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Quill translate English

534 parallel translation
Diga-lhe, maldito escriväo.
Tell him, you slimy quill-pusher.
Obrigais-me a engolir insultos deste guarda-livros que nunca brandiu nada mais perigoso que uma pena?
You'd make me swallow insults from this bookkeeper who never waved anything more dangerous than a quill?
Não quero governar com uma pluma na orelha.
I'm not of a mind to end up playing government... with a quill stuck behind my ear.
Escrevo com uma pena de ganso molhada em veneno.
I write with a goose quill dipped in venom.
E aqui tens pena e a tinta.
There's the quill and ink.
Um homem chamado Barney Quill violou a Sra. Manion.
A man named Barney Quill raped Mrs. Manion.
O tenente vai a casa do Quill e dá-lhe uns cinco tiros, o que provoca a morte por envenenamento de chumbo.
The lieutenant goes to Quill's place and plugs Quill about five times which causes Quill to die of lead poisoning.
O Barney Quill fez-lhe isso?
Barney Quill do that to you?
O Barney Quill violou a minha mulher.
Barney Quill raped my wife.
Não, a não ser que seja do Barney Quill.
Not unless Barney Quill started something.
Que arma usou para atirar nele?
What kind of a gun did you use on Quill?
E não viu o Quill violar ou bater na sua mulher?
And you didn't see Quill rape and beat your wife?
Quanto tempo antes de ir ter com ele e matá-lo?
How long was it before you went to Quill's and killed him?
Qual é o seu pretexto legal para ter morto o Barney Quill?
What's your legal excuse for killing Barney Quill?
Foi você quem matou o Quill.
You're the one that plugged Quill.
A que horas foi para o bar do Quill?
What time did you leave for Quill's bar?
Lembro-me... de ir ao bar do Quill com uma arma.
I remember going to Quill's bar with a gun.
E lembro-me da cara dele atrás do balcão, mas não me recordo de mais nada.
And I remember Quill's face behind the bar but I don't remember anything else. Not even going home.
A roupa interior que o Barney Quill rasgou :
The undergarments that Barney Quill tore off :
Aquele era o Barney Quill, não era?
That was Barney Quill, wasn't it?
- Exacto, o Barney Quill.
- That's right. Barney Quill.
Quando o Barney Quill foi morto.
The night Barney Quill was killed.
Onde estava quando o Barney Quill foi morto?
Where were you when Barney Quill was killed?
Era propriedade privada do Quill.
She was Quill's private property.
A Mary Pilant pode ter sido ou não... a amante do falecido B. Quill.
Mary Pilant may or may not have been the mistress of the late B. Quill.
A sua lealdade pelo falecido Sr. Quill é muito comovente.
Your loyalty to the dead Mr. Quill is very touching.
Segundo ele, quando matei o Quill, eu sofri uma "reacção dissociativa".
He said when I shot Quill I was suffering from "dissociative reaction."
Significa que tive um "impulso irresistível" de matar o Quill.
It means I had an "irresistible impulse" to shoot Quill.
Disse que você conhecia a diferença... entre o bem e o mal, quando matou o Quill?
Did he say you knew the difference between right and wrong when you shot Quill?
O corpo do Quill sofreu cinco ferimentos de bala.
The body of Quill had sustained five gunshot wounds.
Foi chamado pela polícia... para tirar fotografias ao corpo do falecido, Bernard Quill, antes e depois de ser retirado do local do crime?
Were you called upon by the police to take photographs of the body of the deceased, Bernard Quill before and after he was removed from the scene of death?
Mostravam o aspecto dela depois do Barney Quill ter sido morto?
These photographs showed how she looked after Barney Quill was killed?
Trabalhou na noite que o Sr. Quill foi morto por Frederick Manion?
Were you working the night Mr. Quill was shot by Frederick Manion?
Falou com o Barney Quill?
Did he speak to Barney Quill?
- Nessa noite, o Barney Quill saiu do bar?
- Did Barney Quill leave the bar that night?
- O Barney Quill era um Don Juan?
- Was Barney Quill a wolf?
O Barney Quill não o mandou ir para a janela ver se o Manion aparecia?
Didn't Barney Quill tell you to go to the window and watch out for Manion?
Viu o Tenente Manion na noite do dia 15, - a noite em que Barney Quill foi morto? - Sim.
Did you see Lt. Manion on the night of the 15th the night Barney Quill was killed?
Disse-me : "É melhor prender-me porque acabei de matar o Barney Quill."
He said, "You better take me, Mr. Lemon, because I just shot Barney Quill."
Não há provas que tornem relevante o aspecto de Barney Quill, mas não protestou contra isso.
No evidence was introduced to make Barney Quill's appearance relevant but you didn't object to that.
É por saber que ele tomou banho e mudou de roupa... depois de violar e bater nesta pobre senhora?
Is that because you know that Barney Quill bathed and changed after he raped and beat this poor woman?
Foi chamado a Thunder Bay pelo Xerife-Adjunto Lemon... - na noite em que Barney Quill foi morto?
Were you called to Thunder Bay by Deputy Sheriff Lemon on the night Barney Quill was killed?
Disse-me que a mulher tivera problemas com o Barney Quill, que tinha ido ao bar e disparado sobre ele.
He said his wife had had some trouble with Barney Quill and that he'd gone to the tavern and shot Quill.
Perguntou se ele estava morto ou não e nós dissemos que estava.
He asked whether Quill was dead or not, we told him he was.
Declarou que o Tenente Manion lhe disse ter morto o Barney Quill... depois de saber que a mulher tivera problemas com ele.
You testified that Lt. Manion told you that he shot Barney Quill after he had learned that his wife had had some trouble with Quill.
Porque o Tenente Manion matou o Barney Quill?
Why Lt. Manion shot Barney Quill?
O núcleo da nossa defesa baseia-se no facto da insanidade temporária do réu... ter sido originada pelo dito problema que houve com o Quill.
The core of our defence is that the defendant's temporary insanity was triggered by this so-called trouble with Quill.
Diga ao tribunal como o Tenente Manion descreveu o problema... que a mulher teve com Barney Quill.
Tell the court how Lt. Manion described the trouble his wife had with Barney Quill.
Disse que o Quill tinha violado a mulher.
He told us that Quill had raped his wife.
Procurámos no carro do Barney Quill e no quarto do hotel.
We looked in Barney Quill's car and his room in the hotel.
Nessa noite, ela jogou fliperama com o Barney Quill, não jogou?
She was playing pinball with Barney Quill that night, wasn't she?

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