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Leigh translate English

623 parallel translation
... O 5.40 para Churley, Leigh Green and London.
... the 5.40 for Churley, Leigh Green and Langdon.
Aqui é o Capitão Leigh-Mallory.
Here's Leigh-Mallory, skipper.
Leigh-Mallory e os seus pseudo Big Wings.
Leigh-Mallory and his so-called Big Wings.
Não te esqueças que os alvos são os meus aeródromos, Leigh-Mallory... e tu não estás a abater 50.
Don't forget the targets are my airfields, Leigh-Mallory... and you're not getting fifty.
Talvez agora, finalmente, deveríamos ver de que são feitos os Big Wings do Leigh-Mallory.
Perhaps now, at last, we shall see... what Leigh-Mallory's Big Wings are made of.
O que encontra o carro de Janet Leigh.
The guy who finds Janet Leigh's car.
Generais Bradley e Montgomery e Comandante Aéreo Leigh-Mallory.
Generals Bradley and Montgomery, and Air Marshal Leigh-Mallory.
- Sou a Leigh.
- I'm Leigh.
- Leigh?
- Leigh?
- Leigh?
- Leigh.
- Encontraram três corpos.
Leigh, Leigh, they found three bodies.
- Três. Um deles é a Annie.
Leigh, one of them was Annie!
Vá para casa, Leigh.
Go on home, Leigh.
Jaclyn Leigh Taylor, aceita este homem, Calvin Cutter, como seu legítimo esposo?
Do you, Jaclyn Leigh Taylor, take this man, Calvin Cutter, to be your lawful wedded husband?
Jackie Leigh Taylor, aceita Templeton Peck como seu legítimo esposo?
Do you, Jaclyn Leigh Taylor... take Templeton Peck to be your lawful wedded husband?
Jaclyn Leigh Taylor aceita Templeton Peck como seu legítimo esposo?
Do you, Jaclyn Leigh Taylor... take... Templeton Peck... to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Acho que gostarás de estar aqui, Leigh.
I think you'll like it here, Leigh.
Então que história é essa contigo e com Leigh Cabot?
So what's this about you and Leigh Cabot?
Isso é uma loucura, Leigh.
That's crazy, Leigh.
Não foi isso que Leigh disse.
That's not what Leigh said.
Leigh está do teu lado.
Leigh's on your side.
E é isso que sentes por Leigh?
You feel this way about Leigh?
Leigh, não te mexas!
Leigh, don't move!
Chamo-me Jordan Leigh-Jensen.
I'm Jordan Leigh-Jensen.
Que aconteceu à no 7, a sra. Laura Leigh-Jensen?
What happened to the last one, Mrs. Lawrence Leigh-Jensen number seven?
Não quero roubar-lhe muito tempo, sr. Leigh-Jensen.
I don't want to take up too much of your time, Mr. Leigh-Jensen.
Posso tratá-lo por sr. Leigh-Jensen?
May I call you Mr. Leigh-Jensen?
Posso falar com a Jordan Leigh-Jensen?
Hello, can I speak to Jordan Leigh-Jensen, please?
Claro, sr. Leigh-Jensen.
But, of course, Mr. Leigh-Jensen.
- Janet Leigh.
- Janet Leigh.
- Arthur, não achas que Janet Leigh é um pouco óbvio?
- Oh, Arthur, don't you think. - Janet Leigh's a little obvious?
Os ensaios de Leigh Hunt não serão tão fáceis.
The Leigh Hunt essays won't be so easy.
E sem esquecer o Leigh Hunt.
Not forgetting Leigh Hunt.
Onde está o Leigh Hunt?
Where is Leigh Hunt?
Fico tonta com o tempo que leva a mandar o Leigh Hunt e a Vulgata.
You dizzy me, rushing Leigh Hunt and the Vulgate over here whiz bang.
Que engraçado, Leigh.
Real cute, Leigh.
Para o chão, Ben.
Come on, Leigh, get the dog off. Ben, get down.
O cão é teu, Leigh.
It's your dog.
Ouve, Leigh, estou com medo.
Look, Leigh, I'm scared.
Como posso estar feliz se a Leigh não está?
How can I be happy when you're not happy?
Podiamos ser felizes, Leigh.
We might have been happy, Leigh.
A minha mulher encontrou marijuana num livro da Danny.
What happened? My wife, Leigh, found some marijuana in one of Dani's schoolbooks.
Fica aqui.
Stay here, Leigh.
Sim, Leigh?
Yes, Leigh?
Que eloquência, Leigh!
That was real eloquent, Leigh.
Tu, Leigh! Despe-te!
You, Leigh, take off your clothes.
Ele é mesmo casado com a Vivien Leigh?
Is he really married to Vivien Leigh?
A minha professora, a Sra. Lee, tem a voz igual à sua.
Ms. Leigh, my teacher at the blind school, sounds just like you.
Vamos estar em directo em casa da Miss Leigh-Anne Stipanovic.
We take you live to the home of Miss Leigh-Anne Stipanovic.
Talvez pudéssemos, estás a ver, ir investigar esta tal Leigh-Anne.
Well, maybe we could, you know, check out this Leigh-Anne person. No.
No, Leigh, that's all right. Just hold on a minute.

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