbee, Mr. Allenby.
- Como estão?
Mr. Kirby. - How do you do?
Como pode se casar com Kirby tendo sido a esposa de meu pai?
How can you even think of marrying a man like Kirby when you've been Father's wife?
Se se referi a Kirby, já fez.
If you mean Kirby... he already has!
Que você e o Sr. Kirby eram... Ainda antes de papai...
That you and Mr. Kirby were ─ even before Dad ─
Sargento Kirby.
- Sergeant Kirby reporting, sir.