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Woolworth translate English

55 parallel translation
Apanho cinco e dez em Woolworth.
I'll take five and ten in Woolworth.
Se alguma vez voltar, terei um óptimo escritório no edifício Woolworth.
I ever get back, I'll have a swell law office in the Woolworth Building.
Edifício Woolworth, cá venho eu!
Woolworth Building, here I come!
Do ponto mais alto da cidade, a famosa'WooIworth Tower'.
"From the city's highest spot Atop the famous Woolworth Tower"
A WooIworth Tower?
- The Woolworth Tower?
- Sim, a WooIworth Tower.
- Yeah, the Woolworth Tower.
Espere aí, rapaz. Você disse'WooIworth Tower'?
" Hold the phone, Joe Did you say the Woolworth Tower?
- Aquilo é prédio Woolworth?
- Hey, is that the Woolworth Building?
- Trabalho na Woolworth's.
- Working at Woolworth's.
Pulseiras de diamantes, nada de bijutaria,... querida.
♪ Diamond bracelets Woolworth's ♪ ♪ Doesn't sell ♪ ♪ Baby ♪
Pulseiras de diamantes, nada de bijutaria.
♪ Diamond bracelets Woolworth's doesn't sell ♪
São tantos os que cá vêem... que parece dia de saldos de Woolsworth.
I got more tricks coming in and out of this apartment in one day... it looks like a bargain day at Woolworth's.
Sou um segurança em Woolworth's. Estou de férias por amor a Cristo.
I'm a security guard at Woolworth's. I'm on vacation for Christ's sake.
É o edifício Woolworth. Que não é problema, ou...
This is either the Woolworth building, in which case it's okay, or...
Estão a vender perucas de hippies em Woolworth's, meu.
They're sellin'hippie wigs in Woolworth's, man.
Eles estavam à venda na Woolworth's. Oscar disse que não importava.
They were on sale at Woolworths Oscar said it didn't matter.
Sabia que todas as sextas, depois das aulas, ela comprava um lenço novo, na Woolworths.
I knew that every Friday after school, she bought a brand-new scarf at Woolworth's.
Depois, ainda há os óculos Woolworth. Esses então!
Then they have those Woolworth glasses.
Um dia estava a almoçar em Woolworth's, ao balcão.
One day, I was in Woolworth's. I was having lunch at the counter.
Sim, da rua da América.
The "Woolworth's" on America Street isn't far!
Ali, o Edifício Woolworth.
Down there is the Woolworth Building.
Em 1913, quando estavam a construir o edifício Woolworth, operários encontraram o corpo de um industrialista rico, Talbot Soames.
In 1913, when the Woolworth Building was being built workmen found the body of a rich industrialist, Talbot Soames.
Estará numa cave perto ou dentro do edifício Woolworth.
She'll be in a basement near or in the Woolworth Building.
Mande o Serviço de Emergência ( ESU ) Ir ter connosco ao edifício.
Have Emergency Services Unit meet us by the Woolworth Building.
- Mas não existe nenhuma loja por perto.
Yeah, but there wasn't a Woolworth's in this quadrant.
E fique fora de Woolworth.
And stay out of the Woolworths.
Apanhamos de um vendedor de Bíblia e fomos banidos de Woolworth.
And we was beat up by a Bible salesman and banished from Woolworths.
Eu gostava daquelas tortuguitas que vendiam no Woolworth'S.
I used to like those turtles at the Woolworth's.
E uma loja Woolworth's se incendiava.
There was this Woolworth's that was burning.
Este vestido me faz parecer um abajur horrendo.
This dress makes me look like a Woolworth's lamp shade.
É melhor ser no Woolworth's.
- Make it Woolworth's. - Woolworth's.
Eu disse Penney's ou Woolworth's?
Did I say Penney's or Woolworth's?
Shakespeare, Woolworth, e todos eles.
'Shakespeare and Woolworth, and all them.
Alguns deles, mais novo que o Edifício Woolworth ou que não seja marioneta de Tripp Darling?
Any of them younger than the woolworth building or not in tripp darling's pocket?
Tenho vista para a Câmara, o Edifício Woolworth.
City Hall, I've got the Woolworth Building.
Vamos ao Woolworth.
Let's go down to Woolworth.
O Gerry estava no Woolworth's um dia, na Brixton High Street.
Gerry was in Woolworth's one day, Brixton high street.
Viu a comida e pensa que ainda serve almoços no Woolworth em 1949.
She saw the food and now she thinks she's still working the lunch counter at Woolworth's in 1949.
Parece que ela está outra vez no Woolworth.
Looks like she's stuck back at Woolworth's again.
Isto não é o balcão de festividades da Woolworth.
This is not the holiday counter at Woolworth's!
Mas antes de ele nascer, Eu modelei um fato de um anúncio Woolworth.
But before he was born, I modeled a bathing suit for a Woolworth advertisement.
Sim, o velho Sr. Woolworth realmente sabia como escolher-lhe, não é?
Yeah, old Mr. Woolworth really, really knew how to pick them, didn't he?
Conhecendo-o, deve ser alguma colónia barata.
Knowing you, it's probably some cheap toilet water from the Woolworth's.
Quatro anos como vendedor no Woolworth's.
Four years as a sales clerk for Woolworth's.
Onde eles abriram a nova loja Woolworth?
Where they opened that new Woolworth's?
Um Woolworth?
A Woolworth's?
Vou gastar o meu dinheiro no Woolworth.
I'm going to take my business to Woolworth's.
Ou a Woolworth.
Or Woolworth's.
LONDON, ONTÁRIO A Igreja da Cientologia era composta por dois escritórios por cima de uma loja.
The Church of Scientology turned out to be two offices above a Woolworth's store.
Isso vai, Lãzuda?
- How's it going, Woolworth?

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