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Stern translate English

1,167 parallel translation
Descer para 5 o hidroplano da proa.
Stern down 5.
Proa em zero.
Stern zero.
Subir hidroplano da proa para 5.
Stern planes up 5. Easy.
Subir popa a 10 e descer proa a 5.
Bow up 10, stern down 5.
Descer proa para 5.
Stern down 5.
Subir hidroplanos da popa para 2, descer os da proa para 2.
Bow planes up 2. Stern planes down 2.
Proa para cima em 10.
Stern up 10.
- Proa a 15, popa a 10.
- Bow planes down 15. Stern up 10.
Popa a 5.
Stern up 5.
- Proa a 10.
- Stern up 10.
Proa a 15.
Stern up 15.
Proa a 10!
Stern down 10!
- Proa a 15, popa a 5.
- Bow planes up 15, stern planes up 5.
Popa a 3.
Stern down 3.
Popa a 10.
Stern planes up 10.
Sr. Huntoon, em tempo de guerra... ... um governo deveria tomar medidas necessárias severas... ... para uma operação militar...
Mr. Huntoon, in time of war a central government must enforce stern measures necessary to our military operation such as the use of slaves as laborers, regardless of its unpopularity.
Quando atirou com as moedas para dentro do bolso sem pensar, um rigoroso hábito de uma vida inteira foi completamente negligenciado.
When you thrust those coins, unthinkingly into your waistcoat pocket. The stern habit of a lifetime trampled under foot.
Escreve uma denúncia horenda contra ti ;
meanwhile here in dark cell a hermit doth indite thy stern denunciation.
Serei mais rígido de futuro.
i will be more stern in future. good.
- Você assustou-me.
Lieutenant stern, you startled me.
Clifford Stern.
- I'm Clifford Stern.
Clifford Stern.
Any messages?
Mas selvagens, assim como os soldados... que só meditam em sangue... crescemos em blasfémias, olhares ferozes, trajes difusos... e tudo que não pareça... natural.
but grow like savages, as soldiers will... that nothing do but meditate on blood... to swearing and stern looks, diffused attire, and everything that seems... unnatural.
Aproximem a popa.
Put her stern-in.
Stern, és mais louco do que me disseram!
Stern, you're crazier than they said you were.
Hey, Stern, wait up.
MacArthur Stern, o superpolícia...
Well, well, MacArthur Stern, supercop.
Que profundo, Stern...
That's some deep shit, Stern.
MacArthur Stern?
MacArthur Stern?
- Que raio trazes aí, Stern? - O quê?
- What the hell you got there, Stern?
Ellis Fielding, este é Mac Stern.
Ellis Fielding, Mac Stern.
Ninguém gosta de ti, Stern.
People just don't like you, Stern.
Detective Stern, fiquei impressionado com o pormenor com que questionou o meu relato.
Detective Stern, I was most impressed by your recall of detail in your querying of my account.
Mr. Stern?
Mr. Stern.
O planeta reuniu-se e falou sobre o problema de Mac Stern?
Everybody on the planet get together and discuss what's wrong with Mac Stern?
Detective Stern...
Detective Stern.
- MacArthur Stern.
- MacArthur Stern.
Vou pedir ao Sandy Stern para me defender.
I'm going to ask Sandy Stern to take my case.
O Sandy Stern que prepare a fiança.
Call Sandy Stern to make bail.
Quer examinar o local do crime?
Mr. Stern, you want to examine the scene of the crime, right?
Mr. Stern, alguma coisa mais?
Mr. Stern, anything further?
Desculpem, Mr. Stern.
I apologize, Mr. Stern.
Se Mr. Stern está habilitado a provar que o caso contra Sabich foi fabricado, então, esta história de antagonismo é relevante.
If Mr. Stern is truly going to endeavor to prove that the case against Mr. Sabich has been manufactured then this history of antagonism is relevant for those purposes.
Mr. Stern, está a brincar com o fogo.
Mr. Stern, you're playing with fire.
Estudei os seus argumentos.
Mr. Stern, I have studied your arguments.
A objecção de Mr. Stern é rejeitada.
Mr. Stern's objection is overruled.
Acusa-me, Mr. Stern?
Do you accuse me, Mr. Stern?
Se tivesses estado a prestar atenção, talvez tivesses notado que a tua família te vê, como uma autoridade, um ogre, se o desejares.
If you had been paying attention, perhaps you would have noticed that your family sees you... as a rather stern authority figure, an ogre, if you will.
"O coração severo... tornou-se afável."
"The stern heart... " has become soft. "
Boa noite, Sra. Stern.
Would you tell Mr. Merlas I need to see him urgently.
Não deverias saber disto.
Clifford Stern.

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