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Rosalie translate English

291 parallel translation
Rosalie Riley.
Rosalie Riley.
A Rosalie, com cabelo cor do sol.
Rosalie, with hair like sunshine.
Rosalie, bela Rosalie.
Rosalie, fair Rosalie.
E o nome que lhe quero chamar.
- A name I'm after calling you. - Rosalie?
Princesa Rosalie.
Princess Rosalie.
Chame-me Rosalie.
Call me Rosalie.
Bela Rosalie!
- Fair Rosalie!
A menina Rosalie McCann, tem algo a dizer ao sargento Siegle antes que ele parta ;
Miss Rosalie McCann, who has something to say to Sergeant Siegle before he leaves.
Olá, Rosalie.
Hey, Rosalie.
- Rosalie, querida, diz olá ao Dave.
- Rosalie, honey, say hello to Dave.
Este é o Bama Dillert, e esta á a Rosalie.
This is Bama Dillert, and this here is Rosalie.
- Sabes o que a Rosalie ouviu dizer?
- You know what Rosalie heard?
Peggy, passe ao quarto de Helen Burton, e Mary, mude de quarto com Rosalie Wells.
Peggy, move into Helen Burton's room, and Mary, change rooms with Rosalie Wells.
Conte para Rosalie.
Tell Rosalie.
É a pulseira de Rosalie.
It's Rosalie's bracelet.
Rosalie, você vem aqui fora comigo um momento?
Rosalie, will you come outside with me a moment?
Rosalie, sua mãe nos enviou uma mensagem pra você arrumar sua mala e passar a noite com os Tilfords.
Rosalie, your mother has sent us a message that you're to pack a bag and spend the night at the Tilfords'.
Agora Rosalie?
Now Rosalie?
Rosalie Wells está aqui para passar a noite com você.
Rosalie Wells is here to spend the night with you. - What?
Certo, entre, Rosalie.
All right, come on in, Rosalie.
Eu, Rosalie Wells sou agora um membro do círculo secreto.
"I, Rosalie Wells, " am now a member of the inner circle. "
Eu, RosalieWells sou agora um membro do círculo secreto.
I, Rosalie Wells, am now a member of the inner circle.
Foi Rosalie que as viu.
It was Rosalie who saw them.
Eu só disse que era eu para não ter que fofocar sobre Rosalie.
I only said it was me so I wouldn't have to tattle on Rosalie.
Pergunte a Rosalie.
You ask Rosalie.
Traga Rosalie.
Get Rosalie.
Rosalie Mary disse que tinha muitas conversas na escola ultimamente sobre Senhorita Wright e Senhorita Dobie.
Rosalie... Mary says there's been a lot of talk at school lately about Miss Wright and Miss Dobie.
Rosalie, não há necessidade de chorar.
Rosalie, there's no need to cry.
Mary e Rosalie Wells admitiram que a coisa inteira era uma mentira.
Mary and Rosalie Wells have admitted the whole thing was a lie.
Rosalia, olá.
Rosalie, ai. Oye, Nardo.
Rosalia, Consuelo. Minhas adoráveis amigas.
Rosalie, Consuelo, my adorable friends, can you keep a secret?
Rosalie, vá abrir, por favor.
Rosalie, please get the door.
Eu bem te disse, Rosalie.
I told you, Rosalie.
Miss Bowers já vem olhar por si.
Rosalie's gone to get Miss Bowers. She's a nurse, she'll look after you.
A partir desse momento, a Jackie foi vista pela Rosalie e o Doyle, pelo Ferguson ou a Bowers, que lhe deu então a morfina, e passou a noite com ela.
And from then on, Jackie was in view either of Mademoiselle Rosalie and Monsieur Doyle or Monsieur Ferguson and Mademoiselle Bowers, who injected her with morphia and stayed with her in her cabin all night.
Enquanto Mr Ferguson e Rosalie ajudavam o Dr. Bessner, podia ter deixado a sua doente e apanhado a arma.
While Monsieur Ferguson and Mademoiselle Rosalie... were assisting Doctor Bessner,... you could have left your unconscious patient and run in here to pick up the gun.
Madame Rosalie viu Jaqueline disparar a pistola.
Mademoiselle Rosalie saw Jacqueline fire her pistol.
Jackie é levada para o camarote por Rosalie e Mr Ferguson.
And so Jackie is helped to her cabin by Mademoiselle Rosalie and Monsieur Ferguson.
Depois Rosalie vai buscar Miss Bowers.
Then, Mademoiselle Rosalie goes to fetch Miss Bowers.
A raiva fingida de Simon. A escolha da Rosalie como testemunha. O crescendo dos disparos.
Simon's feigned rage, your selection of Mademoiselle Rosalie as a witness, and all that build up to the shooting, the exaggerated hysteria,...
Talvez a Rosalie tenha-se enganado.
Maybe Rosalie made a mistake.
E, esta é a minha filha mais nova, Rosalie.
And, this is my younger daughter, Rosalie.
E, por falar em encontros, poderíamos ter executado esta tarefa esta tarde, se não tivesses ido visitar aquela Rosalie.
And speaking of dates, we could've performed this task this afternoon... if you hadn't visited that Rosalie woman.
Rosalie é a outra que vive junto á praia.
Rosalie's the other one. She lives down by the beach.
- Rosalie, estás bem?
- Rosalie, are you okay?
Não, perguntei à Rosalie.
No. No, I asked Rosalie.
Tio Vic e tia Rosalie virão.
Uncle Vic and Aunt Rosalie are coming'over.
Por Santa Rosália!
Oh, dear Saint Rosalie.

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