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Translate.vc / Portuguese → English / Mère

Mère translate English

21 parallel translation
- Tinchaut e Mère Michel.
- Tinchaut and Mère Michel
Oh, Mère Michel.
Ah bah, Mère Michel.
Beijo para a'Mère Michel'da minha parte.
Kiss Mère Michel for me.
O Pantoufle quer a da grand-mère e do grand-père.
What story tonight? Pantoufle wants to hear about Grandmère and Grandpère.
Fala da grand-mère e do grand-père.
You always say that. Tell about Grandmère and Grandpère
O Pantoufle quer ouvir a história da grand-mère e do grand-père.
Pantoufle wants to hear the story of Grandmère and Grandpère.
Meu Tenente, vi uma placa lá atrás que dizia "Sainte Mère Èglise".
Sir, I saw a sign back thataways. It said, "Sainte-Mere-Eglise".
Liguem para sua mãe.
Il appelle sa mère.
Y-a-t'il une mère dans la maison?
Y-a-t'il une mere dans la maison?
Consegui que o Chef do "Chez la Mère Michel" me desse a receita da "beurre blanc".
I got the chef at Chez la Mère Michel to give me the recipe for beurre blanc.
No quarto da Grand-Mère, obviamente.
In Grand-Mère's old room, of course.
A Mère Claudine tê-los-ia posto de volta no ferry antes de eles conseguirem dizer :
Mère Claudine would have put them back on the ferry faster than they could say "sweet potato pie."
Era da Grand-Mère.
This was Grand-Mère's.
E da Grand-Mère dela.
And her Grand-Mère's.
A tua Grand-Mère sabia disso.
Your Grand-Mère knew that.
Não me interessa, nique ta mère.
I don't care. Nique ta mère.
Nique ta mère, não me interessa.
Nique ta mère. I don't care.
- What? - Grand-mère.
Madre Hildegarde... Vim o mais depressa que pude.
Mère Hildegarde... _
Madre, houve alguma notícia de Monsieur Fraser?
Mère, has there been any word from Monsieur Fraser?
Bloody Mary é realmente a tua mãe.
- Ma mère.

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